Girl's POV
noona: right? it's been a while.
TOP let go of hyung's hand and started looking around the arcade. Ji stood next to noona and smiled at the sight of TOP and hyung. Hyung instantly ran to Time crisis 3 while TOP went to teh Initial D game. Ji looked over at noona.
ji: so what do you want to do?
noona shrugged.
noona: let's race.
Ji headed to the other initial D seats and sat down. noona looked at him and laughed.
noona: no. not here.
ji looked at noona confused. she grabbed his hand as she led him out the back door to where he saw many other activities. ji stood admiring the mini golf, go karts, batting cages even a water ride race.
ji: wow
noona: right?
noona was smiling brightly.  Ji gave her a peck of the lips as they headed to the go karts.
once inside their own car Ji looked over at noona whose face was completely serious. she looked over at him and smirked.
ji: uh....
the light motioned for the drivers to go and noona sped off surprising Ji.
Hyung's POV
hyung was too into her game that she didnt realize anyone was there. her partner was some guy who kept going on about how good he was in time crisis. Hyung had to save the guy many times before she died.
hyung: DAMMIT!
hyung turned and started for the basketball. she was in the middle of two games until someone bumped into her. she turned to see who it was.
Guy: watch it!
hyung: excuse me? you were the one who bumped into me.
hyung poked her finger on the guys chest.
Guy: oh. you think just because you're a girl, i'm going to just let it slide?
hyung let out a laugh.
hyung: HA! as if. you think you're so tough because you're arguing with a girl?
the guy just looked away and back at her.
Guy: listen here.
he pointed at hyung.
guy: I dont think i'm tough for arguing with a girl. I know i am
hyung: wanna bet that you aint?
Guy: oh really? how?
??: what's going on here?
TOP was busy playing around everywhere that he didnt notice he had separated from everyone. he went and played street fighter, the claw game, where he lost, he went racinging. he played almost every type of game there was. he couldnt remember when he had played this much.
RG: uhm, excuse me?
TOP looked at the girl in front of him.
RG: can i have your autograph?
TOP smiled.
TOP: sure.
he was signing a paper when he saw that hyung was over by the basketball court talking to some guy.
RG: thank you.
TOP: your welcome.
RG: so uhm-
TOP: sorry, but i got to go.
TOP saw that hyung and the guy was getting into an arguement and headed towards her. he mummbled to himself.
TOP: he better not touch my girl.
Oppa's POV
oppa: daniel, we already went over this for twenty minutes and it's been the same questions and answers.
daniel: i just need clarification.
oppa: i gave you too many. even jay is right here.
daniel: i just dont believe it.
oppa smirked.
oppa: why not?
daniel: we're talking about you here.
jay: what about her?
daniel: nothing, mind your own business
jay: it is my business if you're talking about my girl.
daniel: psshh, your girl?
oppa: yes. his girl. guess what? we already had slept together and what not.
daniel looked shocked at what oppa said?
oppa: and if that doesnt help get through to you then here.
oppa grabbed jay with her right hand and pulled him in for a long kiss. jay wrapped his arms around oppa and kissed her back. they kissed for what seemed forever but then parted. they looked at each other not saying anything. oppa turned and looked at daniel.
oppa: there. just leave and live a happy life.
oppa grabbed jay's hand and started leaving. while walking jay touched his lips as he thought to himself.
wow that was our first kiss. she's really something else.
he glanced at oppa and saw tears falling. he stopped and turned oppa towards him. she tried looking away but he held her by her shoulders.
jay: are you ok?
oppa: yeah. why wouldnt i be?
jay: i-
oppa: let's meet up with everyone ok?
jay pulled oppa in for a tight hug.
jay: stop acting tough, you know it's ok to be vulnerable. just let everything go. i'll be here for you and never leave your side.
oppa: HA! dont say something you dont mean. let's go.
jay released oppa and they headed to jay's car.
Noona's POV
noona got out of her car and waited for ji. they raced about seven times with noona getting first place five times.
Ji: wow.
noona: what?
ji: you're good.
noona: thanks.
ji: man, you're really competitive arent you?
noona: you have no idea.
ji: so where to?
noona: let's look for hyung and TOP
ji: ok
they headed inside to find hyung and TOP standing with a random guy by the basketball game.
ji: what's going on?
noona: i dont know but it doesnt look good.
ji: let's go.
Ji and noona hurried over to where TOP and hyung was.
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nobi45 #1
Chapter 28: should have known. I think guk makes a better SEAL
nobi45 #2
Chapter 27: Wine is TOP's thing. Not beer hahaha (although my guess is he would drink any alcohol you gave him.)
ohgeesteph #3
Chapter 25: NOPE NOPE NOPE
nobi45 #4
Chapter 24: I don't approve of this.
nobi45 #5
Chapter 21: smh what to do with you and this story hahaha
nobi45 #6
Chapter 18: SMH can never finish anything peacefully hahaha
nobi45 #7
Chapter 13: Hahaha total snitch!