Wanted: Wannabe Mother of Mini-Bacon


Byun Baekhyun – Father of the little kid.

Park Jaemi– hired mother of the child. Younger sister of Park Chanyeol.

Kim JaeIn – daughter of EXO – K’s Diva.



Having a 4 year old baby to take care of is hard. But being the EXO-K’s Diva, taking care of this little creature is a nightmare. How will the child grow up with 6 other guys around him?


6 inexperienced guys + 1 innocent midget = DOOMED FUTURE


That’s how Park Jaemi appeared. She was forced by Chanyeol to help Baekhyun since he had already promised to do so. But she is a playboy hater and she hates being with mega handsome guys, Will Jaemi provide a better assistance to JaeIn or will the existence of 6 guys including the diva-ish father, wreck her young future? Curious much? Continue to find out.


“Expect the unexpected...”


“Aish! This midget!”


“You stupid jerk!”


“Umma! Appa!”



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