
How Can I Not Love You

I must be crazy. Gyuri thought as she stood in front of 2PM’s dorm. She was hesitant. She could not bring herself to ring the bell. What if her hunch was wrong? What if there is no way she could mend back the shattered relationship between Eunjung and Taecyeon? Thruthfully she didn’t even know what was going on. Eunjung had refused to tell her the details, but she knew Eunjung far too well and Gyuri damn well know that something was wrong. And she’s not gonna be a bystander.


Pressing the bell, she waited patiently until Wooyoung’s voice resonated through the intercom.


“Who’s there?” He possibly could not recognize Gyuri since she wrapped her head with a black scarf and wear a large pair of shades, so that people would not see her going to the boys’ dorm.


“Naya, Park Gyuri.” She said softly before taking out the shades to show him who she really was. It’s normal for idols to be careful. Fans can be scary sometimes.


“Ah! Gyuri-shi, what are you doing here….chamkamanyo!” Wooyoung chirped. There was a soft click on the door before it swung open to reveal Wooyoung in a blue denim shorts and a round neck white flank top.


“Is Taecyeon inside? I want to meet him.” Gyuri said hesitatingly.


“Ne. Come in.”


Once inside the house, Gyuri looked around the place in awe. She had never been to a boys’ dorm before and she quite imagined it to be dirty and messy, but it wasn’t so bad in here. The hall was warm and comfortable and a brown leather sofa rest agaist the wall facing the 32 inches flat screen television. On one corner are rows of clothes hanged neatly according to the members. Those were possibly clothes they use for their promotional activities as 2PM.


Wooyoung knocked lightly on Taecyeon’s door before opening it a slight fraction. “Hyung! Someone’s here to meet you…hyung?”


Taecyeon was in front of his lappy when he looked up to Wooyoung. “Nuguyeyo?”


“Park Gyuri-shi.” Wooyoung replied. Upon hearing Gyuri’s name Taecyeon came out of his room. His face hardened because he damn well knew what could possibly she be here for. But too bad for her, he was not ready. Not ready to talk about Eunjung. Not ready to think about her let alone not ready to forgive her for what she had done. That woman had hurt him more that anyone has ever done and for the first time in his life he had hated someone more than he hated his own father. The scar goes in way deep for him to ignore.


“What do you want?” He asked Gyuri with a harsh tone. The fact that they both were friends doesn’t seem to falter him anymore.


“Taec, I need to talk to you about Eunjung.” Gyuri said, she didn’t care when Taecyeon grunted in anger at the mention of Eunjung’s name. “I know that this might not be a good time and I swear I don’t know what the hell is going on between you guys but I want you to know that Eunjung didn’t…”


“If you were here to talk about that woman, I suggest you get the hell out.” Taecyeon said.


Gyuri was taken aback by Taecyeon’s word. Please listen to me. Eunjung needs you. “Taec, something is bothering Eunjung, if not she would have not broken up with you. Trust me.”


“She told me herself that she only wanted an out from this whole stupid relationship.” Taecyeon said his voice was bitter.


Gyuri bit her lip, thinking. “Do you believe her?”


That was the question he spent the last few days trying to avoid. “I don’t know. Does it matter?”


“Taec, don’t just look with your eyes, look with your common sense, you should know her better than anyone else…”


“I thought I do, but obviously I was wrong.” Taecyeon grabbed Gyuri’s hand lightly and dragged her out of the house. “Just leave. I respect you as a friend, but if you come here again wanting to solve this matter between me and her, I’m not going to be so patient.”


Taecyeon closed the door on her face, leaving Gyuri speechless and lost. She walked away half heartedly, not knowing what to do next.


She wanted to do something. No, she had to do something to let him know how much Eunjung loved him to a point that she could never gather herself to hurt him this much. Gyuri witnessed how Eunjung broke down that night. Anyone who had would easily believe that Eunjung was not faking pain. The only problem right now is that she has nothing. Not even a small lead to prove Eunjung’s innocence. Zero. Zilch. Everything was just a big mess of blurr.




Eunjung said something to her that night after she broke up with Taecyeon. But Gyuri didn’t seem to give it much thought before this. But right now…


Her mind raced as she considered the possibilities. Could this work? It might be the perfect solution.


She has to trace back what happened to Eunjung. But she needs help. Who to ask though? Gyuri pulled out her handphone and dialed Jiyeon’s number. “Yeoboseyo. Jiyeon ah, naya Gyuri Unnie. Can we meet today after midnight at my practice studio? There something I want us to do together.” After a moment, Gyuri smiled and her face seemed to lighten up a little. “Ne. Kamsahamnida Jiyeon ah. Annyeong!” Hanging up, Gyuri punched in another set of phone number, this time it belongs to Wooyoung. “Wooyoung ah! I need your help…”




The clock almost strike midnight as Gyuri sat on the floor watching, as Hara was the the last one to leave the practice studio. “Don’t be too long Gyuri ah!”


“Ne. Geokjeongmasaeyo!” Gyuri replied. Once she was sure that Hara is gone. She messaged both Wooyoung and Jiyeon to come in. The dance studio was a small rectangular space with wooden flooring and a large mirror on the western wall. There is only one entrance to that place since the other one was blocked a long time ago. There was no air-conditioning during summer not even a heater during winter; instead there is only a small glass window opposite to the entrance and it’s located way above 10 feet in height. Gyuri and the girls had their share of hardship as idols but it’s worth every second of it.


