Love from a Dollar Bill
The moment everyone got their full energy back, Hyukjae was forced to sit in the middle of the room. He looked around and saw that his friends were all over the room. Mimi and Ryeowook were scanning a what looked like a girl magazine. Leeteuk was using Mimi's laptop beside him was Sungmin pointing at something on the screen. While Heechul, the typical Heechul was just sitting on the bed watching his friends lazily while checking his phone from time to time. 
Hyukjae seeing this, stood up and walked towards his hyung. "Hyung. Why aren't you doing anything?", he asked. Heechul felt him sit on the space beside him, looked up from his phone "Do you really expect me to look for nonsense stuff on the internet? Seriously Hyuk. Me?" He said while pointing himself. "What I'm gonna tell you is all based from my experience."
Hyukjae rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled under his breath "This is just a waste of time. He won't even recognize me.", he said then sighed. Hearing this, Heechul placed a hand on his friend's shoulder and said, "Come on Hyuk. He'll like you. Have a little faith on yourself. You might not be the brightest color in the box, but you still have that something that others don't have. Believe me.", he ruffled Hyukjae's hair then stood up.
"Okay guys. Stop searching and get to the point. Go. Go. Go." Heechul said while clapping his hands. Everyone immediately sat around Hyukjae, smiles on their faces. 
"So who's gonna start?", Ryeowook asked.
It's been an hour since Hangeng called and Donghae's still awake. Movie left forgotten, popcorns everywhere, and a certain brunette rolling on the bed. He can't sleep. Not after knowing that he's gonna meet a new guy tomorrow. Alot of question going through his mind. 
What does he looked like? 
Is he gay?
Does he like fishes?
What if he's not, then I'm just gonna make a fool out of my self.
Donghae groaned when he accidentally hit his head on his bedside table from rolling too much. He sat up and rubbed the sore part.
"I should sleep. No no I NEED to sleep. But I can't sleep.", he unconciously pouted. "Oh oh I know what to do!", he said, his whole face lit up and a big smile visible. 
"I should tell Hyukj--" Oh right.. he's with his friends. Stupid Stupid Stupid Lee Donghae. 
"I've been too dependent to him that all I ever wanna do was to talk to him and hear his voice..." Donghae said looking at his phone sadly. 
"WHAT THE ACTUAL IS HAPPENING TO ME?", he shook his head vigorously "I need sleep."
He laid down and pulled his blanket over his head "Yeah that's what I need", he said before closing his eyes and welcoming sleep.
The next day..
Hyukjae woke up with a massive headache. His friends really wasted no time and told him tips until 3am. He sat up and grabbed his phone that's under his pillow. 9AM, he still have an hour to prepare for his "date".
He grabbed a paper and a pen and wrote down a little note for his friends who's still snoring at the floor. When done writing, he placed it on Mimi's table and went out of the room quietly. 
While walking towards his house, Hyukjae can't help but feel giddy and at the same time nervous for his upcoming "date" with Donghae. Alot of questions poped into his mind.
What if he doesn't like me?
What if he's not happy to see me?
What if he gets mad at me?
OMG What if he walks out when he sees me?
The moment he went inside his house, he immediately grabbed his towel and headed straight to the bathroom.
After 30 minutes, he's done opened his closet. 
"What to wear? What to wear?" 
"Why am I not good at this kind of stuff again?"
"UGH I hate my life!!"
"Why the hell didn't I listen to Sungmin when he gave me tips about this yesterday" 
Not really knowing what to do, and it's almost 11AM, he just grabbed the first thing he saw and wore it. When he looked at himself at the mirror, he shocked to see that what he's wearing isn't really that bad. He's wearing a skinny jeans which his Heechul hyung gave him during his birthday, a white shirt that has a peace sign on it and on top of it is a checkered blue polo. Damn Hyukjae you looked so good.
The loud banging on his door pulled Hyukjae off his reverie. He grabbed his shoes and wore it and immediately headed down to open the door for Heechul.
"Lee ing Hyukjae hurry up!", he heard Heechul shout from the other side of the door.
"I'm coming! Can't you stop banging my door? The neighbors might report me.", he said while opening the door for his hyung. When the door opened, Heechul immediately went in and sat on the sofa.
"You ready to go?"
"Uhh.. Yeah" 
Heechul stood up and walked around Hyukjae. Hyukjae stood stiffly when his hyung gave him a judging-you-right-now look.
"I like what you're wearing. Good job." His hyung said and ruffled his hair then immediately went out of the door. Hyukjae let out a relieved sighed and went after his hyung. 
"Lee ing Hyukjae can you stop fidgeting and biting your nails? It's not like you're gonna meet the love of your life or something." He heard his hyung say.
"But I am going to meet the love of my life or something.", he snapped back and started biting his nails again. Heechul just rolled his eyes at his friend. They're currently waiting for his Hannie and the Donghae guy to come. Hyukjae has been looking around and biting his nails since they entered the restaurant. He knows his friend's really nervous because it's Donghae they're gonna meet. Donghae as in the guy Hyukjae's inlove with but won't admit it. 
After waiting for another 10 minutes, Hangeng and Donghae finally came. 
"Sorry we're late. A certain someone overslept and forgot that I'm picking him up at 11.", Hangeng said while slipping on the chair infront of Heechul.
"It's not my fault I wasn't able to sleep early yesterday. Someone called me in the middle of the night asking what color of shirt matches well with brown skinny jeans." Donghae snapped back, glaring at his Chinese friend. He sat on the chair next to his friend not noticing the guy infront of him looking like he's seen a ghost.
"Stop it you two. So you're Donghae.", Heechul said while resting his chin on his hand . A smirk visible on his face. 
Donghae looked at Heechul and smiled. "Yes, Yes I am. You must be Heechul then?"
"Right. And this is my friend Hyukjae" Heechul said and nudged Hyukjae pulling him off his oh-la-la land. Donghae looked at the guy beside Heechul. His eyes widened and mouth gaped.
"N-nice to m-meet you. I'm Lee Hyukjae.", Hyukjae offered a small smile and bowed his head instantly.
"Lee Hyukjae? As in the Lee Hyukjae?" Donghae said without turning his eyes away from him.
Hyukjae rubbed the back of his neck and whispered "Y-yes."

