Chapter 18

4 hot guys

"Yes I don't have to go to scool today!!!" I yelled as I sat up on my bed.

I heard footsteps coming towards my room. "Taeyeon would you quiet down?"

"Sorry Yunho."

"Why don't you go back to sleep." Hey that's a good idea.

"You know what? I am." I laid back down onto my bed and closed my eyes. I heard him walk out and close the door behind him. This is great. I don't have to go to school, and I get to sleep in!!!.


~Ding Dong~

Yunho walked to the door and answered it. "Hey Yuri."

"Hey. Can I talk to Taeyeon?"

Yunho scratched his head. "Well...uh... she's still sleeping."

She looked at him not believing it. "Oh really?"

Yunho nodded. "Yeah, she's really tired."

"Well then can you wake her up?"

"I'll try." Yunho opened the door to let Yuri in and went upstairs.

"Taeyeon wake up."

"Why?" She groaned.

"Yuri's here."

"Well tell her to go away!" Taeyeon yelled throwing a pillow at him.

"Hey." Yunho took the pillow and put it on her bed. "You guys need to settle things."

"Well I don't want to talk to her."

"You have to." Yunho said dragging her out of bed.



"Let me go!!!"

"NO!" Yunho got her out of bed and dragged her downstairs. "There, she's awake."

"Thanks." Yuri said. Yunho nodded with a slight smile and walked back upstairs and into his room.

"Taeyeon we need to talk."

"I have nothing to talk about." Taeyeon said as she glared at her.

"Well I do. It's about Jaejoong."

Taeyeon's eyes softened up. She had a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong with Jaejoong?"

"He's changed so much, I don't even know why." Yuri said as she sat down on the couch.

Taeyeon walked closer and sat down next to her. "Well, why does he need to talk to me?"

Yuri turned to her. "Because, you're the only one who he opens up to."

"But you're the one who walked to school with him."

"Yes, but he was just being stupid. He needs you Taeyeon."

Taeyeon looked down. "But he's mad at me."

"Why do you think that?" Yuri asked.

Taeyeon shrugged. "I don't know, I just do."

"Well the only way to figure out if he's really mad at you is to go talk to him." Yuri said as she stood up.

Taeyeon looked up at her. "When should I?"

"Uh." Yuri looked at her watch "Like right now."

Taeyeon stood up. "Okay well I'm gonna go change first."

"You go do that." Yuri said laughing at her because she was still wearing her Hello Kitty pajamas.


(Taeyeon's POV)

I have reached Jaejoong's house. I stepped up onto his porch and knocked on the door. I hope he's home. I actually miss him. I haven't talked to or seen him in days. Well it seems like days.

Suddenly the door opened and Jaejoong's head poked out. "Jaejoong." I had excitement in my voice. I'm pretty sure he could tell.

"Uh, yeah?"

Well here it goes. "Jaejoong, I'm sorry." He opened the door wider and walked out.

"Sorry for what?"

"For being a horrible friend." Yes that's the exact word that explains how I feel.

"You're not a horrible friend." Oh please, just stop being so nice. It makes it harder for me.

"Yes I am. I didn't believe my true friends, but I believed someone who turned out to be a real jerk." Yes Donghae I'm talking about you.

"Taeyeon it's fine. Everyone has those times."

"Jaejoong, you need to let me apologize. I'm feeling so guilty and you're just making it worst." I crossed my arms and pouted.

He chuckled at me and pulled me inside the house. He closed the door and turned back to me. "Taeyeon, I accept your apology."

"Thank you!" Yes, now I don't feel so guilty. "So you're not mad at me?"

He shook his head. "Why would I be mad at you? I never was."

"Then why did you walk to school with Yuri and with out me?"

"Because I thought you might've wanted some time alone." What? Wanted some time alone? I already feel alone with out my best friends.

"Jaejoong, I feel alone when you're not around." Uh....I need to use better words and phrasing next time.

"Uh, I feel the same way about you too." He smiled. I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way.

"You know what I meant right?"

He nodded. "Yeah of course. Like you can't live with out your best friend."

I nodded and smiled. "Yes that's exactly what I meant." I'm so glad he understands.

Everything was silent until my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey aren't you supposed to tutor me today?" Oh no. Why can't he just let me have this day to myself?

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll see you at the park." I clicked the 'End' button and looked up at Jaejoong. "I have to go, I'm sorry."


"I have to go somewhere. I'll talk to you later alright." I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Yeah sure, later."


(Eunhyuk's POV)

"Hey Hyuk?"

I turned around and saw that Yoochun was standing in the door way of my bedroom. "Hey, come in."

He walked in and started to play with my pen that was on my desk. "So how's it going?"

"Okay I guess." I grabbed my books and put them into my bag.

"Where are you going?"

"To the park."

"With your books?"

"Yeah." I walked into my closet and took out some white sneakers.


"I'm getting tutored." I sat down on the floor and put my shoes on.

"By who?"


"You mean the girl you like?" Oh gosh, I forgot that you knew I liked her.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"What about Jaejoong?"

I looked up at him "What about Jaejoong?" He simply shrugged. "Well I got to go. See ya."

"Bye." We both walked to the front door and walked out.

I turned to him. "Well it was nice talking to you."

He nodded. "You too." He shoved his hands into his pocket and walked away.


(Yoochun's POV)

I let out a sigh. What happened to my best friend? He's changed ever since Seunghyun came. He left me and Yesung. He doesn't even talk to us anymore. Did he forget that I was the one who was there for him when his girlfriend broke up with him, and not Seunghyun? Psh he cried for days. He's older but he acts like he's the youngest. What a friend huh? I need someone to talk to, I'm having some family crisis. We were like brothers. I guess he forgot huh?


"Taeyeon you need to come home. We have to talk."

"What is it?" Taeyeon said on the phone.

"Family meeting."

"Alright Yunho. I'll be there." Taeyeon pressed the end button, and then dialed Eunhyuk's number.

Eunhyuk answered his cell "Hello?"

"Eunhyuk, something's come up. I'll be a little late."

"Oh okay." They both hung up and Taeyeon went home.


(Taeyeon's POV)

I walked through the doors and saw my dad, step mom, and step brother sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Alright,  I'm here."

"Good." My dad began. "We are going to be having a relative over."

"Who is it?" I hope it's someone I'm close to. I'm not close with any of my relatives, because they're all from my birth mom's side.

"Taeyeon, do you remember Boa?"

"BOA?!?" Boa I love Boa!! She's the only one I'm close with from my dad's side. But she moved to the states when I was 15 years old. That's like what three to four years ago?

My dad nodded. "Yes, she's coming back to Seoul, and she needs a place to stay."

"Why?" Yunho asked. Gosh Yunho just be happy!

His mom turned to him. "Because she moving back. We're going to let her stay here until she finds a place of her own."

"Okay that's cool. I can't wait!" I yelled jumping up and down.

My dad smiled. "We'll be picking her up on Saturday. Which is in two days."

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LoveYou12345678 #1
new reader and wish you could still udpate!
sea0horse #2
Chapter 22: new reader here. Please update soon :)
I thought u finished thie fic already? o.O
please update! its been ages. D:
faby28 #6
please...update soon *_*
Hey want a cool poster ... Check out this graphic shop ( And maybe if you want make a REQUEST MAYBE TWO OR THREE!! ^_^
update ~~~~
wow! TAEYEON! hehheheh! she so lucky! LOL~ update please. :)<br />
Hey T.T update! Pls!