
Ice Love


Jang Wooyoung is the most coolest boy in this school. People forcing themself to be close with him, or at least be around him - And it's both boys and girls. The other cool guys are all Wooyoung's homies, and other girls are Wooyoung's ... fans? - "Wooyoung is the most coolest and handsome guy in this school!!" It's what girls said about him. Even tought he got that we call popularity out of school or at school, but he doesn't use the opportunity to play around with girl's heart. At valentine's day, he got the most presents and chocolates among the boys, but funny thing is, even tought his friends changed their couple few times in a month, people still can't belive that Wooyoung never had a date experience. Wierd, but true. He is very interesting guy but he also a very serious one. There's no one knows why he got no girlfriend - He can just pointing on a girl he wants to be with then he'll get her, but... he never done it before, or maybe he really doesn't want to do it?. 
4 weeks ago, a girl wich is beautiful and smart came to Wooyoung when he was hanging out with his friends at school's park, and confessed her feelings to Wooyoung, it's not the first time it happened tought, as expected, he rejected, but what makes all girls still confessing their feelings toward him even tought they knew he'll rejects is, he never rejected them harsly, instead he'll put the cool act and smile to the girl, said that the girl can go and find another better guy. 
Not only cool and good looking, but Wooyoung also a son of a rich family and a very talented guy. He won many dance and sing competions. 
As always, Wooyoung hangs-out with the boys when its break-time at the school's garden. They hangs-out, talks, recommended music to each others and also show or learned each others their B-boy's moves. 
"Ya! Do you heard about the girl?" Asked one of the boys to Wooyoung.
"Wich girl?" Wooyoung asked as he listens to the music from his left ear that he propped with an earphone.
"You know.. the girl named Yun-Hee?" 
"Yun-Hee?" Wooyoung said as he takes off the earphone and looks serious on his face.
"Wae? You know her?" The boy asked. 
"What's wrong with her?" Wooyoung ignored the boy's question, instead he questioned the boy back.
"Nothing, I just met her today at the cantine, and I think she's very beautiful" Said the boy.
"Tsk" Wooyoung smirked - "Wait untill you're here alittle longer" As Wooyoung put the earphone back on both of his ears. 
The boy that asked Wooyoung about Yun-Hee is obsiouvlsy a new student. In this school, if Jang Wooyoung is the most coolest guy, then Lee Yun-Hee is the most coldest girl. Everybody knows Lee Yun-Hee the cold blooded girl as well as they knows Jang Wooyoung the cool guy. Lee Yun-Hee is smart, pretty and ... cold. She's very careless about what happening around her. But, cold doesn't mean that Yun-Hee has no friend, ofcourse she has some friends, but she also has a best friend named Kim Hana. Even tought Yun-Hee is cold as an ice, but Hana is a very opposite of her. Hana a very cheerfull girl and friendly. Only Hana that can accepted Yun-Hee cold blood. All girls in this school have no problem being friends with Yun-Hee, but just that, they feels like they'll going to freeze when they are around Yun-Hee. 
"Yun-Hee-aaaaah!" Shouted Hana exictedly and straight sits front of Yun-Hee and smile so brightly.
Unsurprisingly no responses from Yun-Hee. She still focusing on reading the book she holds - Hana get used to it.
"Yun-Hee-ah, can you please stop reading? I'm so hungry!" Hana said as she pouts .
"Fine" Yun-Hee closes the book and starts walk toward school's cantine, careless about Hana, she walks by herself.
"Ya! Wait for me" Hana runs to walks beside Yun-Hee.
They both bough a menu meal and sit front of each other, while enjoying their meal:
"Yun-Hee-ah! I heard.. after school today, Wooyoung and the boys going to B-boying at the shool's garden" Hana said shyly.
"Can you company me to buy book at a book store today?" Yun-Hee totally ignored Hana's question and questioned Hana back.
"How can you be so heartless? I asked you first to company me" Once again Hana pouts - Yun-Hee sighs.
"Shiro? Ok, then no need" Again, she ignored Hana.
Seems like this time Hana can not take it anymore. She throws the fork and leaves Yun-Hee alone. Doesn't care about it, Yun-Hee countinue eating her food. 
Hana likes Wooyoung the coolest guy so much. Ofcourse Yun-Hee knows about it, but she never wants to be involved in it. Hana likes Wooyoung so much, and it's clear till all knows about it and so do Wooyoung. Even tought Hana likes Wooyoung, but Hana is not one of the girls who had confessed to Wooyoung, and it's all thanks to Yun-Hee.
The school's bell rings, and that means, the school just ended. All students get out from their class in a crowd. At Yun-Hee and Hana's class, there's already empty, only the two of them left. Hana sit on her place not moving for an inch with a sad face. Yun-Hee packed all her books and walks toward where Hana sits. She starts to packs all Hana's stuffs.
"Ok then I'll go with you" Said Yun-Hee.
"Jinjja?" A bright smile suddenly appears on Hana's face - Yun-Hee nods.
