The Breakpoint

How Can I Not Love You

Just an early note...

The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber.


Nichkhun was in a cab, heading toward Seoul General Hospital. He received a call not too long ago while he was busy with his shooting for Star King. It was Chansung who called him.


“Hyung, you have to come to the hospital now…it’s Wooyoung, he is…”


Chansung had hesitated greatly to say it out, but the greater impact was on Nichkhun upon hearing the dreadful news. He felt as if he was going insane as wave after wave of blasted grief washed over him. He was weeping silently at the back seat, every inch burning like an open wound. He had wanted to scream to the driver to move faster to the hospital, but refrained himself from doing so because he knew, that he was not going to be ready for this, he knew losing Wooyoung would fester him gradually.


But he damned wished it would not be so.


His phone vibrated twice. It was a message from voicemail claiming that he has one unread message. Nichkhun closed his phone and put it away. He damn well does not have the time or the mood to go through his voicemail at a moment like this. Might be Jinyoung or his manager. He had shut off his phone during the shooting.


As time pass, and they were nowhere close to reaching the hospital, Nichkhun started to get flustered. He could not sit quietly and kept asking the driver when they would reach the hospital. The anxiety was getting the better of him. And he didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to react at this moment. He needed something to take his mind of the uneasiness until they reach the hospital.


That’s when he remembered the voicemail again.


Taking out his phone he dialed voicemail and waited patiently as the voice machine was doing the talking.


“You have one voicemail on Wednesday, 1.30 a.m.” Beeeeeeep.


“Khun hyung….” Came the voice of the man Nichkhun had been craving to see. That moment every fibre of his body went rigid and his eyes were wide with frenzy. What the hell? What is going on here? It can’t be…


“What ever happens, just know that I have loved you…” Nickhun sat stone still, as he realized what this was. It was Wooyoung’s dying message. The younger boy had called him, had wanted to talk to him and yet, it went through voicemail. Nichkhun felt he could just kill himself right now for being such an idiot. Tears was blocking his eyes and his heart pounded in his chest when he heard Wooyoung coughing, followed by little sobs of cries. A moment later comes the rest of the message.


Everything after that was a blurr. Nichkhun started screaming inside the cab like a maniac. He clutched his heart in a tight grip and bend in trying to contain the pain that’s radiating though his entire frame.


No, he can’t loose Wooyoung like this. He will never be able to forgive himself. NO!


The cab driver seemed a little anxious as he came to a stop in front of Seoul General Hospital’s entrance. He turned to look at his passenger who seemed broken and vulnerable. “Sir, we’ve reached the hospital.”


Nichkhun gave him a 10000won bill and got out the cab. His face was like those of a zombie. Lifeless.


The cab driver got out of his car and called out to him. “Sir, your change!” But nothing is registering into his mind right now. Nothing. He walked like a dead man toward the place where his 2PM mates were waiting. Gyuri and Jiyeon were also there. They looked up at him, expecting him to cry or lash out or scream.


But he did none of that.


He came in with a type of calmness that you would expect before a tsunami was about to hit. Truly this side of NIchkhun was even scarier. Taecyeon came in closer and grabbed Nichkhun, but the Thai easily pulled himself free and head toward the double door that stood between him and his Wooyoung. On top of it, written in red were three alphabets.


ICU. Intensive care unit.


Nichkhun tried to open the door, but this time it was Minjun who stopped him. "The doctors said we’re not allowed inside. We have to wait for his family to come."


The Thai jerked his hand from Minjun and when he spoke, he was not human like. “I’m his boyfriend! How much more of a family do you want?”


As, Nichkhun stepped into the room. He froze.


The man lying on top of the bed was heavily bandaged, multiple wires were hanging from his body to a life support machine and his mouth was covered with an oxygen mask. His eyes were also bandaged and two feeding tubes run down from his nose. He couldn’t even recognize if it was really Wooyoung.


Nichkhun kneeled down on that spot and started weeping with all the sadness that begins to pour out of his heart.


Minjun and a nurse went into the room gathered Nichkhun from the floor and took him out of that place. The nurse went back inside while Minjun sat with Nichkhun at the waiting lounge.


“He’s…I can’t…” Nichkhun words seemed to be stuck. “Is he going to….die?”


Minjun looked at the others for help. He had been with these boys for so long that he can’t stand looking at them being so shattered like this. One is fighting for his life, another was dying from anguish.


Gyuri, stood up and moved in closer to Nichkhun to sit beside him. “Khun, they’ve tried everything to save him, they really did…but the doctors said that he had severe injuries mostly due to the fumes, the burns were not that extensive.”


The Thai shut his eyes tightly and started rocking his body slowly.


“He had corneal damage and his airways collapsed, right now he’s in a very critical condition and there is no telling wether he could survive this until he is completely stabilized.” Gyuri explained. Eventhough it pained her to do that, but she believes that he has the right to know it all.


