Of Nightmares, Pretense & Bubbles

Our Secrets, Our Story


Hey guys, I'm really sorry for the really, really long delay. It's been months, and I've been wanting to update but I've been having problems with my laptop. I've typed a few chapters for both my stories, but my laptop hasn't been functioning and so I'm unable to retrieve them. So, I decided to rewrite this whole first chapter, which I've probably made changes in cause I couldn't remember the whole thing but here's hoping that you'll enjoy it nonetheless. I probably won't update my other story, 'Of Conficts And Confusion' yet however, as I don't want to rewrite it so I will try to retrieve my documents back first. I'm really sorry for the delay and for any grammatical errors and all, so I hope you guys will continue reading this story. Oh and thank you for all the comments and to all subscribers! And thank you so much for upvoting this story, ParkMiyoung! I really appreciate it! 






         “Just go…... Run away, now Sunyoung,” the boy in front of Sunyoung pleaded as he tried to get her to stand up. “Don’t worry about me, please……just go……before…it’s…too….late,” he struggled to fight and control the pain that was spreading through his body.


         “No…p-please just stay with me…t-the police are coming, they’ll help us,” Sunyoung held on to his hand tightly, afraid that she would lose him if she were to let go. “Jonghyun, p-please,” she tried hard to control her sobbing as the boy lying down on the floor next to where she was leaning began to lose consciousness.


         “Why are you always so stubborn Sunyoung?” he chuckled lightly in between taking heavy breaths. “I need to t-tell you something……l-listen a-alright?” he tried to reach up to touch her cheek. Sunyoung, upon realizing what he wanted to do, immediately bent down lower to allow him to do so, her other hand still holding his tightly. “I-i-i…..,” before he could finish his sentence, a gunshot was heard and blood splattered everywhere.


         “Nooooooooooooo!!!!,” Sunyoung woke up with a start, her hands clutching her blanket tightly, as she tried to get rid of the images that she had just seen.


         “Sunyoung, are you okay?” she was immediately pulled into the arms of her brother. “Shh, don’t worry, it was just a dream, I’m here okay?” he whispered as he tried to calm her down by rocking her back and forth as she cried softly in his embrace. Chanyeol was always there to comfort Sunyoung whenever the nightmares came. He sleeps with his door open every night just so he could rush to his sister whenever she needed him. “It was just a dream,” he kept whispering to her as he felt her tighten her grip on his shoulders.


         “Oppa, why can’t I forget it? Why?” she asked him. “It keeps coming back to me all the time… T-The blood, the gunshots a-a-and him,” she found it harder to control her tears as she imagined Jonghyun, grinning whenever he greeted her.


        “Shh…Don’t think about it anymore Sunyoung. Just try to go back to sleep, I’ll stay here with you,” he helped her get more comfortable in his embrace as he leaned against the headboard of the bed and continued whispering soothing words to her. As she slowly began to fall asleep, he took his phone out of his pocket to send a text message.


From : Yeollie <3

To : Sojin Noona


It’s the third time this week.

I woke up to her screaming and crying.

What do I do, noona?


Sent at 2.45 am


           Chanyeol sighed as he placed his phone on the table next to Sunyoung’s bed. “I really hope you’ll get better soon,” he said as he pat her head softly before making himself more comfortable so that he too could get some sleep.


From : Sojin Noona

To : Yeollie <3


I wish I knew Yeol.


I’m sorry I can’t do anything about it.


Sent at 2.55 am





           “Lee Taemin, it’s nearly three in the morning! If you don’t come home within the next fifteen minutes, I am going to the dance studio and I’ll bring you back home myself,” Taemin shuddered as he tried to keep the phone away from his ear due to his sister’s loud shouting. He could hear her boyfriend trying to calm her down in the back ground. ‘Poor Jaejoong hyung’ he thought as he heard his sister screaming at him instead.


