Give my heart whatever she desires

Your side, My side, Our side

“Your services are known and trustworthy, my fiance specifically chose your business to do our wedding. My darling, give her whatever she desires. No budget, make her dream come true,”


“Of course Mr. Soo Man, when would you like to set up the first consultation?”


“Tomorrow at 10am sharp. I am a busy man, Mr. Kim. We will talk more tomorrow, good day,” the call was disconnected as Mr. Soo Man opened his desktop to the view of his beautiful fiance, Hana. ‘How I wish to hear you my dear,’ he thought before his secretary knocked on the door. “Come in.”


Across the district, Kim Suho, was setting up a portfolio for the newest client; Mr. Soo Man.


“Suho hyung, we got mail. I already got the others in the debriefing room,” Suho looked up and nodded to Kyungsoo. They headed toward the room where the other four members were seated.


In a circle, from left to right, Suho took the seat closest to the screen, next to him was Kyungsoo, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Sehun on the other side of the screen.


“Target, Moon Soo Man, CEO of SM Industries. He’s been trafficking drugs from China into Korean High Schools. HQ is sending over pictures now,” Sehun pointed to the screen above the file. Photos of the transaction were shown and a video with the crime was captured.


“How lucky are we, Mr. Soo Man just made an appointment for tomorrow. We are meeting with him and his fiance at 10 in the morning,” Suho joked, ‘something is off, how would we get a mission like this when he called us himself not long ago,’ Suho reached for the file folder in front of him.


“Its suspicious isn’t it?” Kai asked, voicing everyone’s exact thought.


“Speaking of suspicious, guess what other mail we got,” Baekhyun said excitedly.


“Little Deer?” Sehun answered, from the look of defeat on Baekhyun’s face, he knew that it was right.


“Our favorite little hacker sent us this in the mail, fedex style,” He pulled up the laptop that Little Deer had sent them a few months ago and put the USB in.


“He’s so thoughtful, I really hope we meet him one day,” Kyungsoo said, bringing up the cookies he had been hiding from Kai onto the table. Chanyeol and Kai eached made a grab for one and eating them quickly.


“It’s starting, chew quietly you two!” Baekhyun yelled. The other two froze mid chew and watched the laptop.


“Hello everyone, its been awhile. How have you guys been? Suho not worrying too much over the kids are you? Kyungsoo are you still learning how to bake that cake for me? I’m adding a new allergen, butter cream. Wouldn’t want me to die now would you? Hehe, Bacon and Eggyeol! Did you two beat the game I sent you yet? I’m on level 49 now. Kai, how is dance class? I heard someone had a crush on someone. Unless you win the next competition, I’ll tell that someone about your little crush, kkamjong hwaiting! Little Sehun, are you well? Last time I heard, you were with a fever, well its been weeks now so maybe you are already better. I miss--”


“Hurry up and tell them what’s going on, you idiot! Stop babbling about nonsense,” another voice startled the boys. In the months that Little Deer had been mailing them, there was never another person’s voice included. Little Deer might not be only a hacker, but a group.


“Fine, fine you big meanie! You guys just got briefed on the Soo Man case right? Here is some insider info for you all. On the day of his wedding, a ship will be arriving in the name of his fiance. Aboard that ship will be a cargo you would need to catch in order to put the man behind bars. I can’t tell you what else because my leader is giving me murdering looks- oh my god! Don't you dare throw that at me! Ackkk!--” the video shut off and a message of “This video will be recycled in 5-4-3-2-1-Byebye” and the laptop turned off by itself.


“Sometimes I wonder if we got our own little stalker,” Kai laughed and went to call his friends for the competition. ‘How did he know about that?’ Kai was nervous, he did not know if Little Deer was serious about the threat or not and he rather not find out.


“Who’s the little crush he was talking about Kai?” Baekhyun decided to tease. He already knew, everyone but the person already knew about Kai’s crush on him. It was cute because this was the only time Kai was shy and blushing trying to get away from the subject.


“You two should work on that game. Little Deer is beating you mister level 5s,” Kai threw a cookie at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who caught it and ate it.


“He’s a cutie,” Baekhyun said happily, Chanyeol understood what his boyfriend meant because they had talked about adopting Little Deer if they ever met him.


“He might be a she,” Kyungsoo supplied munching on his own cookie.


“Don’t even say that, he’s going to marry Sehun,” Baekhyun threw a cookie at Kyungsoo who got hit square on the face.


