Chapter Two

Diamond | Starship's New Girl Group | Story Start

Chom Eun was so tired, it was hard. Harder than she had originally thought. At least when she was training, she could sleep in her own bed. Now, she was even lucky to share a pillow in the car with the maknae. 
Exhausted, she was trying her best to keep up with the choreography, but was struggling.

"Okay, lets call for a break, you have twenty minutes," Da Wook, the choreographer states, irritated with the lack of progress the girls had been making.

It wasn't her first time thinking these thoughts, it had only been a month after their debut and she just couldn't take it anymore. Chom Eun had talked with her parents, their concern wasn't wasted either. It wouldn't be too long before the CEO decided to annouce her departure from the group. Sooner or later the girls were going to find out.

"Um... guys... Can I tell you something?" She starts nervously, gaining the attention of most of the group, excluding Katie, who escaped the room to make a call. "I know we haven't been together for very long, Some of you I have only known for a couple months, others for much longer,"

"You're killing the mood, whats up Eunnie?" Soo Ah asks, wanting to get straight to things.

"I'm leaving." Disbelief filled the room.

"You're kidding right? You can't leave the group, we have only just debuted!" Hanneul, the leader, wasn't believing what she was hearing. There was no way that Chom Eun was leaving. Happy-go-lucky, chocolate loving, Chom Eun, it was impossible.

After Hanneul's outburst, the others filled the silence with their thoughts. Chom Eun did her best to calm them down so she could explain herself.

"Why eonnie?" Jae was quiet, trying her best not to cry. She became close with Chom Eun after debuting, they were both often dubbed the mood makers of the group, often making jokes and just messing around. She wasn't wanting to lose her partner in crime.

"So good news, I just got to promote ou- Great. What now?" Katie walks back into the room, taken back by the mood. Not what she was expecting. "Who died?"

"Nobody died, but Chom Eun is thinking about leaving the group." Jae Han informs her. 
"Oh. That." Katie shrugs. "Have fun. Don't go on the internet after the annoucement then, not a lot of people will be happy. Also, I suggest lying low. That way people can't find more reason to be upset. Plus it gives you time to rest, which you seem to be lacking a lot of recently." taking a breath, Katie continues, "Also, Da Wook was complaining loudly while I was in the hall, so I suggest stepping up your game, lets get back to practice at talk about this back at the dorms, alright?"

"No, this needs to be talked about now. This is huge, and It can effect how this group performs." Hanneul counters, she was the leader after all, and she wasn't going to have Katie just take control. That's not how things worked around here.

"In case you don't understand, We are at a rehersal right now, you know, because we are idols? Some of us might have more knowledge in this area than you. So just go with the flow. We can talk about this when we get home." Katie's tone was much more tense, it wasn't a secret between the group that Katie and Hanneul tended to get into arguements. 

"Guys! Can we not right now!" Hye Sun seperates the two, while Chom Eun just looks on, extremely upset. She didn't want it to be like this, she didn't want everyone fighting. She just didn't want to kill herself, this lifestyle was hard.

"Look, I know you are not happy with this, but think of it this way, Chom Eun is dealing with plenty right now, The last thing she wants us to do is fight over her, alright?" Katie says, low enough so only Hanneul hears. 
Practice was tense, nobody wanted to say a word, and Da Wook wasn't making things easier with his sour mood. After the long, tense practice, they finally had the chance to gather in the dorm. 

"So you want to leave?" Hanneul's question was loaded. She knew the answer, and knew which one she wanted to hear.

Chom Eun stares at her, she wasn't a criminal, she was just a young girl. She didn't know how she was going to explain things. It was hard enough to tell them, and the fact that they aren't taking it well either didn't help.

"Why don't we start with something easier. Chom Eun, who else knows." Katie interupts, senseing the mood.

"The CEO and my parents."

"So it's going to be official." Minyeon whispers.

"Why?" Soo Ah jumps in, unable to keep herself quiet. She just wanted to know.

"I can't take it anymore. It's hard. I don't get the appreciation I deserve for my work, I just can't do it anymore. I just can't" Chom Eun's voice breaks. Katie, the closest one to her, pats her back awkwardly, trying her best to comfort her.

"Honestly speaking guys, This will be hard. It isn't easy losing a member. It . But now is the time where we need to be perfect. Don't do anything stupid. Keep your mouths shut, and your nose clean. Chom Eun, you will be getting the worst of this, and speaking for the group, I can definitely say that we still will support you. You will always be a member to us, no matter what path you take." Katie stops her speach, looking around at the others.

