
A Burden To Love
“Hebe. The school garden, how is it like?” Gripping onto Hebe’s arm tightly, Arron asked with a hint of solemnness behind his low, soft voice.

It was art lesson for both Arron and Hebe, and the teacher decided to have the lesson outdoors. As she put it, it was the one chance for her students to ‘open up their mind’ and ‘think out of the box’. But not so much for a certain someone.

“It’s beautiful, Arron.” Hebe replied, holding onto Arron’s arm in return. She pulled him forward to the pavement on the garden. “Droplets of rain are falling down from the veins of the leaves onto the fresh grass on the ground. Thin layers of mist are overlapping the leaves and branches of the greenery. The refreshing smell and the cool breeze… it almost seems like a heaven on earth.” She added, heaving a dreamy sigh at the end of her sentence.

“Can you imagine it?” She asked, as she turned to look at Arron, who apparently was just looking down and muttered a soft “I see.” without replying her.

She knew that tone. She knew what he was thinking. No matter how much time she had spent with him to make him happy and cheerful like a typical human being, he was still the same old him ever since young, having low self-confidence for lacking the single thing which seemed very much significant to him.

“You really need to cheer up, you know?” She said, giving her best smile while her hands ruffled through his soft, brown hair.

“I’m okay, don’t worry.” Arron convinced her, returning a smile.

“Alright then, come with me!” Hebe pulled Arron’s arm as they paced forward to a spot under a tree, which seemed perfect for them both to rest at. Both of them got settled down under the tree and scrambled their art stuffs in front of them.

“I’m going to start.” Arron said, adding a smile.

Puzzled Hebe looked at Arron, with question marks floating above her head. “We’re supposed to be drawing the scenery. How are you…” She paused, unsure of the right thing to say.

“I know… This is something else, a surprise. You’ll see.” Arron flashed a grin, a hint of suspense covering his voice. He moved to another corner of the tree, bringing along his art materials. For a person who’s unable to see like him, he used charcoal to draw all the while, for he was able to feel its roughness on the paper’s surface with his fingers.

Hebe, on the other hand, looked as confused as ever. Of course she loved to find out what was Arron up to, but she realized she had to finish her drawing before the teacher does a check-up on her students.

“Okay then.” She uttered, and began drawing on her own art paper.

Fifteen minutes goes by in a flash, and Hebe was still scratching her head while heaving soft sighs. She hopelessly looked down at her paper, which was covered with eraser dusts, rather than a beautiful shading of the garden.

“I give up. I’m really no good at this. I’m still wondering why I took this class.” She said, heaving a sigh with her head promptly tilting down.

Funny, there wasn’t seemed to be any reply from the person who’s sitting at the other corner of the tree, where as usual he would say something when she rants. She turned to look at him, where she saw an attentive Arron whose hands were randomly moving up and down the drawing paper. Curious, she sneakily crawled behind him to catch a glance of what he was up to.

“Ah! Don’t even think about it!” Arron spoke. Thank God for his sharp hearing, he was able to know that Hebe was sneaking up on him. He quickly pressed the drawing block against his chest to avoid her from seeing it.

Hebe pouted, as she quickly sat straight once she heard Arron’s warning. “You’re no fun. Can I just take a peek? Please…” She whined.

“Nah. Come on Hebe, just wait a little while.” Arron replied.

“But… I can’t wait.”



Arron continued to sketch, until he was done, “Hebe?”


“I’m done. Here…” Arron held out his drawing for Hebe.

Hebe’s face lightened in excitement, as she took the drawing from Arron’s hand. She looked at it, when her eyes widened in surprise. “Wha-” She could utter nothing else.

“Er, It’s you. This is the Hebe… I picture in my mind.” Arron said, feeling a little hesitant.

No reply was heard from her, when he really expected one. Didn’t she like it? Or… it doesn’t look like her at all? That moment, he felt regretful for doing that. How stupid he was for hoping to draw an exact her, when it all seemed so illogical. Yes, he had indeed felt her face before, but not to the extent of being able to draw her precisely. Besides, he cannot see… so what was he thinking? What if it went wrong? It was merely his imagination, how far could it be right? And most importantly, what would Hebe think?

“Hebe, er… I’m really sorry if it doesn’t look like you. It’s just me… I just… I-” Arron spoke.

“No no! It’s not that. It’s just…” Hebe said, couldn’t believe what was in her hands.

“Hey.” A rough voice rang out, along with a loud smack.