“I’m not marrying him.”


“You have no choice, we kill drug you to do it if we have to,” Chanyeol laughed, patting Sehun on the back.


They meant the best for the two of them. Being their favorite people after all, they wanted Little Deer and their maknae to be happy too, especially together.


“Sehun and Kai, you two will come with me tomorrow morning for the meeting. Baekkie and Channie, go to the docks and recon. Kyungsoo, I have a feeling Little Deer has more that he’s not telling us, find out the missing pieces,” Suho stood up dismissing them. No one had argued because Suho was their leader after all.


“What should we have for dinner?” Kyungsoo took out a notepad and wrote down what everyone shouted out before running out of the room.



At SM Industries, Soo Man and his fiance, Hana were seated side by side in the conference room.


“Are you excited?” He said, Hana signed back to him.

~Nervous, we’re finally getting married,~ Hana’s interpreter was setting up across from Hana.

“Have whatever you want my dear, this wedding will be the best, your dream come true,” Soo Man held her hand and squeezed.


“Sir, they are here,”


“Bring them in,” Soo Man said as his secretary, Victoria signaled for Suho, Kai and Sehun to enter.


“Good morning gentlemen,” Soo Man said as he reached to shake their hands.


“Good morning to you as well Mr. Soo Man. I am Suho and these are my assistants, Kai and Sehun,” Suho shook his hand and sat down across from the couple.


“This is my fiance, Hana. She cannot talk so we have an interpreter here, Tao,” the three wedding planners eyes landed on the lady next to him. She was petite and looked so fragile. Her hair was auburn, long down to her waist, while her skin was so pale, like porcelain. She bowed gently toward him and he bowed in response. Tao shook their hands as well and settled down.


“What is the general theme you two have in mind?” Suho asked, Sehun was writing down the notes for the meeting while Kai was going to sketch down quick images of what they would discuss.


Hana signed to Tao for a while before Tao turned to them.


“Sakura trees. Cherry blossoms, I love them. Like Japan, I want it to be floral themed,” Tao pointed to Hana realizing he had spoken in first person. Hana smiled and patted Tao’s hand.


‘She’s breathtaking,’ the three thought.


“How many guest are you expecting?” Suho asked, ‘How did she get with this law sad.’


“This will be close friends and families only, roughly 100 guests. Hana does not like crowded places,” Soo Man said as he hugged her. Hana flashed him a smile that captured his heart all over again.


Hana began to sign again, she motioned for Tao to translate while she signed.


“I want a quiet and tranquil venue. By the beach or a garden of sort. A white house as part of the back drop. I’m sure you can get 27 cherry blossom trees to put throughout the venue. But I also want 9 trees to be surrounding the area where we would give our vows,” Tao said in one breathe. He gave Hana pleading eyes as if asking her to slow down.


~Sorry, Tao. Did I talk too fast? I’ll go slower now,~ She signed. Sehun had taken to watching her hands move.


‘Her hands look...breakable,’ he thought when she caught his eye and smiled at him. He looked away and wrote down everything Tao had said.


“You really love cherry blossoms, is there a story behind it?” Suho asked, noting that Soo Man had taken to watching her instead of looking at them since she had began to sign. ‘He loves her,’ he thought sadly.


Hana looked at Soo Man as she signed.

“I met him under a cherry blossom tree 2 years ago. I fell and he caught me, its most memorable for me cause he ate a handful of flowers before he realized I was still in his arms,” Tao blushed, even though he had heard the story before, it was still so cheesy.


“That’s so cute, did you already have a dress picked?” Kai asked, Suho nodded, approving of the question.


“Excuse me sir, Mr. Lee is here for your meeting,” Victoria announced. Mr. Soo Man nodded stood up.


“I’ll leave her in your care. Hana, I’ll see you at home. Business calls, my dear,” He kissed her forehead and left with Victoria. Hana held onto his hand and pulled a little, getting his attention.


~You promised to stay with me today,~ Hana signed, her eyes expressing her sadness.


“I’m sorry, my heart. I cannot miss this meeting. Please don’t be sad, I love you,” He caressed her cheek, she brushed his hand away. She turned away from him and signed to Tao.


~I want to leave~ Tao nodded and stood up.


“Hana wishes to leave,” he told the planners. Soo Man frowned, he did not mean to have a meeting on his day with Hana, but Mr. Lee was important. He had no choice but to not follow her wishes.


