Chrome Hearts Party

Things Just Don't Go My Way

Finally, he saw his opportunity.  Slowly and steady, Jiyong made his move and sat at the bench next to her. 


“Sandara noona…How have you been?  You look great,” Jiyong tried to start a conversation.  After 20 minutes he has watched her from a far, waiting.


“Oh, Jiyong ah…I’m fine.  Welcome back.  You have been busy with your tour, huh?” Dara answered him back, smiling.


He missed that smile of hers.  He missed her.  She may be the one who said on national television that he was her ideal man but she was his since the first time he saw her so many years back.  The only difference, she doesn’t know about it.  Heck, no one knew about it.


“Yeah, it was a little bit tiring but it’s worth it.  The concert went great.  I had a blast performing there for my fans,” he answered back, rubbing the back of his neck. 


“2NE1 has been busy performing too.  I am so jealous that you were able to meet Snoop Dog.”


Dara took a drink from her glass and nod her head, “Yeah, meeting with Snoop was really out of this world.  I’m so sorry you had to miss it.”


He gave out a sigh, “Yeah, it was too bad.  Maybe next time.”


“Yah…what are you guys doing here?  Let’s take a group photo of YG Family,” Youngbae suddenly butted in their conversation, grabbing hold of his shoulder.


He was bummed by the intrusion but he forced himself to smile at his best friend.  Dara smiled with excitement at the idea and walked up towards her 2NE1 group members.


“Ji my man, let’s go,” exclaimed Youngbae when he didn’t move from the bench he was seated with Dara earlier.


Jiyong sighed, feeling disappointed. “Yeah, I’m coming.”


Joining the other YG Family members, they took their photo together for Chrome Hearts party.  As Chrome Hearts are their endorser, it is their job to help promote their merchandise.  Not that he’s complaining.  He likes their work and he would do it even if they weren’t.  But what made him happier was when he looked at the pictures of 2NE1 framed there.  They were beautifully taken.  She... was beautiful.  In each one of the pictures, she was beautiful and alive.  His beautiful angel, Sandara.


“The photographer was really talented.  Even I looked decent in it.”


He turned his head towards the voice, away from the picture he was staring.


“You looked beautiful.”


He could see her bashful smile.  Her eyes diverted away from his.  She was always like this.  Thinking that she was just some normal looking girl.  Not only him, the whole world knew and agreed that she was not just that.  But she refused to believe it.  She would always say that her other group members were above her.  Maybe they are, but in his eyes, she was the loveliest and prettiest girl he had ever laid his eyes on, inside and out.


“Excuse me, Jiyong, Dara?”


The both of them looked over to the owner of the voice.  She was one of the owners of Chrome Hearts.


“Mine if I take a picture of you two?”


His heart thumped loudly.  This would be the first time they would take a picture together.  Just the two of them.  Not secretly as he had always done.  He glanced at her, waiting for her answer.  Hoping she would be okay with it.


“Sure.  Jiyong?  You okay with it?” she asked.  As always, she would consider another person’s feeling and opinion rather than putting hers first.


He gave her a nod of confirmation, trying hard to cover his excitement.  He walked closer to her.  He made an effort to act casual and put his hand behind her back.  His heart was beating erratically against his rib cage.  For him, the time seemed to move real slow as he posed there together with her.  With his Darong.


“Thanks, guys.”


Jiyong was disappointed when he heard those two words.  He slowly put down his hand and moved away from her, giving a little space between them.


“Can you send it to me later?” he heard she asked.


He smiled at her when she faced him back.  “Tweet me the pic later, okay?” he told her, ‘I want the whole world to know about us so that your fanboys would back away as the dragon made his claim towards the ageless vampire,’ he added to the sentence in his mind, grinning to it.


But he was disappointed the next day when she really did tweet the pic and tagged him to it.  He liked it at first but when he saw that it was too dark and there is not much difference after he tried to edit it, he unliked it.  It wouldn’t give out the purpose he had in mind.  And as what his Sandara tweeted, he felt the same.  Sad…now, no fanboy would eat their hearts out over the picture.





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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: Jiyongie crushing on uri Dara is ❤️
cutie-seungri #2
Chapter 1: While reading this,my heart was aching for i wish that daragon is true..i still hoping... untill 1 day one of them married other person..
bubblybubblepuff #3
Chapter 1: lol please don't be sad, Jiyong! :p
anyway, love it, thanks authornim ^^
bienbonita #4
Chapter 1: Awwww don't be sad, Jiyong. Applers know what's the real score :)
toukyo #5
Gonna read this soon
sujukat #6
Chapter 1: haha..dont be sad, jiyongie...hehehe
inthirakk1967 #7
Chapter 1: OMG T_T I need to see clear pic of them.