Chapter 4. Can I Have This Dance?

Stealing You



I grab Donghae’s wrist and pull him outside with me. As we stepped out into the cold night, I wrap my arms around myself to keep myself from shivering to death.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You never told me it was Hyuk you were bringing?! Are you crazy? Do you even realize how awkward this is for me? For the both of us?”  Looking at Donghae like he’s an absolute idiot, I spill out the words faster than I thought I would.

“Hey I said I was setting you up with a tall handsome funny guy that’s also a dancer. Though I may have exaggerated the tall part, I think you’d agree he doesn’t lack in any of the other areas” He laughs at my expression and lightly punches my arm in a friendly way

“Cheer up boa, I’m sick of seeing you two avoid each other all the time. Look on the bright side, if you two don’t get anything out of tonight at least it’s once step towards that ‘less awkward’ relationship you so earnestly suggested on twitter” his eyes are gleaming at me excitedly.

“OR… If we get nothing out of this – which im sure we won’t – we will probably become even more awkward” I point out to him.

“well there’s always that, but since you’re here… no going back now”  He grins widely and grabs both of my shoulders.

“No, what if this ruins everything? What if after this we can’t even be in the same room as eachother? What if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks I’m too different? I can’t be like those other girls, I don’t wear skimpy skirts and flaunt aegyo all the time. URGH what if it spreads that I’m horrible to go on a date with cos I’m so awkward” aiisshhh ! I face palm myself and squeeze my eyes closed. Stamping my feet on the damp concrete. Why did I agree to this? Oh I’m such an idiot.

“you know I’m starting to think that you have a thing for hyuk” I rip my hands away from my face and stare at Donghae in disbelief.

“Mwo? What did you say right now? No way! It’s just that, I haven’t been on a date in two years, It’s really weird that when I finally go on a date with someone, it’s someone I already know… One of my supposed ‘fanboys’” I stare at the ground feeling like an idiot for labeling Eunhyuk as one of my ‘fanboys’.

“Just don’t worry. Come on let’s go back inside, you have goosebumps all over you. You must be freezing” He reaches for my shoulder and turns me towards the entrance

“Or are you just getting goosebumps from being this close to me?” he teases lightly.

“fine. I’ll finish this date, but that’s it okay?”

“hmm” he smiles and nods at me.

“good” we reach the bar and I’m shocked with what I see. Eunhyuk’s holding that bartender’s hand! Am i… jealous? I fight the urge to walk over and punch her in her face, purely because Donghae’s holding me back.

“Calm down, Just listen to him. Classic ladies man” donghae laughs. I tear my confused gaze off his face and look back at Eunhyuk now running his hand up her forearm. I’m so pissed right now.

EunHyuk: “you wanna get out of here later with me yeah?” He’s gazing into her eyes and her face is completely red. Why are my fists balling up at the sight of this?

Bartender:”mmmm, yeah”

 her eyes roll back a little. .

He smirks knowing he’s winning this battle.

EunhHyuk: “you want to rent a room, and turn down the lights, have the night of your life huh? With me, cause you know I don’t disappoint just by looking at me

He whispers it to her and leans in close, Even standing where I was I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. He wasn’t even speaking to me and my cheeks were turning red.

Bartender:  “yes, oh god yes”

she sounds so pathetic

He leans in closer and whispers something in her ear that I can’t hear. Making him chuckle deeply. But her reaction surprises me. Her face looks as though it’s just been slapped. And slapped hard.

She looks at him still red, with embarrassment written all over her face. He just laughs.

Bartender: “excuse me? You’re kidding me right? So you’re telling me, your passing up this, for that midget of a girl you’re on a date with?”

She glares at him with the most evil eyes. Oh hell no, she did not just call me a midget! I whisper to Donghae.

“Donghae ah, let me go now, I’m literally going to punch her face.” He laughs amused and just holds me tighter.

Eunhyuk leans back on the chair as if she’s not looking at him at all, completely calm and content.

Eunhyuk: “Your too easy, throwing yourself on any man that comes through here, pushing your s nearly out of your bra for attention when your flat chested. Also, I don’t give my number out to just anybody, and I sure as hell don’t rent hotel rooms with strangers. Seeing as you lit up the second you saw me, you definitely know who I am. And that woman you referred to as a midget, is in fact the exact opposite of you. Amazing, modest, not ty, cautious, yet still beautiful and hot in every sense of the words. And seeing as I’m on a date with her, I see no way in this world or the next, that I would be going home with you.”

My jaw drops. Did I just hear him right?

“and that little one, is why I said just await and listen.” He chuckles as he lets go of me, but im paralyzed. Glued to the spot. Absolutely shocked. I can’t believe he just said that. My stomach’s doing cartwheels as I replay his words in my head.

Amazing, modest, not ty, cautious, yet still beautiuful and hot in every sense of the words”

My heart skips a few beats.

