► Betrayal

Pickup for Betrayal
Designer's Notes: -  I hope it suit the theme. I rarely do fantasy so is the best I can come up with.  I kept the background simple but I hope you like your request :)
Remember to:
01. Use the graphic for at least 2 weeks min
02. Credit the shop and the designer of your graphic
If not you will be blacklisted.
Credit Us using this banner :) Good luck with your story!


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Ddreamer05 #1
Chapter 74: OMG Thank you very much! I LOOOOVE IT!
2oclock #2
Chapter 75: I picked up. I'll use it when i'm using my laptop
Betrayal #3
OMG, I love your design so much! Picked up~I credited this shop as required *kamsa hamnida* I'll use the poster and background until the end, not only 2 weeks *blushed*
2oclock #4
Chapter 3: I've requested
Chapter 24: I've requested :)
Chapter 72: Woah.... I'm currently speechless.... This one is definitely DAEBAK!!! Thank you! ^^
Chapter 71: thank you so much~ :*
i like it, like it, like it!!~ :D
I've already credited your shop ^^
OMG sorry for the spam just telling you that I'm deleting my request T.T so sorry!
Chapter 24: omg I forgot something. I need a background too, do I have to request one more time?
Heyo~I requested again :D Thank you and I really love your shop oh and, I'm adding this shop as affiliates :D