Tuesday Night

오빠는 내꺼~!--Oppa's Mine~!



MinWoo's POV:

When we walked into the mart, still hand in hand, the Mart ahjumma smiled at us and said,

"You guys make an adorable couple you know."

I smiled widely.

*Finally, somone notices...*

"Thank You."

MinJee blushed but didn't take her hand away.

~After buying the grocerys~

"Wahh~ ice cream~!!"

She took a small bite of her french vanilla icecream cone.

"Gimme some." I begged.


I pouted as cutely as I possibly could.

She stared at me for a while then gave in.

"Ok, fine."

She pointed the ice cream to me.

"But, only a little bite, ok MinWoo?"


And I took a huge bite.


She whined and started throwing a fit.

"I'm sorry baby MinJee~ I couldn't help it~!"

I pinched her cheeks.


She rubbed her cheeks with her only free hand.

As we walked in the night we gave eachother bites of food. But soon we passed the park.

*I wonder when we can go to the park...*

I looked at MinJee.

"MinJee~? Can we go to the parkk?"

She looked at me with covered with chocolate.

"It's late...So...No. Tomorrow? After school, ok?"

I stared at her lips and nodded. Mesmerized.

"Ok. ."

"Something on my lips?"

"Yeah. . ."

"Can you get it off for me? Do you have a napkin?"

"No...But I have another way. . ."

". . . . . Oh. . ."

I looked at her eyes again.

"Can. . . I? . ."

She looked down. Then back at me.

". . . I don't know . . ."

I stared at her for a while.

"Come here."


I pulled on her arm, making her step towards me. More closer.

I leaned down and cleaned up the chocolate around and on her lips.

"Done. Let's Go."

I smirked and walked backwards looking at her.

She looked back at me with a straight face then chuckled, shook her head and we continued walking back to her house.


HyunSeong's POV:

"Do you think they would've kissed by now?"

"Nah, MinWoo's too shy for that. . ."

"At least hold hands then?"

"Probably, but barely. . . I think. . ."

"Why the 'I think. . .'?"

"Because. . . He's growing up now. He's not like how he used to be. Just a little kid, ya know?"

"I guess. . . MinJee has changed too. . ."

Hana broke a hershey's bar into pieces and held a pece of chocoate to my lips. I raised an eyesbrow and scooted closer to her on the couch. She nodded. I ate it but 'accidentally' her thumb & forefinger.

"Ew!! HyunSeong oppah!!"

She wiped her fingers up and down my shirt. But felt my abs.

(A/N: Does HyunSeong oppah even have abs. . . ? xD)

I watched as her face turned red, and she slowly took her hand away from my stomach.

*Oh. . . So she's the shy type. . .?*

I decided to see if it was true or false.

I scooted even closer to Hana, and slung my right arm over her shoulders.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered

"Hey. .Hana?"

"Y-Y-Yeah. . .?"

She figdeted with her skirt and looked at the tv screen, which was currently showing us a commercial about cars.

"Stop  being shy and look at me. . Please. . ?"

I used some aegyo to make it easier for me.


She actually listended to me and turned to face me.

I leaned my forehead to hers.

*. . . Should I? . . .Jeez I can hear my heartbeat beating...*

She sighed.


I looked at her pink lips.

*Tryin' to act tough now? Baby, I can hear your heartbeat from here. . .*

"Oppah, seriously what?"

*Go for it HyunSeong. You got nothing to lose.*

I took the hand around her shoulders and wrapped it around the back of her neck, then I led her right hand towards the back of my neck and finally, captured her lips.

At first she just gasped and didn't do anything but then she caught on and kissed back.

*MinWoo & MinJee better not disturb this moment. . .*


KwangMin's POV:

"Well, I don't know why they're holding hands. But stop stalking them and snap out of it ChaeMin."

"But. . . Oppah, you promised to help me."

"I know we used to date and all that, but that's old stuff. My promises are gone. They were gone ever since I broke up with you. Also MinWoo is my friend. I know who he likes and you should too by now if you're smart. Just accept that he doesn't like you and go to another guy. But you don't have to go and break hearts for it. I'm done. You made me kiss MinJee, and I think that broke his heart enough."

I hung up on ChaeMin. Sometimes I wonder why I went out with her. Oh yeah. Because she was pretty.

