Chapter Two - Running Man - Good Vs. Evil Pt.1

SO:U | U-G's First Girl Group

Manager Cha walked tiredly to the members' bedrooms. The manager opened the door and shook the leader's body. "Yah, Jieun, wake up." Jieun laid in her bed, still sleeping, only shifting a little. "Jieun, get up." The manager mumbled angrily while hitting her with a stuffed bear. Yoonmi heard the commotion and woke up. She looked down at the manager and sighed. Everyone had been tired from partying last night. Yoonmi sat up and began to climb down from her bed. "Unnie, What's going on? Where are we going?" Yoonmi tiredly asked her manager. "Just get ready, I'll explain later." Yoonmi nodded her head and walked towards the shower. Yoonmi began to shower as the manager finally woke Jieun up. "Unnie, What's going on?" Jieun asked, asking the same thing that Yoonmi did previously. "Just get ready." Manager Cha told her firmly. Jieun didn't say a word and went to the other bathroom. By now, Chohee was already awake and waiting for Yoonmi to finish. Manager Cha took her chance to leave the room and went onto the next. She walked over and shook Shimmy. "Shi Min, Wake up." The manager said saying her real name. Shimmy opened her eyes to the manager and breathed a deep sigh. She sat up, nearly hitting the manager in the forehead, and got up. The manager quickly moved to Marina and barely had to say a word. She stretched and smiled at the manager. "Morning." She whispered to the manager. The manager smiled and moved onto Mina. "Mina, It's time to get ready." Mina stretched and made a face with a frown. She slowly sat up and got out of bed. She walked towards the bathrooms as well as the others.


Manager Cha stood in the living room with Yoonmi, Jieun, Chohee, and Marina. They all waited for Shimmy and Mina, who were still getting ready. Shimmy walked out and had some jewelry on. Soon after, Mina came down the hall as well. "Let's go." The manager said trying to rush so they wouldn't be late. "Where are we going anyways?" Jieun asked the manager while getting into the van. "You'll now later, I'm too tired right now." The manager lied. The six girls were to make an appearance on Running Man. The Producers and people in charge of the show asked the manager to keep it a secret to the girls. Jieun sighed as well did the other girls. The manager continued to drive to the sight of Running Man and soon parked. "Where are we?" Yoonmi asked curiously. "Come on, Let's go." The manager said getting out of the car. The six girls followed and got out as well. They followed the manager to the front door and stood there. "What the heck?" Mina asked confused. Then the people part of Running Man grabbed each girl's arm and dragged them inside the building. "Yah! What the heck!?" Mina yelled. "Unnie, What's happening?!" Yoonmi screamed. The people dragged the six girls in different directions and placed them in several areas. "Put this on." One of the people told Jieun to do. "Wae?" She asked confused. "Just do it." The person told her. She nodded her head and went behind the screen. She spotted the camera and gasped. "Are you shooting ?! Turn that off!" She screamed startled. The PD turned it off and waited for her to finish. Meanwhile, Everyone was changing into the uniforms. "Here, wear this." The person told Mina. "Why should I?" She asked startled. "It's for the show." The PD told her. Mina nodded and went to change.


Soon, Everyone was changed and left alone with a VJ in their room. "Attention all! Welcome to Running Man." The PD said over the loud speaker. Mina jumped up and down with a smile. "Today's theme is 'Good vs. Evil'! Now you might be wondering where your teams are." The PD said once more. Yoonmi was seriously spaced out and in deep thought as she listened to the PD. "You must find the rest of your members and oust the other team. Everyone is wearing either white or black so it'll be easier." The PD continued. "Race, START!" Mina ran out of her room with her VJ and began her search. She quickly spotted HaHa wearing a black uniform. She decided to mess with him. She snuck up behind him and torn his nametag a little. "Oh!" He said startled. He turned and saw Mina. He smiled immediately. "Oh! An idol!" He said happily. "Hello, My name is Mina of SO:U." She told him with a bow. "Yah! HaHa." The two heard. The turned to see an angry Kim Jong Kook running towards them. He was wearing white and he was with Chohee. "Run!" HaHa screamed. Mina and HaHa took off running and fast at that. "YAH!" Jong Kook was yelling from behind them. Kwang Soo stepped out of a room at the wrong time and got cornered by Jong Kook. Jong Kook held his arms while Chohee ripped his nametag. Kwang Soo sat on the ground with his mouth wide. "Kwang Soo, out! Kwang Soo, out!" The PD announced. Jong Kook and Chohee high-fived and continued their search for the other members.


