2nd chapter

I Love you-o-oh~

Chunji's POV


  There was a long silence that filled the room for about a whole 3 minute as I counted mentally. i finally decided to break the awkward air between us, Niel suddenly groaned loudly.

"Seriously Hyung! I really don't like what eww-Joe-guy is doing to you!" He exclaimed bouncing on the bed to turn to me with his knit brows. "I feel like he's all on your mind and that he's taking my best friend away" his eyes softened turning into a sad pout.  I let out a sigh and motioned Niel to come closer. He only shrugged off my request "Come here Niel Please!" I added an aegyo tone to my plea, which is undeniably, my best friend's weakness.

He stood up and sat right beside me. "That's my good boy Niel!" I praised him like a puppy then glomped him. "I'm not your dog" he sulked as he was still stiff to my hug. "Of course not you're my most important and beloved SUPA BEST FRIEND!" I emphasized as I continued to snuggle him.  He finally gave in and hugged me back "Okay!" he cheerfully replied, "but I'm still not liking that Blech-guy" he faked vomit to his name. I sneered mentally to myself, reason why he is my best friend and why I love my him. As we continued our being affectionate with one another, a knock broke the moment. 

"Sir Chanhee and Sir Daniel" a voice outside calling out could be heard, it was Hee-joon, my family's master butler.

"Yes?" I responded, letting go of Niel, facing the door where the origin of the voice came from, to ask what he needed.

"Your ride is ready, and I would suggest you two should leave for school now if you don't want to be  late"

I looked at the wall clock pinned to the wall parallel to my bed. It was already 6:45 A.M., I we still had an approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes before school starts, but considering the fact I still have morning errands to do in the school council, also the fact that I wanted to do a few rounds on the field, I needed to arrive early. 

"Alright Hee-joon ssi! Daniel and I would be right down in a moment"

"Alright sir" I heard him walk away, as the sound of his footsteps disappeared.

I stood up, walked over to my bag and took it "Let's go Niel" I turned to see Niel whose all set and ready.

When we got to the living room I scanned the place for my parents but there was no sign of them.

"Hee-joon ssi where's mom and dad ?" I asked the butler who was standing by the staircase.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lee left early this morning. Apparently they had an urgent business to attend" he answered me directly

"Okay, thank you Hee-joon ssi"

Well, even though I always knew my parents aren't here every morning to send me off I still had that small hope that they will be here.

Anyways, after that Niel and I walk out the entrance to the driveway towards the car. The servant lined up along both sides of the path bid us goodbye and a good day.

It was a silent 20 minute ride to school. Niel had his earphones plugged on and same goes for me.

When we arrived I swung my backpack on, "Are you ready hyung?" Niel asked which made look away from my uniform that I was straightening. I only answered him with a small smile. He chuckled a sigh then got out of the car. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes,I focused and thought to myself before I enter those gates everything has to be sealed away. I exhaled slowly and opened my eyes. The smile before was now gone, replaced by a stoic expression and a cold poker face.

Niel walked beside me through the school's entrance. Everyone stared, inched away yet greeted me good morning while Niel was softly smiling to those who warmly greeted him.

Niel and I walked together until we reached the halls where we must part. Since Niel was a year below me he belonged to the 1st years whose rooms are located in the left wing or side of the building, which wa opposite of our rooms. I continued to my classroom.

I can hear girls giggling and squealing quite loudly, I think a hunch as to the reason of their spazzing.

I heaved an inaudible sigh trying hard not  slid the door open and there he was,

sitting in the middle of a crowd of girls,

Lee Byunghun.....

 A/N: Guys sorry if this was all I could update for today but don't worry I promised a double update as my apology for not updating for like TWO FRIIICKIIIN MONTHS!!! I'm such a LAZY and BAD author *facepalms*. Okay on a related topic I got hyper in writing so I decided to also make the next chapter in L.Joe's POV(but i really do intend to make every member's POV) YEHEY!!!! Now that's a bonus and I think IF I can make it I'll post two chapters tomorrow  ^w^!!!! Thank you for the new subscribers and to those who subscribed before. So leave a comment and subscribe if you like. Again thank you sooooo MUCH for waiting reading subscribing and leaving a comment!!! That's all I'm out~    


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Chapter 3: i really like to read fanfics that have Teen Top as character
ILoveYou_Forever #2
Chapter 2: There is still not much but I look forward to how they will greet each other..
Chapter 2: so l.joe is a kingka ?
Chapter 1: Cute I love it ^ • ^
update sounds interesting!