*1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . And watch her call back.*

I sighed and growled into the reciever.

"ChaeMin. . ."




"Look, I know alot of girls fall for MinWoo,"

*Or do they. . . ?*

"But you have to give him up. Go for someone else."

"Like who." she sassed.

I thought about that for a while.



"Your brother?"

She scoffed.

"Aye aye he looks like me so he's ok. Less then me but ok."

I heard a sigh over the reciever.

"Is he nice?"

"Yes, he's nice."

". . . How come you didn't introduve me to him a long time ago? When we ACTUALLY WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL."

"I was scared he would take you away from me. But that was then when we used to date. Now we don't. So now, you can meet him in HighSchool instead of. . . How long has it been?"

"Whatever. Just. . . Let me think. . . Ok?"

"Okie dokes. Blind Date it is. Bye ChaeMin!"

"Hey I--"

I closed my phone, threw it on my bed and shut my eyes.

*Stupid headache coming. . .*


*I wonder who it is at this time. . .*

"Who is it?"

"It's. . Me."

Panic struck me.


I opened the door and she stood there.

"H-Hey. . ."

We stood there for about 10 mintues just staring at eachother and saying nothing.

When suddenlt a tear slowly ran down her face.

She cut off the little space between us, and hugged my waist.

"Why did you do that KwangMin oppah? Why . . ."

She sobbed into my chest.

I softened her hair and hugged her back. I put my chin on her head.

"Want me to explain?"

"Yes please. . ."

She looked at me.

I smiled and wiped away her tears.

"Get comfy first. Wear one of my t-shirts. Ok?"

She nodded.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and we went into my room to talk.


DongHyun's POV:

I sat at my desk studying for my history test tomorrow.

"So the Korean War took place then. . . . And the king was him for this long. . . ."

I took notes and quized myself.

I was so focused I fell out of my chair when I heard ChoHee call my name.


"Hahah, oppah are you ok?"

"Yeah. . . Wait, how did you get in?"

She held a copy of my house keys in her hand.

I made an 'O' shape with my mouth.

She chuckled.

I chuckled too and smiled as well.

I strided over to where she was.

I hugged her shoulders and she hugged my waist and looked up at me.

"I did some thinking. And I decided that I have some important questions to ask you."

"Shoot 'em at me bro."

I laughed at her trying to copy how guys apparently talk.

I cleared my throat and continued.

"1. Do you like me the way I like you?"


I smiled.

"2. What would you say if I asked you to date me again right now?"

"I would definetly say yes."

"3.Then will you go out with me? Even if we're 5 years apart?"

"Yes. And even if we are 5 years apart, I have already dated you before.We just broke up because your parents disapproved of me."

She smiled.

"And most importantly."

I put a strand of hair behind her hair.

She raised an eyebrow.

"4. Will you help me study for my history test tomorrow?"

I shook my head back towards my desk.

"Hahah, sure. But I have to tell my mom I'll be staying over tonight."

"Will she be alright with it?"

"She always did and always will be. She trusts you like your my father."

I chuckled at her silly reasoning while watching her text her mom.

"But why are you staying over?"

"Because knowing you, you're going to need all the help you can get."

". . . True."

She skipped over to my desk bringing an extra chair with her. I walked a few steps behind her.

"And plus I need help for my math homework too. . ."

She sat down and looked over her shoulder at me.

I smirked and kissed her forehead while sitting down.

"I knew there was a catch."

"Let's hurry."


JeongMin's POV:


My phone rang.

I stopped reading and took my reading glasses off.

I read the caller ID.

'YoungRi Yang'

(A/N: Yang is for girl while Gun is for guy. In Korea they say it after the name.)

I answered.


"JeongMin oppah?"

"No. It's Korea's president." I joked.

She laughed.

"Well President, I need help for my science pop quiz tomorrow so I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Looks like someone's serious about their studying."

"Mhmm. It runs in the family. . . Well sometimes."

I chuckled.

"Yeah sure I'll help you. But how?"

"Um. . . I'll give you my address. . . Can you come over?"

"But it's dark. And even if I do come over I may have to sleep there as well."

"I'll ask my parents. You ask yours. ok?"


-10 minutes later-

"My parents said yes. Yours?"

"They approved. Be over in a few. Kay?"


-At YoungRi's House-



YoungRi's mother opened the door.


