Chapter 1 and Only

More Than a Brother

"Chen! Kim Jongdae, you stop there right now!"

"Why must I? You're only my sister, you're not mum; Whoa! Watch where you're throwing that _ _ _!"

You're in the hospital, again. And your annoying brother has been telling you all about school and how fun was the the trip to Korea that you had to miss because of your disease.

Chen laughs, "Chillax mei, it's not that you can't go there or what. Just get well soon and mum says she'll bring you there."

"You know that's impossible ge. In my condition right now, there's no way I'll get we-"

"I forbid you to say that dongsaeng. Being a leukemia patient doesn't means that you can't live, it's just that we haven't find the right person."

Your brother is always like that, alittle bit of annoying and irritating, and a troller at times, but deep down, you know he loves you more than anything else in the world. Chen was always there for you, no matter how bad the condition was. You know he will still be there, in the future, forever protecting you from any harm and danger.

"Ge, isn't Kris coming today?" you asked hopefully.

"Don't talk to me about that bastard. He left you when you're si-"

"Did you just say something about me Chen?" Kris appeared suddenly by the door of your ward.

"Kris!" you squealed with delight.

He came and hugged you. You started telling him how musch you miss him and your boredom in the hospital without him.


#Chen's p.o.v

"Huh," you sighed as you close the hospital ward's door behind you.

You sank onto the hospital chair outside your sister's ward.

Remembering that day, when mum says you're going to have a sister, but mum have already told you she wouldn't remarry after dad passed away.

"She's an orphan, but she's still a baby. Now, treat her like your real sister and never tellher she's adopted. Got it Jongdae?" your mum told you.

You promised your mum, but things didn't go as you expected it would. For the first twelve years, yes, she's still your sis, no big deal, but you don't know when feelings for her, strong ones, started growing inside you. Being a child at that time, you don't know what they mean, but now you know.

_ _ _ is more than a sister to you, you can't afford to lose her. Without her, you can't live. You want to protect her from every harm and danger. Without yourself noticing, you seem to have fallen in love with your adopted sister.

"Mei, ge only want you to find your true happiness," you sighed.

The door beside you suddenly opened. Kris came out, looking solemn. Before he close the door, you could hear sobs inside. Your anger was ignited. As quick as lightning, you grabbed Kris' collar and push him to the wall.

"What did you do to my sister?" you growled quietly.

"Don't you think you care for her too much? People who don't know might think you guys are a couple," Kris sniggered.

You were about to punch him, but the doctors suddenly appeared and bursted into _ _ _'s ward.


#Five year's later, Chen's p.o.v.

Time past quickly after your sister's death. The impact was so great on everyone till your mum passed away two weeks later.

Being an artist in Sm Entertainment now, you always wonder if your sister can see you shining on the stage.

"_ _ _, I've did it. I've acheived my dreams, our dreams to be exact. Are you happy there? Can you see me each time I sing our song?"

Till the end, _ _ _ still passed away peacefully in that jerk's arms and till the end, you still haven't pluck up the courage to tell her the truth on everything, her family background, her past.... and, your feelings for her.

"Chen, are you done? What's taking you so long? Gawd, the sho's about to start and Suho is shouting for all of us!" you heard your leader's shout.

"Comin, duizhang. Why's hyung so impatient for?" this is a different Kris.

"_ _ _, stay happy wherever you are. I love you, even if you don't, I will."


lol...kay this is my first short imagine i post and the first i Biane..I 'killed' 'you' in the story....and the krisers out there gomenasai...cuz i put him has the bad guy lol >< hope you guys like it....There''ll be more short imagines coming up!

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