“He’ll be fine.” Nichkhun said, he sounded resolute. “As long as there are possibilities, he would be fine. He can’t die yet. There is so many things I wanted to tell him….so many…and he didn’t want to leave…no…he’ll be fine right?” Nichkhun looked at the others questioningly. “Wouldn’t he?”


“He would.” Came a familiar voice from the dorrway. All of them turned to see Wooyoung’s Mother and his sister standing there. “He’s my son; he would fight his way out of this…” Though his mother had spoken those words with confidence, her voice was crlearly cracking up.


Taecyeon, slowly moved away from the crowd, he wanted to give more space for Wooyoung’s family to settle in. But his real purpose was to get to Jiyeon and Gyuri who were now standing near the coffee machine in the lounge. Something had bothered him from just now. When, the police were here earlier, Jiyeon and Gyuri had told them about what went on. But the real question was, why were Wooyoung there in the first place?


“Both of you come with me.” Taecyeon whispered and lead them out of the waiting lounge. “What were Wooyoung doing with you guys at KARA’s dance studio?” He asked once they found a quite spot by the end of the hallway.


Gyuri and Jiyeon looked at each other uncertainly before Gyuri said. “We wanted to find out what happened to Eunjung at the Curve Club.” As they were talking about this, none of them realized the figure of a woman standing behind the tall shelves of linen just a few feet from them. The woman froze at the mention of her name.


“What do you mean? Eunjung?” Taecyeon asked. Gyuri recapped back everything they had found so far and everything that happened since then. When they were done, Taecyeon was dumbfounded.


“It can’t be coincidence oppa.” Jiyeon said. “Just when we were digging about this here and there, we were almost burnt alive. Even the policeman said it was suspicious as they found traces of petrol at the studio.”


Taecyeon thought about it for a moment. “What was his name?”




“Stay here and don’t tell anyone about this.” Taecyeon said before dashing out from that place.


“Taecyeon! Don’t!” Gyuri called out but he didn’t even stop. “It’s too dangerous.”


As both the girls were fussing about this, Eunjung quietly slipped out of her hiding spot and walked herself out. She could not bring herself to face these people since she knew everything was happening because of her. And now it’s Taecyeon. What if Eunha did the same thing to Taecyeon as she did to Wooyoung? There is only one thing she could do. She has to put an end to all this bull.


And to do that she has to face that woman.


Dialing that ’s number, Eunjung couldn’t help herself from feeling extremely guilty for what had happened to Wooyoung. Eunha will pay for this even if it means, selling herself and her dignity out to prove that woman’s malevolence.


“Eunjung-shi…”Eunha's sly voice came from the other end.


“Listen here you , I’m going to tell everyone about what you had done…don’t you dare think I didn’t know that it was you who did this to Wooyoung. I have kept my distance all this while because I thought the effect would only be on me…but I was wrong, you were daring enough to touch these people, and I can’t just sit around and play coy any longer.”


“Have you forgotten about the vid…”


“I don’t give a damn! Sell it, break it, put it on the internet or do whatever you want but you will have no leverage on me and most definitely you're not going to get away with all this bull of yours.”


Eunha was silent for a moment. “Don’t push me too hard, because in the end you’ll be the one who will fall on your face.”


“If I hadn’t make myself very clear….digest on this sweetheart…. YOU!” Eunjung hanged up.


Her anger bubbled close to the surface.Mess with me and I’ll wn't give a damn, mess with the people I care about and I’ll ing put you down in your grave. Eunjung thought as she took a cab and headed directly to the police station.

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Chapter 30: Love the story so much. But again- The scene, it was fake right?
ffajarr #2
Chapter 30: Thanks for writing this ff authornim :)
chanujee #3
Chapter 30: thnks author for anthr one ill defintly read it...<3..
kyokolover #4
Chapter 30: Nice endding~Love u authornim!XD
susyh_ #5
Chapter 30: All I can say is that I LOVE it :)
UmaMee #6
Chapter 30: delighted to have the cool uncles!
congratulations because you have to write a new story ... ^^
1119 streak #7
Chapter 30: Nice ending and what cute daughters they have this is like 2pms hello baby....hehehe ok ill check it right now chingu :-)
Chapter 30: Omo!!!!!! I want to Youngie's yeojachingu. ahem... anyway you released the new story already!!!!! sorry i can't be much help there since my classes are crazy packed. but im finishing coffee and tea soon. KY coming up!!!!
pioushej #9
Chapter 30: wah! authornim! ive been waiting for u forever hahaha! i love your ending just when i thought you might gonna surprise us with another chapter before it ends hehe i love happy endings hope taecjung will end up for real(omo i also wishing this for woojung) :) thank u for this wonderful story authornim i would definitely check your new taecjung ff! your my fave authornim fighting!