I greeted and smiled.

"Why hello, you must be JeongMin?"

"Yes. YoungRi here?"

"Yeah, she's waiting for you upstairs in her room. Second one on the right."

She said before I could ask where her room was.

*Just like my mom. . .*

I chuckled at the thought.

"Thank you."

I went past her mother and went up the stairs.

I knocked on her door.


She opened the door and she was in short shorts and a plain T-Shirt.


"Let's get started. Shall we?"

She looked me up and down.

"But you needa get comfy first."

"I know. That's why I brought clothes. Duh."

I started to get my sweats and a T-Shirt out.

"Just saying. You're sleeping on the floor."

"Hahah, fine with me."

"And we can only stay up until 11:30. We have school tomorrow."

"I know Professor."

"Hahah, ok."

I changed as quickly as I could while she turned around and walked back to her desk in the far corner.

"So whatchu need help with?"

I asked while walking towards her desk and leaning over her head with both my arms on either side of her head leaning on the desk.

"This part."

She pointed at something in her science book.

*What is this? I never learned this last year. . .  Or did I?*

"Well. . . I'll try."

I  moved over to lean on her right shoulder and read the pages along with her and pointed our some tips and advice along the way.

The whole time, I swore she could feel my heart. Since it was even ringing in my ears.

*What is this feeling?*

I caught her just staring at me at times. Longer then comfort. Which made me wonder if she actually needed the help.


YoungMin's POV:


I broke my pencil.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Trying to hold in the anger.


He popped his head into my room.

"Hey blondie. You're going to get a vid chat request. Get ready. You gotta look good ok?"


"Just listen to me before you regret it and look bad."

'But I gotta study."

"Whatever. Study later. Your love life is important too."

*What the. . .?*

I looked at him questionably. But he just ignored me and left with a quick,


As soon as he left my laptop started ringing with a vid chat request.

*I wonder who. . .?*

I clicked 'Yes' and found the new girls face there.

"Umm. . . Hi . . ."

"Hello. . ."

"Your brother told me to do this. . ."

She looked away from the camera.

I smiled.

*She's pretty cute when she's shy. . .*

"Hey aren't you in my class?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well since we are. Mind to help me with my science?"

She laughed.

"Sure. But you have to help me too."


And for the next 2 hours we got to know eachother and study for the Science Pop Quiz as well.

*I wonder why KwangMin did this. . .*




And I'm sorry I don't update enough. The weather has been great lately and that's rare where I am so I've been out enjoying it. SORRY >< I've also been at my grandparents alot and they don't have WIFI so that really .

But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!(: I really like this song too.

I'll update soon too! Well, I'll try to!

Please comment and become my friend too^^b

Also it takes me about 2 hours everytime I update a chapter xP

I have to type it all up and then I have to color the stuff >_< It's very busy and tiring but it's worth it I guess:3333


& please let me know if there's any spelling, grammar etc. mistakes~

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1say16 #1
why dont you try to make them look for that lost family member if he/she still alive <br />
<br />
... update soon
You should have like one of the girls be the mystery fanily member. Or like have one or the boys ex girlfriend or ex crush be the family member. And like they could be like arch enemies at first??
The couple moments are so cute *_* *squeals*<br />
I wonder who the missing family member is ~
1say16 #4
hmm who could it be :/ :) update soon
Hyungshik is my favorite idol too :D but I wasn't doing anything naughty with Jeongmin >_< It's okay if you can't update. :3
~~~ awwwieee dont worry we will wait for you <3 <3 <3 6 CHAPTERS REALLY!?!?!?! woah~ that will be so much happiness in my life <3 <3\<br />
<br />
~~Kim Cho Hee~~~
Hello, I'll be going on a short haitus, so I won't be able to comment. See my blog for the reason. <br />
I'll be patiently waiting :D <br />
I'll miss you too my dongsaeng!
Yep, I like Changjo and Hoya from Teen Top and Infinite :3
The beginning of the party was cute<3 All the couples are so happy and adorable together ^^ *squeals*<br />
AND WTF OUR MOM KILLED OUR BROTHERS?!?! THIS IS JUST WRONG T_T How can she do such a thing?!?!<br />
RIP to your father though :/ It is a sensitive topic to write about.<br />
I wonder what happens next O:<br />
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