Chapter 7

Chasing Happiness


That night, Gui is sleeping on the right side of the bed, Ya Tou on the other. She keeps staring the ceiling, looking at the reflections of the night lamp. It brings back old memories. She looks at the time, it was 2 in the morning and she still couldn't sleep. She then gets up and lookst at Ya Tou who was still quietly sleeping, she slowly walks towards the door and exits, slowly closing the door after her, making sure she wouldn't wake Ya Tou.

"Where are you going?"

He scares her, causing her to cover to mouth to keep from screaming. She turns around and comes face to face with him.

He sighs, "thinking of running away again?"

Gui, frowns and scoffs, "I just wanted to get some air," she says, "can't I?" She heads down the stairs and out the back door, Aaron after her.

"Why did you go?" He suddenly asks her, "why didn't you tell me face to face?"

She refuses to answer him, she just kept walking in circles as he continues to follow her around the backyard.

"You still won't face me?" Aaron stops walking, turns around and Gui ends up bumping into him. He grabs her by the arms, refusing to let her walk away. He looks at her eye to eye, "can't you tell me?"

Gui sighs and lightly turns her head away from him, just so she wouldn't be able to see the pain in his eyes. "My mom died... what else did you want me to do? The reason we met was our parents wasn't it?"

Aaron looks at her, "even if we did things we weren't supposed to, it doesn't mean you have to run away from me."

Gui finally pushes him away and looks at him sternly, "don't you feel tired just thinking of me?" She says firmly with a harsh tone, "I cried for a week straight after my mom passed away... don't you know how guilty I felt? I continue on with eight years of my life, living in a different world... but my ge... continues to live on in the past--"

"It's not just a past," he says angrily, "don't you know how important our memories are to me?"

Gui looks at him, her eyes are beginning to fill with tears again, but she continues to hold them back. "I know..." she says, "I'm your sister... that's the only position I can hold in your heart right?" She turns away, "it's cold, I'm going back to bed." Without another word she runs into the house.

Aaron, stands outside under the dark sky, alone...


Gui sends a text on her phone as Ya Tou quickly rushes up from behind her, "Jie, what are you doing?"

Gui looks at her strangely, "jie?"

Ya Tou smiles, "you're like my jie, so I should call you jie right?"

Gui faintly frowns.


"But we can't continue on like this... do you plan to do this for the rest of our lives, sneaking out late at night just to see me? Have other siblings to call us Ge Ge... and Jie Jie... but secretly we'd wish they were never born?"*

Gui looks at her lightly, "jie... which now means I have a mei mei... no matter what happens, thing will always be blocking our view of each other..." She thought to herself, "it was best if I had left after all..."

"Do you have a boyfriend Jie?" Ya Tou says sitting down next to her.

Gui faintly smiles, "why do you ask?"

She just shakes her head, "you're very pretty, there must be many guys chasing after you."

Gui laughs, "don't joke around. What about you, do you have a boyfriend?"

Ya Tou shook her head, "Aaron Ge won't let me date."


She shrugs her shoulder, "he told me dating is stupid, especially when you're in high school. Sometimes... he's too over protective till it gets annoying."

Gui just laughs, "I know what you mean."

Ya Tou looks at her anxiously, "so Aaron Ge never let you date as well?"

Gui shook her head, "not that... he was just... always there."

Ya Tou nods and sighs as she looks at the time, "I have to go to school. If you get bored, just talk to Aaron Ge, he's home all the time." She then left.

Gui sat there on the couch silently... she looks up the stairs and realizes, Aaron hasn't woken up yet.


He lays on his bed, silently as she knocks on the door and enters into his room.

"Still sleeping?" She questions, "are you going to eat breakfast or not?"

He doesn't say a word.

Gui looks at him silently, "are... are you angry about last night?"

He still doesn't say anything to her, not even a mumble.

"Fine... I'm sorry..." she finally enters into his room and closes the door behind her to have the private conversation of their big secret, "it's just... we were very young and naive back then... we shouldn't have gotten serious with each other..." she continues to look at him, "but I do admit... we were very happy everytime we were together." She was trying to get him to talk to her, she always hated the silent treatment, "Aaron..." she says walking up towards the bed, she sat by his feet and whispers, "d-did you mean it... when you said..." she stares at him, "you missed me?"