          “Noona, I’m almost home, I’m driving right now. It’s not safe to be screaming at someone driving, don’t you know that?” he chuckled as he heard her response. “Alright, I’m gonna hang up now, I’ll be back home soon okay? And yeah, I’ll be careful,” he said before disconnecting the call and placing his phone on the empty seat next to him.


          As he continued driving down the road, he couldn’t help but to recall the conversation that he had with one of the choreographers at the dance studio earlier. He was working part time at the dance studio as a receptionist although he was originally a choreographer and dance instructor there. ‘That is, until it had to happen to me’, he thought to himself.




           “What about dancing? He can still do that right?” Jiyeon asked the doctor as Taemin sat quietly next to her. “He’s working as a dance instructor right now, and they’ve been working hard on an upcoming showcase,” she continued, her hand gripping Taemin’s hand hard, she was just as nervous as he was to hear the doctor’s answer.


           “I’m sorry but I don’t think that’s something he can do at the moment. It’s dangerous for him, and as his doctor, I think I should advice you against it,” the doctor answered as he glanced at Taemin. “Jiyeon noona, you wouldn’t want anything unwanted to happen to him, now would you?” he turned to look at Jiyeon instead. It was too painful for him to see his cousin, his cheerful, happy-go-lucky younger cousin in such an upset state. “We all want what’s best for him, right?” he continued when she stayed silent.


            “I know Donghae, but it’s his dream. You know that,” she answered. “It’s okay Taemin, we’ll figure it out,” she turned and said when she felt his tears dripping on her hand. “We’ll get through this together, okay?” she immediately hugged him, not wanting him to see the tears that were threatening to fall her eyes. Donghae sat and watched the siblings silently, he was feeling just as upset as they were with what was happening.


*End of Flashback


          “Lee Taemin, stop being like this. You have to get yourself together, for noona’s sake. For everyone’s sake,” Taemin said to himself as he drove into the driveway of his home. He hated thinking about the past, there were so many things he wished he could forget. ‘Too bad you can’t just use an eraser to erase the unwanted parts’ he sighed and closed the car door slowly, afraid that the noise might disrupt his neighbors.


        “Taemin?” he looks up from staring at his reflection on the car door to see his sister waiting by the door. “Come in, it’s really cold tonight,” she calls out to him.


        “I’m coming noona,” he walks up the steps and places an arm around his sister’s shoulders as they walk into the house, his sister voicing out her worries for him the whole time.





         “Jongin, stop playing with your food. You’re not a child anymore,” Jongin was quiet as his brother, Kim Kibum sat across of him, his eyebrows knit together as he scowled at the youngest of the Kim’s. ‘Always the diva as usual’. “Are you even listening to me?” Kibum poked him with his chopsticks.


          “I am, hyung. And I’m not hungry,” Jongin answered, pushing his plate towards Kibum as he leaned back on his seat and sighed. ‘When am I ever hungry anymore anyways?’.


          “You’re always not hungry anymore, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be eating. I don’t want you to fall sick. Yubin noona and Ryeowook hyung would kill me,” it was as though Kibum could read his mind. “And I would probably kill myself as well,” he added the last part softly. Seeing his brother’s concern for him, Jongin slowly pulled the plate back to him and began eating.


          “Your brother’s right, you know. You shouldn’t starve yourself,” he could hear her saying.


          ‘You used to go on a diet all the time. You think I don’t remember?’ he answered.


          “That’s different oppa, and it’s really mean of you to say that. Why would you bring that up?” he could practically see her frowning.


            ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. And with or without dieting, you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes,’ he felt bad for thinking of her in that way.


            “I forgive you. And you’ll always be wonderful in my eyes too,” she would smile shyly and tuck her hair behind her ear like she always did whenever she complimented him.


