Drama Class~

How do I love?

So... I'm really bad with updating as you can see ^^" Mianhe. Just know if you decide to stick with this story, it might take me a while before I update ^^"

By the time you woke up, there was only an hour to get to class. You internally cursed Cheondoong for not waking you up earlier and for making you late.

Yah, Sanghyun just you wait. I’ll get back at you tomorrow. You thought, planning out ways to meddle with his alarm clock.

He knew very well you took at least a half an hour to get ready, and it took about forty minutes to get to campus, since you both weren’t living in the dorms. You quickly took a hot shower, and got out in less than ten minutes. You grabbed a random set of clothes that seemed to match and threw them on in your dressing room. Pleased, with how they well worked, you got out of the dressing room.

Running to your bathroom, you fixed the top so it was hanging on one shoulder, the other bare, but slightly covered by the curls of your auburn hair, so that it was not too exposing.

When you looked at the mirror, not all of your hair was in gentle curls. Rather the crown of your head looked like a crow’s nest. Since your hair wasn’t entirely cooperating with you, you snatched one of Cheondoong’s beanies that were on the hat stand in your shared shoe and hat closet (the other large closet in your room). Pulling it on your head, you looked in the mirror and gave yourself a playful wink.

You fixed your hair one last time, and looked at the body length mirror on the door of your closet. Satisfied with your appearance, you pulled a backpack that was hanging, transferred all the materials needed and headed downstairs. Sighing, you ran down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen,   I wonder what sort of drama will be waiting today.

“Sanghyunnie~ I’m off! I’m heading over to unnie’s place later, so don’t expect me, kay?” You yelled. Not waiting for a reply, you slipped on your shoes and skipped off into the depths of the utility closet

You opened the door to the garage and pressed the button for your wonderful, and oh-so-y, black Porsche Cayman S. The thing was, you actually started earning back in high school itself to start saving for college.

Being an underground b-girl had it’s perks, and a job as a barista was always nice and relaxing. Many of your artworks also were bought by people like one of your bosses. Alas the money wasn’t necessary as you were offered a full scholarship for education by Seoul U of A. You decided to indulge yourself by buying yourself a dream car.

Thunder also had his own red Audi R8 GT, which was parked next to your car. It was a gift from your entire family when he turned sixteen, even the two of you contributed to the price. It was a beautiful car that he drove you around in during your high school days, so it had memories. Many of the memories consisted of him returning home hurt all over. You always were scared and worried for him, but never decided to ask him about them, because he played sports and things tended to get rough while playing. Unlike you however, your mother always fussed over him. Your older sister as well. He was everyone’s favorite, even yours. You smiled at the thought of your family. Loneliness flooded your heart the next minute, Umma... I miss you...

Your mother lived in Busan, you all did at one point. Then Sandara got into a talent show, and was recognized by Yang Hyunsuk. So the lot of you moved to Korea. Wanting to stay near your sister, you and Sanghyun both joined in a university in Seoul. Your mom, however, stayed in your home town, and visited you every once in a while. Nevertheless, you still missed her when she wasn’t around.

You got in your car, and started the engine. Roaring, the Porsche came to life. You hummed along with your baby’s gentle purr. The sound of the engine was one of your favorite things in life. The car itself was pretty sleek. Being very close to the ground, and being colored black made it easy to blend into the night life, which you partook in sometimes. The garage door slowly opened. As soon as it was enough to let your car pass through, you floored the gas pedal, letting you accelerate and join the traffic, which was very little on this fine afternoon.

You looked at the clock on the dashboard, and there was only 10 minutes left to get to class. You cursed, and started to speed again. Being late was one of the things you hated the most.  As you weaved through the traffic, you earned honks from angry drivers who were annoyed by you intruding their space.

A blur of buildings passed you by, soon, the setting became slightly suburban, and there was more greenery. After a series of turns, you could see the buildings that made up the university, and the huge fountain in the center of the square garden in between all the buildings. You slowed down, so that you wouldn’t hit the students walking around, and headed towards the underground parking lot of the school at the bottom of the large Common building.

