Flower Bouquet


Another unusual pairing featuring Super Junior's Eunhyuk and SECRET's Jung Hana!
Following their little interaction on the flower bouquet episode(hence the title of the story) where he gifted her with a bouquet I have been a little bit of a shipper for them.



It was hard to believe it had been almost two years since the day he’d first met her on the “Flower Bouquet” variety show. They hadn’t spoken much at all during the taping but just like every other guy on set he hadn’t really needed any words to be exchanged for an interest in her to spark. Needless to say, despite the PD attempting to make it seem as though her pelvic driven dance to Hyuna’s song “Change” was just a kkap dance, it had become popular due to its appeal.

As part of the show’s script he’d been required to give a flower bouquet to whichever female guest present he thought was interesting and he’d chosen her. Their eyes had met only for a moment as he’d handed her the bouquet, instead of the shy awed look he’d often come to expect from rookie group members she’d just looked at him straight in the eye and smiled in thanks before turning away to bow for the cameras.

There was a fierceness and self-assurance reflected in her eyes had caught him off guard for the brief moment their eyes had met. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she wasn’t the most popular member in her group, she spoke the least on the show amongst her members, it was like an unofficial rule company’s put in place, the visuals in the group were the talkers. He would know, after all his star had only in recent years began to shine.


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