First meeting

My Last Wish

When I was little, I used to dream what kind of love story I will have when I grow up. I always asked my daddy to be my prince and marry me, but mom said that daddy is her prince charming. She said that one day my prince charming will come at the right time.I jump and giggle when mommy told me that. Now I'm 20 and currently studying in college but i still haven't found the right prince for me just like my mom and dad.

-Yuni(you) P.O.V-

"Its Saturday, my Onew oppa is going to have his wedding today and I'm very excited to meet his princess of his life. OHH how I wish that I could find my prince too just like my Oppa" i said to myself while packing my stuff to go to my hometown.My Onew Oppa is getting married at the church near our house in Jeju.


RING! RING! RING! RING!-Mommy Calling-


Mom: Nae Yuni what time is your flight here?

Yuni: 7:30 a.m. is my flight maybe at 8:00 a.m is my landing at the airport, Wae mom?

Mom: Well i asked your sister-in-law's younger brother to come and pick you up because me and your dad found out something happened at the reception so we're going there now, Biyan my little princess, we promise to make it up to you when you get here arraso

Yuni: Wae mom, how do i suppose to know a stranger.Well, how about you forward me his number so that i could text him when i got there, I love you mom~

Mom: Sure that would be great, i'll text him and i'll forward you his number arraso, bye~ have a nice trip honey

Yuni: NAE~




BUZZ!BUZZ!BUZZ! (text from mom)


To My Little Princess:

From Mom:

"here you go Honey, he said that it's ok- 09XX-XXX"


To: 09XX-XXX:

From Yuni:

"Hello my name is Lee Yuni, I got your number from Mom, i hope you don't mind"


From: 09XX-XXX:


"i don't mind at all, by the way i'm Yoo Youngjae, so what time is your arrival here?"



From: Yuni:

"8:00 a.m. pls take care of me"


To Yuni:

From: Youngjae:

" Nae, your safe with me ^^ keke"



From: Yuni:

"Well see you then :) "


To Yuni:

From: Youngjae:

"Yeah see ya."


"AHH~ its still 5:30 a.m.~ AHH~ palli time, i want to see my handsome Oppa and my beautiful Noona~" as you look at your watch.You showered and get dressed, this is your airport outfit.

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"Yuni~ wae why do you nead to leave?~ don't be too long arraso, i'll get lonely without my bestfriend in the whole wide world ~" said Suzy.
while hugging you tight.


 "Biyan Suzy-ah, my Oppa ig getting married on our hometown and you know how i missed them alot, it's been a while since i last saw them, right, i hope you understand,biyan :( " you said to Suzy

Nea(about to cry) i'll miss you alot, so how long did you said that your going to stay there?" asked Suzy

"2-3 months maybe, biyan" you pat her head gently

"Well promise me you'll comeback safe arraso?" she said while giving her signature smile.

"Ara~" you said

"Atleast let me send you to the airport then Yuni-ah~" she pleaded.

"Ok~" how can i resist ^^


-6:55 a.m. in the airport-


"call me when you get there ok~" Suzy said.

"Nea~ i'll call you, bye~" you said

"Have a safe trip then" as she went in her car and drove off.


-minutes later in the plane-


"now i'll wait then huh~" as i seat in the plain while listening to music.


"8:00 a.m."

"Wahhh!! i missed you Jeju ^^ "as you walk down the plane.


RING!RING!RING!RING! (Youngjae calling)


"Yobuseo? Youngjae-shi?" i asked.

"Nae, Yuni have you landed already?" he said

"Nae~ im on my way to the pick up place right now" you said while walking.

"I'll be waiting for there ok, i'll be the one beside the tarpaulin where your name is written ara" he said

"Tarpaulin ay~ haha sure im on my way ^^" you said



as you walk in through those glass cannot believe your eyes of what you saw. You saw a Tarpaulin like as long tarp and 5 people are holding it as high as they can for me to see.

People who came out with me from the airport were shock,and i even felt really embarrassed.

"WELCOME BACK LEE YUNI "was written in the tarp.

"Hi~" i said while laughing as i walk towards the tarp.

"You must be Youngjae-shi?" as you look at the guy with cute small eyes and gummy smile holding flowers.

"Nae, Hi Yuni, this is for you, welcome back to Jeju, you look pretty by the way" he said

"KAMSAMNIDA~ (blushing)thanks for coming, uhmmm... you can put down the tarp now, it's kinda embarrassing you know~" i told the boys that were holding the tarp.

"Thanks for coming here" i told the boys who were folding the tarp.

they bowed but never said a word.

"So let's go then Yuni-shi?" Youngjae asked.

"Nea kaja~!"as he took my luggage from my hand.

"Yah, i can do it myself." i said to him

"I know your tired so let me, and you can't force me...ara?" he said while smiling at me.

"Palli get in" he said while opening the car door for me.

"ahh nea..." and we drove off.

"So how old are you Youngjae-shi?"i asked.

"" he asked me

"Jinja! Im 20 too, so do you live here?" i asked again

"Nahh... i lived in America, i came here because of my Noona's wedding, and im guessing it's the same with you too." he said

" Nae~ but i used to live here before i went to college...i really missed this place alot, bring me so much memories..." i said.

"When did you arrive here?" i ask him again

"About a month now, i lived in the condo 5 minutes away from your mansion." He said

" that so..."i said

"WE'RE HERE!" i jump from my seat with so much excitement.


"Your too excited, the wedding doesn't start like about 7 hours from now you know" he gigles...wahh so cute~

"Wae~? is there no reason for me to get excited, after all i haven't seen them for like 2 year now haha^^" i said

"Nae,nae, fine if you say so hahaha xD" he laughed.

"Yah! i just came here and now you already teasing me...ARA !ARA!" I pout >:3



















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