“Ouch!” Hebe yelled in pain. “What is your problem, you ert?!” Her blood boiled in fury as she breathed heavily.

There he stood, Mike the muttonhead, smirking at her after giving her a big smack on the . What the hell was he thinking? Or rather, what the hell was he doing there? It had already been four days since they met, and that muttonhead still bullied her like he had no other business to do. It was hell to be in the same class as him. And to think that she was in charge of her, she had the feeling that her senior year was about to go down the drain with his presence. All she knew was she was dying, waiting for the week to end.

“What happened?” Arron asked once he heard Hebe’s alarming voice. Hebe said nothing but glared straight at whom she called the muttonhead. No no, the ERTED muttonhead.

“I just gave her a smack on the . Why? Do you have anything to say about it, er, say, what is your name again?” Mike asked Arron, like they’ve just met seconds ago.

“His name is Arron!” Hebe retorted. “ Muttonhead.” She muttered under her breath. Not only he annoyed her so much, but how could he have the guts to be ignorant of Arron like that when they were in the same class all the while. Was he that stupid to forget his name when they actually sit near to each other? What a erted muttonhead dumbo he was.

Mike heard her and gave her another smirk, adding on a slight chuckle. Just before he could speak another word, his eyes diverted to the sketch Hebe was holding.

“Wow! Who drew this?” He asked in astonishment, grabbing Arron’s drawing from her hands.

“None of your business. Can you just get out of here?” Hebe replied coldly, snatching back the drawing. She cared for nothing other than him vanishing in thin air and never coming back.

“But you’re in charge of me, remember?”

“But not during lessons, you douche!” Hebe groaned, glaring at Mike like she was going to eat him up alive.

Mike bent over to Hebe and held on to her chin as their faces met. “Do you really hate me that much?” Hebe stood still, not knowing what to do or react. There was a long awkward silence, while someone at the side was heating up, hearing the whole thing. He held out his arm and felt for Hebe’s hand. He quickly pulled her behind him.

“Can you just leave her alone?” Arron sternly asked.

“Why should I listen to you?”

“What do you want with her?”

“Why should I be telling you?” Mike got closer to Arron. “What are going to do to me when I tell you anyway? Beat me?” He chuckled sinisterly, purposely getting on Arron’s nerves.

Arron could feel Mike’s breathing under his nose. He could give him a punch that second for disturbing Hebe and annoying Hebe, but he didn’t. No. He can’t. He couldn’t see, he was weak and he was worthless, at least that’s what he thought. How was he to face someone whom had all the advantages and when he didn’t? How was he to protect Hebe when he could barely guess what was going on around him?

But… he couldn’t leave Mike doing whatever he wants, could he? Hebe, an important person in his life, was getting bullied, but there he stood, listening to the whole thing and doing nothing about it, when he actually can. All because of his low self-esteem. He really needed to do something. Yes, even so little, he would do anything for her.

Arron began to heat up. Hebe, who was holding his arm, felt his body becoming stiff. Something was going wrong. Was Arron going to oppose Mike? No, he cannot. She didn’t want him to get in trouble for something that only involved her. What if he gets caught by the teacher for breaking the school rules? Or what if Mike revenges on Arron for doing something bad to him? Whatever it is, she wants to handle her problem by herself and not involving others, especially Arron into it.

She gripped on to Arron’s arm tighter, stopping Arron from doing anything rashly. “Don’t do it.” She whispered in to him. In mere seconds, he loosened up and looked down, heaving a soft sigh.

“What? You couldn’t? Is it because you can’t even guess where I’m standing? How pity.” Mike made a remark, which seemed witty to nobody else but him. As he was about to open his mouth for another round of his mocking, the last bell rang. Oh well, call it a saved-by-the-bell day.

“Whatever. I’m going. And I’m bringing her with me.” Mike grabbed Hebe’s hand and pulled him to his side.

“What?!” Hebe snapped. “Why should I go with you?!”

“Classes are over, so you’re responsible for showing me around, sweetheart. Are you forgetting that? Let’s go.” And he left, pulling a ranting Hebe with him and leaving Arron all alone.

It turned out to be so quiet all of a sudden. Arron stared into space unblinkingly, looking like he was going to burst any soon. He took out his walking stick from his sling bag. He tapped in onto the ground and made his way out of the school compound. Hebe was going to be late serving that Mike, he assured. He must do something, by means anything to get rid of Mike for her. Looking at Mike annoying Hebe irritated him as much. And if Mike had a motive behind his behavior towards her, he would certainly not leave Mike alone.

“I will get him.”

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