“Gyuri unnie…” Came Jiyeon’s voice from the entrance. She came in, followed closely by Wooyoung.


“Jiyeon ah, Wooyoung ah…Kamsahamnida for coming here and helping me out. I didn’t know who else to turn to about this matter.” The other two could only smile uncertainly as they are practically at lost.


“Wae unnie ask us both to come meet you secretly today?” Jiyeon asked.


“It’s about Eunjung and Taecyeon.” Jiyeon and Wooyoung shared a puzzled look.


“What is it about them both?” Wooyoung asked.


“Actually…” Gyuri was knocked out of her conversation as a loud rumbling came out of nowhere. Wooyoung quickly clasped his hands over his stomach as it beckoned noisily for sustenance.


He could only laugh sheepishly. “Mianhe, I didn’t get to eat since morning…tight schedule.” Jiyeon and Gyuri both burst out laughing until both of them almost teared up.


“Yah, later we’ll get something to eat okay. Now, let’s focus back on the problem.” Gyuri rubbed her chin ponderingly before continueing. “On the night that Eunjung and Taecyeon broke up, she came and slept over at my house. Eunjung refused to say anything as to why she broke up with Taecyeon in the first place but for some reason I felt that it was strongly unlikely for her to come to such a decision, unless something is completely, utterly wrong somewhere.”


‘Woah…wait….wait…Eunjung unnie broke up with Taecyeon oppa? Wooyoung oppa, you knew about this too?” Wooyoung nodded with a blurr expression on his face.“Ah, no wonder Eunjung was so out of her character these past few days. She was practically like a zombie. I thought it was because of the phone call she received the day before she went missing.” Jiyeon nodded her head in comprehension.


“Phone call? What phone call?” Wooyoung asked.


“It was around midnight when she got the call Jungie unnie did mention a name...ah, but I can’t recall it well. But after she attended  the phone call she said “that was unexpected” and she seemed hesistant before storming out like a roadrunner. We haven’t even finished shooting that time.” Jiyeon said.


That caught Gyuri’s attention. “Did she tell you where she was going?”




“That means, she received that phone call a day before she was a no show to her date with Taec hyung? I knew this because Taec hyung was practically skimpering around like a cat who just gave birth, since he could not reach her phone at all.” Wooyoung added.


Gyuri had a faint sense of unsettling at the pit of her stomach. “While she was bathing in my house, I found this in her bag.” Gyuri took out a piece of small white paper which was torn off from a seemingly larger paper. Right at the border where it was torn, were the remaining edges of KBSW logo. Beneath it was written with Eunjung's handwriting ‘The Curve Club Dongdaemun’ .


“Oh...majayo...we were at the KBSW building, shooting a variety show that night when she got the phone call…could it be…” Jiyeon trailed off.


“Ne, I think as she rushed out to take a cab, she tore off a piece of paper on her way out and wrote the name of the place that she wanted to head to, fearing that she might forget it.”


'That makes perfect sense." Wooyoung said. "So chronologically, she went to meet someone at that place, then she went missing for one whole day without no way of reaching her, about a week after that she broke up with Taec Hyung at the dinner gathering."  


"Unlikely a coincidence for all of this to happen in such a pre-planned way, don't you guys think?" Jiyeon said. "I think we should give the club a visit." Gyuri nodded once before turning to face Wooyoung, indirectly asking him what he thinks about that.


Wooyoung got up and stretched his body. “Anyone up for a midnight snack at a club in Dongdaemun?” 


Gyuri smiled at Wooyoung’s enthusiasm. “Didn’t think you would be so willing to help.”


“I had my fair share of doubt on her, but when I think back again, I just couldn’t shake off the fact that she was truly in love with Taec hyung regardless of her lies. Plus it’s killing me to see Taec hyung brooding around like a wounded cat.”


“The same goes for me actually, just that I can’t bear to let Jungie unnie suffer alone if she was truly in some kind of sticky situation.” Jiyeon said.


“Then The Curve Club it is.” Gyuri said. That’s right. We could get to the bottom of this. “Let me go get a quick shower then we’ll head out.”

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Chapter 30: Love the story so much. But again- The scene, it was fake right?
ffajarr #2
Chapter 30: Thanks for writing this ff authornim :)
chanujee #3
Chapter 30: thnks author for anthr one ill defintly read it...<3..
kyokolover #4
Chapter 30: Nice endding~Love u authornim!XD
susyh_ #5
Chapter 30: All I can say is that I LOVE it :)
UmaMee #6
Chapter 30: delighted to have the cool uncles!
congratulations because you have to write a new story ... ^^
1126 streak #7
Chapter 30: Nice ending and what cute daughters they have this is like 2pms hello baby....hehehe ok ill check it right now chingu :-)
Chapter 30: Omo!!!!!! I want to Youngie's yeojachingu. ahem... anyway you released the new story already!!!!! sorry i can't be much help there since my classes are crazy packed. but im finishing coffee and tea soon. KY coming up!!!!
pioushej #9
Chapter 30: wah! authornim! ive been waiting for u forever hahaha! i love your ending just when i thought you might gonna surprise us with another chapter before it ends hehe i love happy endings hope taecjung will end up for real(omo i also wishing this for woojung) :) thank u for this wonderful story authornim i would definitely check your new taecjung ff! your my fave authornim fighting!