When you had exited the Common building, you ran towards the Performing Arts building as fast as you could. You internally commended yourself for wearing sneakers rather than heels. You were completely able to run in heels, it’s just that it would have been torturous, and if one heel broke, you would have sprained your ankle. Once you got inside the building, you ran into the empty elevator, and pressed the button for the Drama and Theatre floor which was the top most floor, the 10th floor.

As the elevator doors opened, you took in the sight before you. Unlike the 8th and 9th floors which were the Dance floors, the walls of the Drama floor were painted with a pale yellow, and decorated with Victorian furniture. Simple chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The doors were made of oak, and had intricate carvings upon them. These decorations were made to set in the mood for the dramatic classes that took place here.

You rushed into the room in which your class is, and most of the seats were already filled. Yoseob, who was sitting all the way on the other side of the room, raised an eyebrow at you. You rolled your eyes at him, and looked for an empty seat. Mentally, you made a note of the bruise at his temple, much like that of Thunder’s when he came home last night.

Something is going on here.... you thought, trying to piece together what exactly was going on.

Unlike the hallway, the classroom was modern. The class room’s seating was divided into two columns, with many rows of wooden tables. Each table only seated two people, and in the front of the class was a small carpeted platform which was a make shift stage where you were to perform. There were about twenty eight people in your class, and everyone was already there and seated, except for you.

Your eyes landed on the only seat remaining. Ironically, it surrounded by three handsome men, two in the back, and one next to the seat. Two of the boys seemed extremely playful, both of them had smirks upon their faces. Both were extremely y looking- broad shoulders, muscular arms, handsome faces, the usual gist- and they both had dark colored hair. The other one was somewhat nicer, and had a sweet smile upon his face, but that didn’t hide his lustful eyes.

You groaned to yourself. Why is it always the erts? Nonetheless, you walked to the blue chair and took a seat in it.

“Hey cutie” The one with the smile beamed at you, “I’m Kikwang, but call me something else, ‘kay?” He was sitting behind you so he leaned forward to whisper in your ear.

“How about, ‘Get away from me you creep’?” You smiled back at him.

“Ah, so you are fiesty,” One of the y boys muttered. He was the one with the big lips, and was sitting next to you.

You looked at him slightly confused, a question slipped out of your mouth with out meaning to, “What do you mean?”

The other y one with the soccer T-shirt, who was sitting next to Kikwang respsonded, “Yoseob mentioned it to us last night.”

You tilted your head to the side, still somewhat confused. You let your eyes flick towards Yoseob, and it triggered a memory of the previous day. These boys were sitting with him at the lunch table, along with two other boys who weren’t here.

Everything suddenly clicked. “Ah, You’re from Beast.” You stated to yourself.

“So you know about us?” The taller guy wearing the soccer t-shirt asked, curious about his own popularity.

“Oh, of course, infamous players of the school. I’m guessing you’re Dongwoon?” you directed the question at the guy with the big lips. Remembering the name Minzy mentioned, you wondered if this guy was him.

He was looking away at the board as he replied, “No, that’s our maknae. I’m Yong Junhyung.”

“I’m Yoon Doojoon, the Leader of Beast.” The one with the soccer shirt smiled as he introduced himself.

“You’re Park ________....” Kikwang smiled when you looked at him with shock “Right?”

“Yeah....” You looked at him, still in shock.

“Hello Class!” Mr. Jung interrupted as he entered the Drama Room.

Yells of “Anneyeong Jihoon-hyung!” and “Jihoon-ssi” filled the class.

Professor Jung Jihoon wanted to keep the class very informal, so he allowed the students to call him hyung or oppa, regardless of the age difference. Surprisingly, it was actually not that much, he was quite young to be a professor of a college. It is rumored that he’s the legendary Rain, the underground dancer. Or so you had heard from Thunder, since MBLAQ was apparently really close to the young teacher, who was extremely fit.

He started to take the attendance and as he took roll, you inquired Kikwang further. Instead, Junhyung, the quiet brooding one, answered.

