Sir Pimp, Cookies and The Duck Dragon

JunChun Twitter Stories


And Lord Min said let it rain rained cookies n everyone got tummy aches


Sir Pimp Yoochun went to slay the evil duck dragon but never returned~


rumor has it the Duck Dragon enslaved Sir Pimp ~


Lord Min declared national food day n anyone on a diet would be slain


one day sir pimp Yoochun returned back to the village limping but no wounds

the towns people rejoiced having their mighty sir pimp back but were concerned on what happened...


they gathered around sir pimp for answers. upon seeing his fellow people. sir pimp lowered his head n blushed


'sir pimp r u injured?' they asked. he shook his head. 'what is wrong?' he looked up at his people n  said


'i have become a bride' all he heard was gasp 'who dares make my sir pimp a bride?!' lord min roared


'lord min' sir pimp whispered as he was being approached but tensed once he heard it


'EU KYANG KYANG' it was his battle cry sir pimp thought. they all turned n saw him. Duck Dragon


the duck dragon swiftly stood in front of his bride. stealing a quick kiss before facing the towns people n smirked. 'i am the Duck Dragon also known as Junsu The Duck Dragon'


'what gives u the right to take my sir pimp' lord min hissed as he stormed towards Junsu n Sir Pimp successfully getting a hold of sir pimps arm and pulling him away.


Junsu grabbing his brides other arm locked eyes with Lord Min. 'i allowed my bride to return to his town for u all to see he was safe.' sir pimp pulled his arm from lord min n silently stood behind his new husband


Lord Min stood speechless, so did all the towns people. what did the evil duck dragon do to their mighty Sir Pimp for him to become so submissive in just a matter of days, they wondered.


‘what kind of spell have you put on my knight duck dragon?’ lord min calmly asked. making his way back to his town people who were more were beginning to gather in order to see the commotion.


‘spell?’ junsu chuckled. ‘my dear human. my bride has no spell. he willingly accepted his fate, isnt that right?’ he turned to face his bride who latter just lowered his head but nodded.


‘then y are you here? surely u could be doing better things.’ lord min paused and eyed his now ex knight. ‘right now than come all the way here just for us to know our si-...yoochun is safe.’ lord min questioned.


yoochun stood behind his husband. curiously looking up at him. ‘why were they here anyway? Junsu said he wouldnt bring him back when he first agreed to be his bride but now they were here. why?’ he wondered.


junsu laughed. ‘indeed you are very perceptive human.’ he wrapped his arm around his bride and pulled him close. eyes never leaving lord min. ‘since i took one of your best knights. i thought i should be grateful and brought two of my best people here’ 


lord min approached the new couple. ‘what makes u so sure i will accept these people and not just slay u here and take back my man’ in every step he showed power and authority.


before lord min could reach them. junsu snapped his finger. instantly two people were kneeling in front of him. waiting for orders.


‘lord min. please greet Jaejoong and Yunho. the best men i have.’ 


lord min stopped. frozen. ‘Jaejoong and Yunho. u say?’ he eyed the kneeling men. walking over to them. inspecting them before gasping.


Junsu raised his eyebrow. ‘i believe you know who they are?’ 


‘it cant be.’ lord min whispered. ‘jaejoong the fastest and best cook ever to walk this earth.. and yunho... the the strongest waiter who legend said carried 10 plates filled with food at a time.’


‘lord min’ yoochun stepped away from his husband who growled but nonetheless let his bride walk towards the lord. 


lord min looked up at yoochun who was carefully approaching him stopping 2 feet away before looking down at his feet.  ‘lord min..’


Lord min grabbed yoochuns shoulder’s successfully getting the boys attention. looking at him seriously with a stern voice and said. ‘Yoochun. i expect u give this great man good children!’ before letting go and making his way towards his 2 new favorite people.


Yoochun stood there. surprised. ‘did he just give me his blessing?.... and children?!? im a man!’ he frowned looking at his ex Lord cheerfully Jaejoong and Yunho to his palace.


Junsu mischievously grinned. ‘thank god i was able to get rid of those two. it was getting too loud at night.’ he shivered ‘i even stopped eating once i found out they did it in my kitchen.’ 


Junsu whistled to his bride.  signaling that it was time to leave. ‘YunJae are his problem now’ he murmured as he grabbed his brides waist and flew them far far away hoping and praying that Jaejoong and Yunho to never,  NEVER find their way back home.

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miriuchiha #1
Lol this is too funny, but their names were hard to follow. XD Didn't know YunJae were getting it on like rabbits. Keke
wahh~ i love this story ^///^ *junchun fan*
Yoochunswifey #3
O______________________________________O<br />
I just saw your username!!!
Yoochunswifey #4
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! <br />
This fic is pure crack, me love <3!!!<br />
I laughed so hard while reading this I can't believe I'm the first to comment!?<br />
The duck dragon, Sir Pimp and Changminxfood kekekeke XD<br />
Ah and JUNCHUUUUUN<3<3<3<3<3<br />
I want Changmin to be the ruler of my country!! Do you think he can make it rain men too? And chocolate bars.. no that would hurt if it hit you in the head wouldn't it... Oh I know it! It can rain Rain.. AS in Bi rain? Get it`? XD