Based on True Story

Strength, Tears & Everlasting Friendship


I just finished my report that had taken me about 8 hours with multiple revises. I moved my cursor to the red box with an X in it and clicked the left button. Instead of asking to save the document, it closed on me completely. I tried looking for the file in my computer. With no luck, I broke down and bawled.

"Why am I so stupid?!" I screamed.

"What happened?" My dad asked as he sat on the chair I sort of fell off of. My mom sat on the foldable chair and looked at me.

"I didn't save my paper!" I exclaimed. I was angry at myself and right now I wasn't in a good mood to talk.

"Well why didn't you save it?" She asked. It sounded harsh which made me feel a lot worse.

"You tell me." I answered. ChangMin, my best friend, walked into my room.

"What's wrong?" He patted my back. I shook my head and slowly stood up. I trudged to my bed from the floor. I could taste the tears coming from eyes.

"She forgot to save her report and now she won't stop whining." My attitude filled mom commented.

"Your negative remarks aren't helping!" I cried louder.

"Please aunty, don't say anything more." He bowed and she just kept shut.

"I can't find any report. I guess you'll just have to type it again later. Calm down okay. Everyone gone through this before and it'll be okay." My parents went out and there was only ChangMin.

"Why am I so stupid? Weak? Retarded? Why am I this way? I spent so long writing that stupid report and then I have to type it over again? I'm so ing dumb!" I cried so much that I caught hiccups.

"Your not stupid, retarded or weak. People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they been strong for too long." He comforted me as he held me in his arms and sang me a lullaby.

"You know, you are a lot stronger than me. I've known you for my whole life and I only saw you cry about twice. It only takes one thing to set off sparks to another. Just let it all out." He rubbed my back as I cried into his shoulder. I slowly felt better and my hiccups started to fade. I was still not satisfied and I felt all the pain I went through build up again.

"Go take a shower or a really nice bath." He pushed me toward the bathroom and handed me a towel. I went in and I took a long shower. I pounded my fists against the shower walls and sometimes even my head. I chanted over and over again, "why am I so stupid?"

In the end, I went out and I dragged my feet to my room and put on ChangMin's old jersey as my pajamas. I strode back into the bathroom and blew dry my hair. I set the blow dryer down and looked into the mirror to see my mom at the door and she had a face full of guilt.

"You okay now?" She asked as she walked in closer to me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I answered as I wiped down the sink that had drops of water.

"I'm sorry. Everytime I said something it turned out to be bad. I don't know why, but I'm sorry." She apologized.

"Don't worry mom. It's fine." I gave her a little smile even though I still felt that sensitivity. She went away and went downstairs to see my dad playing with my laptop.

"I just adjusted the software. Now it has more fonts and designs. It also has autocorrect and autosave. So don't be all depressed again if the same thing happens. The program has a backup system. The documents would be uploaded to your private online drive." My dad handed my laptop to me and I just bowed. He was midway up the stairs when I noticed ChangMin was gone.

"Dad, where did Max go?" I questioned.

"He went home. Before I forget, he said to make sure you get at least 9 hours of sleep. He tells me you only get 2 hours of sleep and rarely 3. Sleep tight okay? Good night." He went up the stairs and into his room. I hurried to get a bottle of water and went back into my room. I fell asleep with a assigned book in my hand and was woken up by my phone alarm. I sat up and stretched a little. I rolled out of bed and to my closet to get a nice, clean outfit out for the day. As I finished changing and eating my apple, I went out to the bus stop and made my way to school.

I sat inside the class and went through my backpack. I was setting up my station for the lecture when I saw the evergreen paper folded in my front pocket towards the bottom. It read in semi neat penmanship.

Dear Pickles,

     I hope you're feeling better today. You've been strong for the longest time now and I am just happy to see you relieve your stress and begin again. If you have to, you can scream, shout, cry it all out. I'll be there for you. I'm glad I can be that friend who could be there in every step of the way. It pains me to see how the weakest man can make the toughest woman alive smile again. Stay happy.






I read it and a tear fell from my eye. I looked over at the table where ChangMin usually sits and there he was chatting with his friends. I casuallly stood up and moved my way to the group of friends who stood huddled up in a circle. I pulled a sneak attack as I went on for a long lasting back hug.

"Thank you." I said and he just turned around. My head that was once on his long back was now on his ripped chest.

"What are friends for?" He chuckled as he hugged me back.

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 1: wow! It was really nice to have someone beside us, especially when we are at our lowest point right? Glad to know you had someone... :)
Park_HyeSun #2
Chapter 1: Aw, this story is really touching. The fact that someone is there for you is really amazing. Thank you for sharing this.