Jieun ran as Suk Jin chased her. "Yah! White Team! Where are you?!" She screamed. A man wearing white ran in her direction and ripped Suk Jin's nametag off. Suk Jin stood there astonished and looked at the person. Jieun looked at the man and finally saw his face. "Omo!" She happily shouted. It was Kim Jaejoong of JYJ. He smiled and said 'Hello'. "Hello, I'm Jieun of SO:U, the leader," She began to tell him. "Thank you for helping me." Jaejoong smiled and patted her shoulder. "No problem." He told her. They then spotted Yoonmi. "Yoonmi!" Jieun shouted for her. "Unnie!" She shouted and ran towards them. Shimmy suddenly ran out of one of the rooms and grabbed Yoonmi. "MiMi-ah!" Jieun screamed and ran towards them. Jieun pushed Shimmy and grabbed her arms. "Marina! Help me!" She screamed and the spotted Marina run out of the room and away from the scene. "YAH!" Shimmy yelled angrily. Yoonmi ran around them and ripped Shimmy nametag off. "Suk Jin, Out! Suk Jin, Out! Shimmy, Out! Shimmy, Out!" The PD announced. "Unnie!" Yoonmi happily shouted and hugged Jieun. Jieun hugged her back and Jaejoong smiled. The three of them soon began to walk and look for the other members.


Marina continued to run and breathed heavily. She was now being chased by Gary and Ji Hyo. Seo In Guk, a person on her team suddenly popped out and tried to fight them. Marina didn't even she him and continued to run. Gary grabbed In Guk and Ji Hyo ripped his nametag of. "In Guk, Out! In Guk, Out!" The PD announced once more. In Guk was then taken to the jail and sat down. He looked over and saw Shi Min. "Shi Min?" He called out. She turned her head to him with wide eyes. "Oppa!" She shouted and jumped up. They both hugged and smiled. "I can't believe it's you!" Shimmy exclaimed. He hugged her once more and began to talk about they had both missed in each others lives.


Mina and HaHa finally found Marina and Kim Soo Hyun. Mina squealed inside as she looked at the man she had the huggest crush on. They walked around and finally spotted Gary, Ji Hyo, and Jae Suk. They snuck up behind Gary and Ji Hyo and ripped Gary nametag off. "Ah!" He shouted and turned. Ji Hyo quickly backed up and went next to Jae Suk. "Gary, Out! Gary, Out!" The loud speakers sang. Mina and Marina grabbed Ji Hyo and tried to hold her still. Soo Hyun ran over and ripped her nametag off. By the time they looked up, Jae Suk had run away. "Aish!" HaHa yelled. Jae Suk ran and ran and finally found Chohee running away in his direction. "Gary, Out! Gary, Out! Ji Hyo, Out! Ji Hyo, Out! Jong Kook, Out! Jong Kook, Out!" The PD said once more. Chohee grabbed Jae Suk's hand and ran. "We have to get out of here!" She shouted. They ran and ran as Mina and the rest of them drew closer. Marina grabbed Chohee as she screamed. "Jae Suk oppa! RUN!" She screamed once more. Jae Suk took off running as Mina ripped Chohee's nametag off. "Chohee, Out! Chohee, Out!" The PD announced. Jaejoong, Jieun, and Yoonmi stood nervously. "What do we do?" Yoonmi asked her unnie. "I'm not too sure.." She sighed. The spotted Jae Suk running towards them. "Hyung!" Jaejoong shouted to him. Jae Suk spotted him and ran even faster. He finally reached them and told them what happened. "This is horrible.." Yoonmi sighed. "I have a plan." Jaejoong announced. "Jae Suk hyung, you hide over there behind that wall as they approach us, You oust HaHa, I'll get Soo Hyun, Jieun will get Mina, and Yoonmi will go after Marina. Sound good?" Jaejoong asked them. They all nodded in agreement and started their plan.


HaHa, Mina, Marina, and Soo Hyun all approached Jaejoong and the other girls. HaHa laughed as they got closer. Jae Suk crept out from behind the wall and ripped HaHa's nametag off. "Yah!" HaHa yelled. Soo Hyun ran towards Jaejoong and attacked him. Jae Suk ran up behind Soo Hyun and ripped his nametag off. Mina then ripped Jae Suk's off. "HaHa, Out! HaHa, Out! Soo Hyun, Out! Soo Hyun, Out! Jae Suk, Out! Jae Suk, Out!" The PD announced. Jieun ran at Mina and Yoonmi at Marina. Jaejoong quickly ripped both girls nametags off and won the first round. "Mina, Out! Mina, Out! Marina, Out! Marina! Good Team, Win!" The PD announced. They all jumped up and down and met everyone in front of the PD. "Good Team won round one, I'll now announce the leaders of your teams, Good Team leader is Jaejoong and Evil Team leader is Soo Hyun, Get into your assigned vans and travel to the next landmark." The PD told them. The Good and Evil teams walked out and got into a white van and a black van. Both teams began to drive to the next location.

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troubledwater #1
Chapter 26: Chohee, your English. <3
nunchii #2
Chapter 26: Chohee's english <3
Awww <3
Chapter 23: THE FEELS AUTHOR NIM WAAEE~~~~~ T^T LOL at Mina hitting her four eonnies, how cute xD Oh Marina unexpectedly "borrowing" Jieun eonnie's belt cx this chapter was just perffff!! :D
Chapter 18: Date~~~ Daebak! The showcase though <3, they're so talented :') LOL. The outfits were pretty also!
nunchii #5
Chapter 15: Lucky Marina and Chohee~ Omo~ paparazzi uh oh! Mina and Soo hyun ahh^^ YoonMi and Taemin so cute~ Oh my gah Shimmy and In Guk! Jieun on WGM oooo~~