“We... keep tabs on new girls in the school. Especially those with relations to ga-” He hesitated for a second before finding the right words, “popular groups like MBLAQ...”

As your name had come up, you shifted your attention to Mr. Jung. “Here” you stated, and his eyes met with yours, a silent threat visible in them to cut the side conversations.

A few names after, you heard Seungho’s name. You looked around and spotted the charismatic, but slightly depressing leader of MBLAQ. A few rows behind, he was sitting on the opposite side. He sleepily nodded at you when he noticed that you were looking in his direction. You returned it with a smile, amused by his tiredness.

The first half hour or so of class was dedicated to acting warm-ups and exercises. Then a girl named Jieun, or as everyone else called her- IU, went up on stage, and presented a skit, as she was absent the last class when they did the presentations. You noted that she was very pretty, and quite adorable. She had a sweet smile, and a very friendly personality. You also made a note to introduce yourself later on to her, she seemed genuine.

Once she had presented, Mr. Jung went onto the stage and praised her. Everyone applauded for her, as her presentation was truly amazing. Once the applause died down, Mr. Jung cleared his throat.

“Alright class, so, we’ll introduce the year long project now that we’re pretty much okay with role playing and acting. This is a project to improve your chemistry with random actors. I’m sure you’ve heard rumors from upperclassmen already?”

Cheers and whoops sounded throughout the room, contrasting with the groans from some boys.

“Drama needs you to pull off crazy characters, and sometimes you need to have chemistry with someone you don’t even know. This project will help you out with that aspect. It’s called We Got Married, and we will give you tasks which you have to complete by a certain deadline. By the end of the year, you have to produce a short video about your ‘married life’, in which you and your partner are the main characters. You’ll be tested on how close you two are by means of a skit. As expected, I will choose your partners.”

Unlike the dance class though, the partners were chosen by draw. Everyone was paired up with someone, except- once again, for you and Yoseob.

You internally groaned, Fate just hates me these days.

Kikwang nudged your shoulder, “Have fun. He’s an amazing husband in some ways.” He winked, making your cheeks to flush.

“Ugh, ert,” you muttered under your breath. Shaking your head you waited for the next set of instructions.

“This weekend, you shall spend a day together with your partner. It could be anything your want, a coffee date, a hang out, a movie marathon. As long as it’s a full day, it doesn’t matter what you do. Do keep in mind to keep a video blog or a “vlog” as you guys call it. Also, I need a written assignment on what your partners interests and dislikes in depth. This is just to make sure you actually got to know each other. Well, have fun. You have the rest of the period to do whatever you want.”

You drifted towards Seungho to get away from both Yoseob and his friends. You smiled at Seungho and sat in the seat next to him. Who ever usually sat next to him was conversing with his or her partner so the seat was temporarily empty.

“Hey,” He said, looking at you expectantly to say something.

“Hi...I just wanted to get away from those creeps,” You explained with a sheepish smile.

Seungho nodded in understanding, “Ah, so Yoseob huh?”

Is he talking about the fact that I like him or that we’re partners? You questioned yourself.

Voicing your doubt, you asked him, “What do you mean?”

“You know,” He stated matter-of-factly, never once betraying the fact that he knew about everything, and your interest in the cute boy, “You two are partners for this year long project. Cheondoong and him don’t get along. You’re Cheondoong’s sister.”

You totally forgot about the rivalry between the two. Internally you face-palmed yourself, having Yoseob over would rise tensions. You contemplated on what to do, and became frustrated. Aish... Otteokhae?

“Right...that...” you trailed, not wanting to think about it right now, “well I’ll figure out something...eventually”

“Haha, you might want to do that as soon as possible” He tilted his head slightly to the side to indicate that someone was coming our way.

Indeed, Yoseob was walking towards you when you looked. You groaned and waited for him to reach you.

You glared at him when he stopped right in front of you, “What do you want?”

“Do you mind, if I come over to y-your place tomorrow?” He asked you, looking at the wall, and avoiding your gaze.

Your gaze softened at his shy demeanor. “Sure... I’ll text you the details I guess.”