A/N: UPDATE!!! I wrote this like last week but I really don't know what to write so yeah. HELLO MESSY FIC! I'm sorry. I've been busy.. Excuses excuses excuses. Okay. To be honest guys, I'm really planning to stop writing this. I DON'T KNOW. My feels it's just isn't there anymore. I'm getting hooked with all these Mortal Instruments stuff and starting to forget my KPOP life T_T it . But  BUT I love you all so I'll just finish this and the other fanfic I said I would write after this and that's the time I'll stop writing. Yeah. I'm saying too much. 

So once again, I'M REALLY SORRY FOR THIS SUPER I DON'T KNOW WHAT WORDS TO USE TO EXPLAIN THIS UPDATE. I just hope you liked it guys. And there's gonna be alot of Eunhae well it's gonna be full of Eunhae on the next update. 

And I'm not really good at explaining stuff so here's what Hyukjae's wearing for the date



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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 1: this is so cute and it's only the starter
Chapter 10: I thought hae is gonna propose aww too bad :') anyway the story is reallyyyy cute idk why i just found this sobs
haepants #3
Chapter 10: Awwwww so sweet~~~~
Chapter 10: aawww..and they live happily ever after..so cuuuute!
wildrose88 #6
Chapter 10: Awwwww cute story I love ittttt!!
Chapter 2: wow hyukjae really like to speak colorful words lol and cutie donghae hello ~
Chapter 10: Haha this is a cute story I liked it a whole lot ^^ thanks for posting it :)
RingoJuice #9
Chapter 10: Hyuk curse too much! Hahaha! He was cute though ^^

and hello there malec's shipper c;