“Tao, take Suho and his assistants to the cafe down the street. Hana will have calmed down by then and plan more. Good day gentlemen,” He left with Victoria. Hana had tears in her eyes. She did not take well to broken promises, not at all.


~Tao, I want to go home!~ She signed angrily. Suho did not understand what was happening, Hana was upset and Soo Man was leaving. Sehun’s heart clenched at the sight of tears in her eyes. Kai was looking between everyone, he did not know what to do. They had not encountered a crying bride yet and this was the first time one of their clients even came close to it.


“Miss Hana, would you like to take a walk outside? We can discuss more of the wedding,” Suho tried to calm down Hana by asking her to take a walk. It seemed his idea was good as she nodded and took Tao by the hand heading out first.


“Damn, he’s not getting any tonight, that’s for sure,” Kai joked when Hana was out of hearing range.


“Don’t joke like that about our clients,” Suho jabbed him lightly as they followed.


Outside, Hana was walking slowly watching the environment. Suho had taken up the spot on the left of Hana. Tao was on her right, while Sehun and Kai were following behind Suho.


~There’s a table out here, lets sit,~ Hana signed and Tao pointed to the table for the others to know.


“Would you like to see some pieces for the theme so far?” Suho asked, Hana nodded. Tao stood behind her as she leaned back on him.


“You feeling alright?” Sehun asked, Hana turned to him for the first time that he asked a question. Sehun had noticed that she was not a healthy pale as she was at the start. She looked sick, there was some sweat building on her forehead.


“Hana? What’s wrong?” Tao checked her temperature with his hand, his eyes widened. “You’re burning up! Why didn’t you say something?” He took his phone out to call for the driver.


~I was upset, I’m sorry. Don’t tell Kris, he will get mad. Lets just get on with this meeting. Tao! Stop, I am ok,~ Hana grabbed Tao’s phone and closed it.


“You’re sick! We need to go home now,” Tao shouted. Hana flinched. Suho noticed that her eyes was beginning to close slightly.


“Tao, calm down, Miss Hana does not look good,” Suho said in worry. Hana fainted and fell into Tao’s arms. Everyone was frantic, Tao had picked her up, Suho took her bag, Sehun and Kai quickly gathered their belongings. Tao had ran to the street to find a taxi.


“Tao, our car is parked nearby, lets get her to the hospital,” Kai said, throwing Suho his keys. Suho led Tao to the car, they got her in the back, Sehun was on one side while Tao was holding her tightly. Kai took shotgun and Suho drove.


They arrived at the hospital, Sehun had taken the turn to carry Hana, she was so light in his arms. Tao had taken the medical bracelet from the bag and handed it to the doctor that met them.


“Bring her to the ICU, Nurse Kim, alert Dr. Wu of the emergency,” the doctor helped settle Hana down, Sehun couldn’t feel her breathe anymore.


“She’s not breathing,” Sehun announced, Tao was close to panicking. Just then the door opened and another doctor came in.


“Kris! She’s not breathing!” Tao shouted, Dr. Wu immediately went to Hana.


“Everybody out,” Dr. Wu said, everyone was forced out. Tao lingered but Kris glared at him, Tao left.


“What is our luck, our client just fainted,” Kai said, Tao heard this.


“I’m so glad you are taking Miss’s health as a joke,” Tao said coldly. Kai shrunk a little.


“I’m sorry, he’s an idiot. Will Miss Hana be alright?” Suho asked as Kai hid behind him.


“I don’t know. I need to call Mr. Soo Man, excuse me,” Tao went to the hallway and called his boss.


Suho sat down with Kai, Sehun was leaning on the wall.


“Its so weird, she was fine earlier,” Kai said. Suho shook his head, he took out the notes with everything she had wanted so far.


“How did someone like him meet someone like her is beyond me,” Suho said. Sehun was looking at the door.


“Sehun, stop. Stop with that look,” Kai said pointing at him. Sehun switched his attention to Kai.

“What?” he asked, ‘for the first time in my entire life, I feel something and its toward a girl that’s about to get messed up is that,’ he thought bitterly.


“We should go, this is not our concern,” Kai stood up and headed for the door. Suho had to agree, they did not get involved with their clients on this level. Sehun looked at the door once more before following Kai.

“Tao, we will go back and plan. We’ll contact you in three days for the second meeting. We hope Miss Hana will get better soon,” Suho shook Tao’s hand and left.

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Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D