He slowly pulled out his phone from the pocket of his dark blue jeans, and held it out for you, still avoiding your eyes. Confused, you looked back at him, expecting him to explain.

“I don’t have your number, and I’m guessing you don’t have mine either.” He looked back at you, expressionlessly, but you could see a spark of excitement in his eyes.

You muttered a breathy “oh” and mentally smacked your head. You took his phone and dialed your number from it. An annoying buzz sounded, but only the three of you could hear it. Smiling to yourself, you cut the call, and gave him back the phone.

“There. Now I have your number and you have mine.” You gave a sweet smile and pretended to ignore the slight blush that rose up on his cheeks.

“Oh-o-kay...” Yoseob stuttered for some reason. He walked back to his friends, who glanced at you, and looked back at him. Kikwang even gave you a wink.

“You shouldn’t have fallen for his act,” Seungho stated, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

“W-what do you mean act?” Could it have been an act? Impossible, his eyes showed embarassment, and shyness. “I think I know an act when I see one.”

“Well, then Yoseob must be a great actor, ‘cause he managed to fool you.”

Offended, you scoffed at him, “I’m sorry?”

Leaning in close to you, Seungho looked into your eyes. A serious expression painted his face with wrinkles at his brow. “You shouldn’t trust him. You have no idea of what he’s capable of.”

Involuntarily, you shuddered, somewhat spooked by his words, for it seemed as if Seungho knew more than what he let on. You stole another glance at Yoseob, and found that he was looking intently at you, a smirk playing upon his face. Anger welled up deep within you, as you shifted your gaze away from him, the image of his immediate frown as he realised that you saw his lie remaining in your mind.

“That cute and innocent image? It’s all just an act. He’s quite cunning you know.”

You frowned at him, anger clouded your feelings and you stood up, just as the bell rang, “It maybe so, but I’ll decide for myself, thank you very much.”

You stormed out, breathing heavily, still angry at how everything is turning out.

How come I always get myself into trouble where ever I go? You sighed, and went down the stairs. Pushing open the door to the dance floor, you stepped into the blue hallway, and entered the girl’s locker room. No matter, I’ll just dance my troubles away... maybe I’ll go visit the club later on...

Only reason I did finish this chapter was because of jiyongs-knight ^^" Thanks Unnie for my motivation.


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Chapter 4: oki this is getting realy interesting~
cant wait to read on ^^
i totally buy eath charackters role, u write it good ^^
LOL haha "we got married" xDD<br />
pshhh im sticking with this story >:) haha i just hope that you can update soon ^^<br />
its a great chapterr....hehe aigoo...yoseob-ah >< don't put on an acct -___-"" sigh.<br />
their house is so cool... :O<br />
PAOWIEFJ. her. car. is. awesome. .___. it'd be cool if i could get a car like that in the future...HAHAH. as if. LOL xD thank you very much for updating~ ^__^
shesgoneohshesgone #3
WAHHH<br />
I remember you said that about WGM<br />
lol, Rain ^^<br />
She's pretty extraordinary if she has all that stuff, the car, scholarship. Ah man, if only I could be like that XDD<br />
Did Doongie and Seob fight? D:<br />
Seungho.... he knows it all. Of course, Yang Leader and all. <br />
Wahh, I can't wait for the next chapter. It's like they have to have a date, right? xD <br />
Thank you for updating! <br />
I loveee you~
New reader! Update soon
Mmh. Mmkay.
Ah it's okay~ as long as you know~ ^.^ It's a handy feature to let the Author become closer to their readers ^.^
Okay then. I was all like," Huh?" and stared at it for a bit. I didn't care to be honest, I was just confised a little.
ahaha *hugs Jiyongs-knight* It's alright~ Control yourself XD And Crimson Valentine dear~ it's cause of the "<you> you </you>" HTML code that allows the reader to see their name if they're logged in, if logged out, they simply see "You"
shesgoneohshesgone #9
^mean <br />
TT_TT <br />
shesgoneohshesgone #10
v noob.