oo1~ FInal

Last Kiss

A / N : Listen to this while reading. ^^ 


She sighed. She threw the phone across the room in anger.

Why won't he pick up? She thought.

It has been 3 weeks and no calls, messages, emails or anything.


She hugged her knees to her chest, tightly. Biting her lip, to stop the tears from flowing.

But they made their way down her cheeks. Dripping down onto the photo of her and Yun.

The photo depicts of them running down the beach, in happiness.

Pure happiness. They were free to love. Free to do anything they desire. And what they want is just simply eachother.

Her eyes reddened and turned moist again at the thought of Yun. He had promised to meet her at the cafe that day. But he never came.

She didn't know his mother's number or anyone related to him. They were basically strangers in love. No one knew about them. No one had to know.

Her hands tugged at the ends of the shirt, forcing a small smile. The shirt belongs to Yun. He left his shirt at her apartment when she wore it for warmth. She never gave it back, he never asked for it.

Her mind replayed the conversation on the call. It only lasted 27 seconds but yet, it meant so much to her.

It was the last time she ever heard him.

"Who says, who says you're not perfect?" her phone rang.

She glanced at the caller dial, she smiled. It was Yun. After he went back to his hometown, he never called her. This is the first time, he is calling her since his return.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello beautiful." He greeted her, with a compliment.

She blushed, "I missed you."

"I know. I missed you too." She could sense him smiling through the phone.

"Tomorrow, at the cafe? I can't wait to see you." He continued.

"Okay, can't wait to see you too."

"Bye. I love you." He said, before he hung up without giving her a chance to say 'I love you too.' back.

Her mind flashed back to their kiss. Their last kiss. She closed her eyes as she tried to remember every step. Everything.

"Yun, don't go. Tell me why must you go away?" She begged him.

He sighed, it wasn't the first time she did this. It had been more than three times.

"I just have to." He lied.

He can't tell her the reason why. He had to hide his family from her. What was he thinking? He can't possibly introduce her to his ed up family.

A depressed mother, a runaway father. A drug addict brother and a dead sister.

His other relatives don't even bother about him.

"But Yun, is it really necessary?" She asked, her eyes are watery, full of tears.

He interwined his fingers between her fingers, "Don't worry, Lily. I'll be back very soon."

Her eyes widened, curving upwards into a beautiful smile.

He cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss.

The last kiss.

She's crying hard. Her cheeks are wet. Her eyes are red. Her shirt is soaked with her tears. The photo has wet spots on it. She hugged the photo tightly to her chest, sobbing.

She heard a brief knock on the door. She got up, padding towards the door.

She was weak. Weak from crying so much.

She opened the door to see a mailman with a box in his hands.

"A Package for Miss Oh Lily." the mailman said.

She stuttered, "Y-yeah. T-that'll be me."

She took the package from the mailman after signing her signature. She closed the door and went back to sitting on the floor.

For the one and only, Oh Lily.

The cursive handwriting seemed familiar.

She tore open the box, carefully.

12 burnt roses and a plastic rose.

A tape.

In the corner of the box, lies a letter.

She took it out and read it.

Dear Lily,

You are the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life.

The most amazing green eyes. Those eyes hypnotized me, everytime I gazed into them.

Your perfect curves, but I'm not only talking about your outside.

You're also a bubbly, funny and sweet girl. No one. I repeat no one will ever regret having some sort of relationship with you.

And I didn't regret at all.

If you can remember that tragedy we met through, then you know what I'm talking about.

I didn't regret it all.

The sweet kisses you gifted me. The embraces you gave me. The perfect memories always replayed in my mind. You got me going crazy for you.

You'll always be my one less lonely girl, no matter what.

I am sorry for the little fights we had. I'm sorry for not giving you what you deserved.

I'm sorry for hiding the truth from you.

Listen to the tape I sent you.

I love you forever and always.


Han Seung Yun.

She kissed the letter, smiling. She took the tape to her player. She put on her headphones and played it. Hoping to hear Yun's voice.

Lily, you are probably wondering why I didn't contact you.

After that call from my return.

I'm sorry for not telling you everything. But you're gonna regret ever dating me.

I have a mother who is in depression and is currently in rehab.

I have a father who ran away.

A brother who is a drug addict.

And lastly, a dead sister.

No one ever cared about me as much as you.

I treasured every word you said to me. Wishing you knew about my background. But I hid it from you, afraid that you'll leave me.

I'm truly sorry for making you wait.

For 3 weeks.

Lily, I truly love you.
And again, I'm sorry.

The sound of a gun shot in the tape. She screamed as if it's happening to her. The tape stopped.

She cried again, listening to the tape over and over again. Reading the letter again and again. Placing the roses in a vase, ignorant about the burnt smell of the roses.

The last words of Yun echoed in her ear.

Lily, I truly love you. And again, I'm sorry.

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TheJRockKitten #1
Chapter 1: Holy ... I can't explain how much I am crying.. WHY, YUN, WHY OMG fasfijawhfnwwkofr *takes a deep breathe and try to control my emotions*
Damn... I am so weak for sad love stories.. But one question.. Who's Justin?