The bartender prepares to say something but finally notices me and thinks again. She walks away red as a tomato. Eunhyuk laughs and skulls his entire drink in one go. He looks so hot in my eyes right now. Stop it boa, it’s still same old eunhyuk, you knew he liked you. No biggie. But for some reason I just feel so shocked. I’ve never heard someone talk that way about me before. And the way he blew her off was just so cool.

Donghae says something to hyuk and he turns finally noticing us. Turning red as soon as he sees me. Donghae and eunhyuk are talking about something that I can’t quite hear since im still in shock. I step forward.

“anyways, let’s have those drinks” Why did I sound so awkward right now? Urgh how embarrassing.

Biting back a smile I sit next to Eunhyuk, feeling heat spread across my cheeks I hope and pray he can’t see.

“Thanks for defending me like that” Woah. Where the hell did that come from?

 “But from now on for the rest of the night, don’t touch another girl okay? Your on a date with ME not them” I laugh to disguise my awkwardness and move closer to Eunhyuk. I have no idea why I’m suddenly being this way. I must be drunk already. reaching for my glass of beer I notice Donghae shifting uncomfortably next to me.

“gwenchana donghae ah?” I ask him worried. He looks as though he’s having some pain in his rib area.

“im fine, I’m fine. Just having a few pains, that’s all. Fell over while we were practicing our new song.” He smiles back at me

“Oh I have some pain killers in my car? Nothing strong, just normal pain killers, but do you want one?” I grab my keys and get up from my seat but he stops me, pushing me back into my chair.

“I’ll get them, I’ll get them.” He snatches my car keys out of my hands and goes.

“Yah do you even know which car is mine?” I yell after him

“Yeah of course I do! Oh well I will. I’ll just push your unlock button and see which car’s headlights light up” and with that he went outside, leaving me and Eunhyuk alone in awkward silence.

“ahhh, so, you come here often?” turning to Eunhyuk I see him trying his hardest to act cool while talking

“um, neh , I come here a few times. I think it’s a great place to just escape and have a nice drink.” I reply

“oh I see”… silence. Eunhyuk takes a skull of his new glass of beer.

*I wanna love you, I can’t live without you…*

My ringtone shatters our silence causing hyuk to choke on his drink and break out into coughing fits.

“what’s wrong?” I pat his back and try to get a look at his face. He finally catches his breath and smiles at me as if nothing happened.

“uhh is that your phone ringing?” Then I realize he could hear my phone too. I forgot my ringtone was *I Wanna Love You* aka his and Donghae’s song. I scramble for my phone in my pocket and answer it, facing away from hyuk so he couldn’t see the embarrassment written in big fat letters on my face.

Me: Yoboseyo?

Phone: hi *laughing*

Me: Donghae why are you calling me? Just come inside if you need to talk, are you having trouble finding my car?

Donghae: oh no, I found your car just fine. But I’m not feeling well, so I just drove home.

Me: MWO !?! you did what?

Donghae: just get eunhyuk to drop you off in my car, he has my keys. You can come get your car from here arasseo?

Me: yah lee donghae. You are DEAD when I see you okay? I mean it!


And he hung up just like that. Eunhyuk stared at me, eyes full of concern.

“is everything okay? Do you need to be somewhere?” he asks genuinely worried

“well even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to.” I reply leaning my head in my hands.

“why? What happened?”

“Donghae just called. He found my car. And he took it. He’s going back to the suju dorm with it” I murmur

“WHAT ?! that idiot ! argh ! I swear he’s so thick headed!”

“yeah well, I gotta catch a ride with you back to the dorm and get my car. Is that okay with you?” I look up at Eunhyuk and my heart stutters a bit at the thought of being alone in a car with him tonight. He just stares back at me shocked.

“y… ye… yeah it’s alright. I’… I’ll do it”

“cool.thanks”  a smile at him and he replies with an awkward smirk.

“after skulling down the last of my beer I ask him if he’s going to finish his. He says no since he’s gonna be driving, and I finish it for him.

Oh god. Im drunk.

CNBLUE’S “You’ve fallen for me” starts to play and I grab Eunhyuks hand off the counter, making him look at me in shock.

“Woooooaahhhh lets dance! I love this song!”  I drag him onto the dance floor and start dancing around him, just frantically jumping with the rest of the crowd. Throwing out random screams here and there. Control yourself you iditot! I ignore my own thoughts and dance till the song is over, realizing Eunhyuk’s just standing there staring at me looking completely lost.

“huhhh huhh huhh I’m out of breath” I go to walk past him but lose my balance and fall over, just before I hit the ground I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and balance me again.

“Yah, Gwenchana? Are you drunk already?” eunhyuk runs his hands over my arms and face making sure I’m not hurt anywhere frantically searching for any scratches. Hee looks so cute.