He manages to remain silent.

"You... you're really mad at me?" Gui sighs, "ok... I'll leave you alone then..." she gets up and sees pills spilled all over the floor beside his bed. She freaks out, "what are you doing?!" She rushes to him and turns him around, he was growing a fever. She touches his face, "Aaron-- why... why didn't you say you were sick?!" She freaks out, "aiyo... the medicine..." She rushes out of the room to grab him a cup of water.

Afterwards, she sits on his bed, beside him as she sleeps. A part of her, was angry and worried at the same time.

"You're really stupid," she says, "you couldn't even say a single word like water? Or medicine? Or sick? Why is everyone gone today out of all the days? Now I'm stuck taking care of you..." she sighs as she continues to watch him... this feeling surges through her... she felt... peaceful just watching him.

Slowly, she climbs into his bed and lays down next to him. She stares at the ceiling and sighs as she lets the silence take over his breathing as she finally smiles.

"Do you remember what day it was when we decided to keep it a secret?" She sighs, "our secret?... it was April 14..."


"Ge! Wait for me!" Gui says running after him as he continues walking on ahead of her.

He finally stops at the next traffic light and waits for her. "You're so slow, can't you do what ghosts do and just vanish at one point and appear at another?"

She stood next to him out of breath and sighs, "m-ma t-told y-you t-to w-wait f-for m-me d-didn't s-she?!" she stutters in anger, without noticing she stumbles on ahead and was about to fall onto the street when a car was passing by. Aaron quickly grabs her by the shoulders, spins her around pulls her to him, and accidentally kisses her.

It wasn't until a second later, when they pulled away silently and stands a full arms length away from one another. The whole school day, they didn't talk to each other, or looked at each other. While they were walking home from school, Aaron stops ahead from her and finally faces her.

"If you tell mom and dad I won't forgive you," he told her, "it'll be our secret ok?"

Gui looked at him a lighter nervous... she just agrees.

Aaron then reaches for her hand and starts on home, but Gui pulls away.

"What are you doing?!"

He looks at her and holds onto her hand again, he then whispers, "I kissed you... I'll take it as my responsibility..." he says holding her hand firmly, "from this moment... I'll protect you."

Gui stares into his eyes and sees the seriousness in them, she felt nervous once more as she hears her heart beat faster and faster. She then smiles, "ok," she says, "it'll be our secret."*

She continues to stare at the ceiling, "you really stood by your promise... but... I couldn't take it anymore... that's why I left. I guess... I just wanted to see how it'll feel like without you by my side..." her eyes filled with tears, "it's lonely..."

"Then come back."

Scaring her once again, Gui quickly turns to look at him, he was smiling as he looked at her.

"You... you were awake?"

He shook his head, "I just woke up from the part where you entered into the room."

She glares at him, "then you heard everything?!"

Aaron covers .

Gui looks at him slowly and moves his hand, "no one's home..."

He continues to smile as he stares at her, "just stay beside me..." he says, "until I fall asleep again..."

Silently, Gui continues to lay there beside him, both of them staring at each other. Slowly he reaches out for her face and moves her closer to his, they started kissing each other to the point where it almost went ALL THE WAY.

Gui panics and pushes him off of her. She jumps out of his bed and runs out of his room.

Aaron, lays there on his bed and lets out a deeply needed breath, he can feel his heart pounding quicker and quicker, he takes in much needed breaths before he could calm himself down.

Gui runs out of the house and slams the front door behind her. She leans against it, touching her lips... she can still feel his breath lingering on hers. She begins to cry once more... she didn't want that to happen... she didn't want any of this to happen again... she ends up falling to the ground and cries to herself as she holds onto her knees and cries.


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
readingglass #4
ariel right?? the girl??
please update! im hear to read!
SuperGeneration13 #7
Love the story~!
SuperGeneration13 #8
update please~!
Can you please please update!!!!
I love this story!!! ><
-HaeFany-Forever- #10
Please do update ! I would reallllyy KILLLLLL YOU if you don'ttt :( Please , I'm begginggg you! :(