"But, don't take it so long time, I want to go buy some books" Again, Yun-Hee walks careless out from the class first.
"Ok! But,Wait for me!" Hana runs to Yun-Hee.
Hana is very very happy. She can watch Wooyoung and the boys b-boying and she do it together with Yun-Hee. 
Clearly seen on Yun-Hee's face that she've been forced to be there and watch them b-boying, but Hana is enjoying it - She claps to every moves of them and she'll shouts and claps even more when its Wooyoung's turn. Yun-Hee peeks on her watch countlessly, and tells Hana that it's time for them to leave, but Hana is enjoying this too much, so what so ever been told to her, she won't hears it. 
"Khaja!" Said Yun-Hee as she grabbed Hana's hand and pulls her.
"Let's wait alittle more" Shouted Hana and tried to let go of from Yun-Hee, but Yun-Hee holded her hand so tightly.
"I want to watch them alittle more, can you please be patient and be nice let go of my hand?" As Hana pouts . 
"No! I've been patiented enough to sit here with you" Yun-Hee holds Hana's hand even more tighter and tried to drags Hana to walk away with her, untill a guy comes and stops her. 
"Let go off her hand" Wooyoung said as he looks deep into Yun-Hee's eyes. Their eyes meet each other's in hate. 
"What's your problem?" As expected, Yun-Hee asked coldly. Hana's heart is almost popped out when she looks at Wooyoung. 
"Just let go off her hand. Why are you treating your friend that way?" Wooyoung sounds angry, but thats annoyed Yun-Hee.
She smirked at Wooyoung and let go off Hana's hand. She walks without words and glance to both of Wooyoung and Hana in a second. 
"Are you ok?" Wooyoung asked Hana while he looks around her hands.
"I-I'm ok" After gasping for some air, finally she can answeared Wooyoung.
"Is she your friend?" He asked as he neats his black jacket's collar and makes Hana feels weaked by that.
"Y-yes. She's m-my bestfriend" Hana blusing - "B-by the way.. I'm Hana" She gave her hand, and straight grabbed by Wooyoung.
"Jang Wooyoung" They shakes hands for their first meet and it's for the first time Wooyoung heard Hana's name even thought he knew she liked him, while Hana have talked about Wooyoung countlessly to her bestfriend. Hana is almost flies away when Wooyoung shakes her hand. 
"So, you like our activities?" As he sits beside Hana. 
"Ne, I like it. I think you guys very cool" Hana's face becomes red.
"You think we are cool, or you think I'm cool?" Wooyoung makes Hana becomes a pure tomato.
"I-I mean, you.. well.. yo-you guys.. b-but you al-also.." Hana paniced and points here and there while she wants to explain.
Wooyoung smiles looking at Hana paniced. All and himself know that she likes him. Wooyoung stands up and without words leave Hana on the stone-stair and joins back to the other boys. 
As Hana feels sorry but happy at the same time, she calls Yun-Hee.
"Hm" A cold sign from Yun-Hee.
"Yun-Hee-ah.. are you mad at me?" Hana asked carefully, make sure she doesn't annoyed her.
"B-but why did you go before?" 
"Why do you think I went?"
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you"
"Because.. Hana.. try to look around you" Yun-Hee said as Hana tries to looks around her - There's many girls watching Wooyoung and the boys, and Hana started to relises the situation.
"OH MY GOD! So many girls" Hana shouted in shocks.
"That's why. But I guess you was to focused on the boys till you didnt relised that you were one of those stupid girls that sat there and looking at their 'cool guy' b-boying" Yun-Hee sounds alittle annoyed.  
"Mianhae.." Hana pouts .
"Oh please, don't tell me you're pouting your mouth and you feel like want to cry!" Yun-Hee shouted - Hana nodded in honesty.
"What? Am I right? Don't nodding! I can't see you nodding if we're talking on phone" Once again she shouted as she can't take it.
"Arrgh! How come you know every moves of mine?" Hana shouted.
"Because I'm smart. Now are you still there? You don't think to dissapear from that place yet?" 
"OK! OK! I'm leaving now, annyeong" Hana hangs up. 
She looks at all the girls that screaming and clapping. She shakes her head when she thinks back she was just like those girls before Yun-Hee told her. She takes her school bag and quickly walks away from the stone-stair, but when she was halfway to the school's gate, someone stops her by calling her name:
"Hana!" Before Hana turns back, she knows straight it's Wooyoung by the voice. She turns back.
"You're leaving?" He asked as he stops running and stands a meter away from her - Hana's heart beats so fast.
"N-ne, I'm leaving" Hana sounds sad.
"Wae? Because of that cold blooded girl?" Wooyung takes two slowly step forward. 
"N-no, not really" Hana tried to calm herself.
"Then? We are still B-boying and end about 30 minutes, you're not going to wait alittle bit?" Wooyoung takes another two steps.
"N-no, I need to go, I'm sorry" 
"Okay then..see ya" He said as he turns back and walks back toward the other boys. Hana walks away from the school.
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Update please I cNt wait