“ah im fine!” I push him off lightly and pull my hair away from my face. Cooling myself down.

“you sure?”

“yeah definitely, um let’s dance”  I try to avoid the awkwardness but the second the words leave my mouth the atmosphere in the bar changes.

I wanna love you ….

I wanna love you…

Great as if to remind me of my embarrassment they want to play this song in the bar.

“On second thought, why don’t we just have a seat? “ I manage to stutter

Fanning my self with my hand I walk past him but suddenly he grabs my wrist and turns me around, I stare at him shocked. He smiles a sickly sweet seducing smile and his eyes seem deeper.

“why the rush? You want to dance? Let’s dance” he smiles his y half smile and pulls me further onto the floor.

“no no no I’m tired, I’ll just sit down, you can stay” I smile, my heart frantically jumping up and down.

“No. You wanted me to dance so I will. If your tired then you can just stand still.” He bites his lip and starts to roll his body close to mine

“just think of it as payback for the little jumping number you just did for me” he chuckles and whispers in my ear, he’s so close I can smell his sweet cologne.

I wanna love you I can’t live without you
(I wanna love you, I can’t live without you)”

Oh god, he dances around me in a circle gliding his hand across my stomach as he moves infront of me, grabbing both my hands , he pulls them up in between us staring me straight in the eye with a tempting look.

“Du nuneul gamgo nae du soneul jabgu
(Close your eyes and only hold onto my hands)”

He place one of my hands on his side -oh god i can feel his abs- while he holds the other lightly in his hand, he rolls his body some more biting his lip. I just stand there flustered, bright red, unable to move if I wanted to.

“I wanna have you I really need you
(I wanna have you, I really need you)
Jigeum idaero modeungeol beoryeodugo
(Like this we don’t need to care about anything else)”

grabbing my right hand with his left he glides behind me moving his way up my arms again. When hes  right behind me, he brushes his lips just slightly below the piercings at the top of my ear then trails his hands down my arms sending shivers all over my body. my body  starts to move with his, as if controlling itself he reacts by bringing his arms around my body, holding me so close laughing a little in my ear. Oh god this is just too hot! Snap out of it Boa! Do something!

“I wanna love you I can’t live without you
(I wanna love you, I can’t live without you)
neon geujeo naegero dagaseo myeondwae
(You only need to be close to me)”

I come back to my senses and snap out of it.

“Hyuk jae ah, let go of me.” I try to push him off but stumble a little since im still drunk.

“I wanna have you nae modeungeol julke
(I wanna have you, belong to you)

He catches me before I hit the ground yet again, still behind me he stands me upright and wraps his arm tightly around my waist, pulling my other arm up around his neck and swaying with me to the beat. I don’t try to fight it this time, partly because I don’t want to fall, but mainly because I just don’t want to.

ijeneun neoege yaksokhalke
(I promise that my everything will belong to you.)”

he puts his head so close to my ear I can feel his every breath.

“Thanks for the lovely dance” he laughs low and quickly pecks my neck before letting me go.

Oh my gosh, my breathing is so heavy, i can;t stop panting.

The songs over but I’m still holding on. This time not for my own pleasure, I feel nauseous. The room starts to spin. Oh no, Not now! This is so embarrassing!

Everything starts to get blurry before eventually it all turns black.

“BOA!” a pair of arms that I’m now familiar with catch me for the third time tonight.







SO SORRY FOR THE LONGEST CHAPTER LIKE EVER -.- hahah but i hope you liked it, will update in a few days, studying for exams right now :( weh! i passed my first three with Excellences ^.^ but yeah. comment what you think and btw the story starts at the beggining of 2012, before the only one performances ^o^ so thats something to look forward to hahaha ok. byeeeeeeeee <3





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FWSJ15 #1
Chapter 16: please update....
julhyuk #2
Chapter 16: Update please
Inlovewithyuk #3
Chapter 16: Best Chapter ever!!
kyuhyukie86 #4
Chapter 16: Hyukboa...such a cute couple
Chapter 14: Thank you ;_; You saved BoA. Donghae, please take care of her..
Chapter 13: Please...somebody better be there for BoA to help her out...*hits Eunhyuk with a metal pan* HYUKKIE HOW COULD YOU BE. SO. STUPID!!!!
Ugh..that IU..*shakes old lady cane at her*
Chapter 12: *eye twitch* It was already difficult to stay neutral to Hyukkie and IU's relationship...But this almost takes it to a whole new level. e.o
Chapter 11: Again, love love love love LOVE HyukBoA <3
Thank you so much for this series xD
Inlovewithyuk #9
Chapter 10: Great update!
ShineeBoa #10
Chapter 9: Awesome loving this story and I love siwon overprotective about boa!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR writing THIS FANFIC AND I HOPE YOU WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE END!!!!