             Kibum watched his brother quietly, poking his food with his chopsticks absentmindedly as worry overcoming his hunger. It was like that every day, Jongin would only utter a sentence or two to those around him and then he would stare into space, a blank look on his face, his attention no longer on his surroundings. He would go back to bubble that he was in everyday, sometimes he smiles to himself, sometimes he frowns, it’s as though he’s having a conversation with himself. But Kibum knows that it’s not that.




             “He’s talking to her, Kibum. He told me that she always talks to him,” Ryeowook frowned as he went through some papers on his desk. He was overwhelmed with the amount of patients that had come in that week but he insisted on having Kibum come over as Jongin had always been one of his main priorities. Although they aren’t related by blood, his family and Kibum’s had always been close, heck, he grew up with Yubin, Kibum and Jongin.


             “What do you mean by that? How can she be talking to him when she’s not there?” Kibum asked sarcastically. “Wait………you don’t mean that……….,” he trailed off, not knowing how to put it into words.


         “I don’t know. Perhaps he is imagining her, perhaps he’s not. He barely responds to me, it’s practically impossible to get him to talk at times. He just mentioned it once, something about how other people can’t mind their own business and just let him talk to her in private,” Ryeowook said as he stopped messing around with the papers on his desk and stared Kibum straight in the eye. “I’m really trying to help him Kibum…… I just hope I can,” he continued.


          “I know that hyung and just so you know, Yubin noona and I really appreciate it. It’s just……. difficult seeing him like this… I want my baby brother back,” Kibum couldn’t stop the tears that were slowly blurring his vision.


         “We all want the old Jongin back Kibum….. We all do,” Ryeowook muttered softly.


*Flashback Ends


          “When you’re done, just leave your plates in the sink, I’ll wash it later. I’ll be in my room if you need me, Jongin,” Kibum got up and began clearing his plates. “Good night,” he said as he left his plates in the sink. Before going up the stairs, he turned back to glance at Jongin, hoping that his brother had heard him, though he could tell that Jongin probably hadn’t. Shaking his head, he walked up and made a mental note to check on his brother later, as soon as he was done with all his work. 




More characters will be introduced in the next chapter, so once I'm done introducing most of them, I'll update the forward with a character poster! :) And also, do leave comments and critics, I appreciate the feedback as it helps me improve my writing and ideas for the story. I hope you guys weren't disappointed with this chapter and the fact that they haven't met each other yet. Look forward to when they meet in the next chapter! :) Thank you!




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sincesince #1
Chapter 1: Why it always has to be Taemin and Kai?
I know one of them will be heartbroken eventually, and it makes me hard to choose between those two plus i dunno author's choice.

Anyway, be strong Taemin and Kai. lol
Chapter 1: It was a good way to begin the story with what really happened to there past so in the later chapters people won't get confused :) It's a good mixture of drama, faith and hope of finding the better person inside you. All of them has problems and the story, I suppose, is how they conquer their fears and pasts, i hope, together. I would want them to meet up and have romance evolve around the story as well. I believe that would be a good twist that the readers might love to see. Since most people would want love in a story, of course. :) Just stating what i think. Atleast in the end, they will find hope in their tragedies invidually or together, i hope together. :) FIGHTING TUNA AND KAINA <3 I just really love Luna <3
Please continue to update:) I absolutely love the story plot and pairings!!!!!
Chapter 1: interesting!!! i'm happy !!!
oh finally
Chapter 1: Chanyeol and Luna as siblings, just one of my favourite relations hehe ^^ hopefully you'll put more Taemin/Luna/Kai in the next chapter because i am itching to know what'll happen when they meet, each with their own distinct problems :)
TeukNa #7
Chapter 1: now, I really can't wait for another chapter XD this is good. and poor them. but I like it. fighting author-nim :D
Oh. My. God. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!??? You're putting my ultimate kpop bias with the two hot dancers? x3 Kyaaaaa!!! And it seems like a really great story! I do kinda hope that if she is to end up with one of them I hope it's Kai :p
TeukNa #9
Yeay! I'm in XD