One Month Later

Complicated Love


All the graduates get their certificates ,Headmaster gave a speech and an Invitation to attend tonights Event At Sujong Hotel. 

"YEAHH WOO" Screamed the graduates in happiness.

''Nice ,  Girls Remember our plan? "Hyuna said smirking to her best friends.

They both nodded in agreement

At the Event ~~

Alot of the girls Express their feeling to the three Charming Boys at their school , Hoya , Chunji and Daehyun , Not just them Taeyeon , Jisook and Sulli also got admirer(s) but they just deny the boys that confeses to them politely.

Hoya, Chunji , Daehyun we're busy talking to Taeyeon , Sulli and Jisook. Hoya and Jisook form a couplee that time. "A couple has been form !!" Chunji said in excitedly.While the other 4 Taeyeon , Sulli , Daehyun and Chunji is trapped in a love square. Chunji likes Taeyeon , Taeyeon likes cold Daehyun , for Sulli She likes Chunji.

After few minutes of talking and eating , Chunji confeses to Taeyeon .Sulli and Daehyun was just watching the scene as if they were watching a drama/tv . They thought that Taeyeon would accept him but it would break Sulli's heart then So she just stay's there looking at them not knowing what to do.

"I- I- I gotta go for awhile"Taeyeon stuttered.Taeyeon then ran out before she went out someone hold her wrist tightening his grasp on her wrist." Where are you going ?" The voice spoke.Taeyeon turned to see Chunji holding her hand.

"I need some fresh air."

"...okay..."Chunji said looking at Taeyeon walking away knowing that he just got rejected.

"Girls It's Time".




While Taeyeon was walking outside there was kind of a park next to a pool .She walked near the pool feeling the night breeze as it waves her hair.

Just then HyunA , Jessica and Ga In appeared out of nowhere ."HEY who do you think you are to steal my Chanhee !!" HyunA warned Taeyeon."Yeah my ours too."Jessica and Ga In said in unision.

"Them , we're just bestfriends we didnt do anything ." replied Taeyeon and 6 of them are best friends since elementry their friendship was strong because alot of people want to break their friendship but It didn't, ever broke.

"Who care's if you're their bestfriend or what JUST NEVER GET CLOSE AGAIN !!" mocked HyunA.

"What if we dont want to"Taeyeon defended herself and her arms crossed againts her chest.

That made HyunA more angrier.

"YOU think that I dont know you're just picking on Daehyun because his publicity !! I know he's rich that all YOU want RIGHT !! "Jessica said to Taeyeon while pointing her finger at Taeyeon.

"WHAT , My relationship with Daehyun are just bestfriends not more than that."

HyunA , Jessica and Ga In looked at each other then nodded.

They pushed Taeyeon into the pool knowing that Taeyeon doesn't know how to swim and thinked that their plan worked until they heard someone screamed.


They we're shocked hearing that screamed without looking they just ran away leaving Taeyeon struggling there.

Daehyun came running he didn't see ran away without thinking long he just opened his shoes and coat then jumped into the water to save Taeyeon who is still struggling.After Taeyeon was out of the pool , Daehyun ran towards the way that the 3 of them went. Taeyeon was still there lying weak beside the pool.

Chunji doesn't feel good then went out to search for Taeyeon and Daehyun .Sulli followed Chunji also.

All of sudden they found a girl lying lifelessly near the pool then just ran towards that direction.Sulli just follow near Chunji.

Chunji was beyond shock to see the girl that was lying lifelessly was Taeyeon." TAEYEON ?!?" Sulli screamed. Chunji sat next to Taeyeon and start giving C.P.R to her. Sulli was schocked seeing Chunji's actions when it reach the mouth to mouth part , she took a step back and ran away.

He did not mean to discourage her , but for the sake of saving Taeyeon. Chunji also knows that Sulli was keeping her feelings for him.

Daehyun came back to the scene He did not catch the 3 girls just now , but he was also shocked seeing Chunji giving C.P.R at Taeyeon.Daehyun misunderstood he thought that they we're kissing.

Moments later , Taeyeon woke up coughing water." You must be cold "with that Chunji opened his coat and wore it for Taeyeon. Daehyun was far so he did not  hear the cough.Taeyeon was Silence she didn't know what to do.Chunji picked Taeyeon up and went away.

Daehyun was just there looking at the scene fall on his knees then cried.Daehyun now is feeling confused with various feelings of pain, frustration, anger and resentment.Now he knows that he likes Taeyeon , after all these years he has pushed his feelings for Taeyeon until now.

Taeyeon was admitted in the hospital since she went uncoscious again.

In the Hospital, Sulli and Ji Sook took turns taking care of Taeyeon.

"Dude , Are you kidding me?!"Daehyun scold Chunji.

"What , you're suppose to say that you like Taeyeon too , This is not the attitude of a cool person .Cool but was afraid to face the person he loves and you were suppose to be there in the first place !!"

"YOU !!- "

OKAY hey I can't upload more cuz right now is 3:00 am I need to sleep I'll think about tomorrow and umm


well not much of a cliffhanger though just well 

GIF time~~


How dare they...

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Urmm ... ^
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What happens when Maknae line seats together ^
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*Baekhyun tries  ^                                                 *Chanyeol tries ^
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Sanduel what are you doing??
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*look camera ^                                                          *pose
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                                                                            lawl ^
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