"We still love you eonnie, Thank you for telling us before the news got out." Jae Hwa moves over and hugs Chom Eun. 
"Okay guys, sleep is a good idea, it's been a long day. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Hanneul ushers the group to bed.

"I'll be back. I have some business to handle." Katie goes the opposite way of everyone else, leaving the dorm.

Chom Eun lies in her bed, staring at the ceiling, tears of releif streaming down her face. She was going to be okay. Everything was going to be fine.
"Eonnie, can I sleep with you? Katie-eonnie woke me up this morning, and my bed is still wet from that." Jae Hwa asks, crawling in next to Chom Eun. The extra warmth made Chom Eun smile. Jae Hwa was her favorite dongsaeng, she would do anything for her.

"Thank you, Jae Hwa-yah."


"I don't know how this is going to end up, Jae Han-ah. What is going to happen? How am I going to keep things together?" Hanneul was pacing the room. She was restless and didn't want to sleep until the problem was solved.

"I don't know eonnie." Jae Han yawned. She was tired, but knew it would be best to help the leader out. She was after all the right hand man in these kinds of situations.

"I am suppose to be keeping this group together, how is the public going to react?" She falls onto her bed roughly, "I don't know what I am going to do."
"I will always support you eonnie, just remember to keep yourself sane."


"Sorry gege, but I wouldn't be calling at this time if it wasn't important." Katie quickly explains, slipping into her mother's tongue with ease. "One of our members is going to leave the group, I know you did things differently, but I just want to make things easier for her." Katie sighs, leaning against the building. The shadows hid her from the view of passerbys, she had little to fear about being recognized. Not to mention the awkward timing made it so there wasn'r many out on the street.
"It's fine mei mei, Just on break from filming." The voice on the otherside of the phone was soothing to katie, it calmed her anxiety. 

"She just sprang it on the group, during a break at our rehersal. Nobody was expecting it, I didn't know what to do, so I just tried to keep her calm, and let her know that she is still loved. I just don't know gege."

"That's about all you can do, the rest is up to her. The best thing to do is to lie low, avoid the media. She is going to have a hard time, she needs support. Now go to sleep mei mei. Long distance calls are expensive, and you aren't making much money yet." She could hear his smile.
"Good night Han Geng-ge" 


"Min Yeon-eonnie, what do you think?" Hye Sung's voice bounced around the dark room.

"I don't know. It's definitely a surprise. I wasn't expecting it. I really hope everything turns out okay. I am worried about Chom Eun. She must be hurting. It hasn't been the easiest on her." Her voice was soft, full of compassion.

"We have all thought about quiting, but to go through with it..."

"Yeah..." the room falls into a silence.
"I think we should all go to sleep, it would be a smart idea" Hye Sung burrows herself into her bed, after Min Yeon bid her goodnight. It wasn't going to be an easy day tomorrow.


"Welcome back, did we have fun in narnia?" Soo Ah asks Katie as soon as she closes the door to their room.

"Yeah. And I'm going to go to bed. Night."

"What kind of adventure did we have." Soo Ah didn't want to leave things off at that. 

"A phone call. It's going to be a long day tomorrow, I suggest sleep. Honorifics are nice to use when you talk." She turns off the lights, and proceeds to crawl into her bed. "Good Night Soo ah."
"Night Eonnie." She rolls her eyes as she says that. Katie was a difficult cookie, but probably the better fit for Soo Ah. It kept her in line and on her toes. 

Tomorrow was going to be a fun day.

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Change of plans: Yumi's character, Chom Eun, will in fact be replaced. So, look forward to the replacement!


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Chapter 23: I am very sorry for not commenting in such a long time but I had to come back right now. Blame my school for not giving me a chance to do something else but yeah, now I got a lot of free times! About chapter one and two, I can find their friendship can get along very well. It's a good thing to know but the thing that matters, I can't wait to see their interactions with their love interests and rivals later. Wee~ I just love dramas. xD

Sorry for the long comments. v.v but I am too excited. And they'll release a y concept? Asdfghjkl Good choiceee! I just love that song and you attracted my attention more. Go! go! go!
Chapter 23: wooooooooooooow~ y concept ftw!~ this is really surprising since the girls began with very cute concepts. <3 <3
Chapter 22: o.o the concept is so y~ I can't wait :D
Chapter 21: Can't wait for more of the story dongsaeng, good luck ^_^
Chapter 20: woah, Jae so pretty. :OOOOO
Chapter 19: I didn't see the teasers until now but YESH THEY ARE COMING BACK <3