Lovers fight

Lovers fight

                My phone rang for what seemed like the hundredth time in five minutes.  I had called Jongup in tears and couldn’t get the words out for what was going on.  He could pick up that I was sad and knew that I needed him here to hold me and never let me go.  I glanced over at my silent phone for the moment.  I knew any minute it would go off again and be either my brother or my best friend calling me for their little lover’s spat.  I had enough of all of this, and I just wanted my oppa here to hold me close.

            The sound of keys jingling made me cry harder at this point.  My oppa was here, and I was a great giant heap on the bed.  I curled up into a tight ball on the bed; I didn’t want him to see me like this.  I was never one to cry openly around him, I would always hide it from him.  However, there was no running from this one.  The door all but burst open, and the sound of it closing and fast footsteps followed. 

            My phone started ringing again, before I had time to reach for it to see who was calling now, a hand other than my own came into view and took the phone away.  I couldn’t breathe, and I didn’t want to.  I wanted to die right there and then with who was standing in front of me looking at the mess that I had become.

            “Hello, this is noona’s phone,” I heard him say softly.  He had picked up what I was trying to say earlier with me being in the middle of the lover’s spat. 

            I could hear my friend in tears, which made me curl up more and cry harder yet.  I never liked the idea that my best friend was dating my brother.  However, I would always bite my tongue on the subject.  Now, I couldn’t run from it anymore, this was happening and I worry about the outcome of the argument.  Her voice was demanding she wanted to talk to me and not my oppa.  I wanted to reach through the phone to slap her for talking that way to Jongup, but I knew that wasn’t something he would have wanted me to do.

            “Sorry, she is busy right now.  I’ll tell her to give you a call back when she is done,” he said coolly.  The sound of her being cut off rang though out the small apartment.  I wanted to hide from him, to hide the mess that I had made myself.  I reached for the blanket to pull over my face, my hand was stopped just as I was about to pull it over me. “Noona,” he said softly, the groan of the bed told me that he had taken a seat close to me.  I cried harder yet, I really didn’t want to show him this side of me.

            His free hand trailed down my back, rubbing it softly.  I felt his soft lips press on my cheek; I lost all control over myself. “Oppa!” I yelled as I sat up and threw my arms around him.  My face buried in his well sculpted chest, my safe haven from the drama that I was living in. Although his shirt kept me from his bare skin, I could still feel the lines of his abs on my face.  His arms wrapped around me to hold me close, I was safe in his arms.

            My phone rang out again, the ring tone stating that it was my brother this time.  Neither one of us made a move for my phone, the problems that they were having was no longer in our minds.  I was the only person he wanted to comfort, and that was it. “Noona, I’m here now, there is nothing to cry over,” he told me calmly.  He cradled me in his arms as if I was a small child.  I could tell that he was having issues on how to deal with a girl that was crying, and most men do.  He never flinched, never asked what was wrong; he knew what was going on and knew that I hated the spot that I was in.  The middle person dealing with both sides axes as they swung at each other with deadly force.

            I held on tighter to him, my tears already stained the front of his shirt making it look like he had just come from practice.  I couldn’t stop crying, this madness was killing me, the things that have been going on between the two of them.  I hate working out other people’s problems when I had problems of my own to work out.  My brother and my best friend could be with each other every day of the week if they wanted to.  I, on the other hand, could only see Jongup on the weekends, or whenever he didn’t have practice or anything else going on with the group.  I lived an idol’s girlfriend life.  When he was gone on tours, I was lucky to get phone calls every day. 

            “Noona,” his voice whispered.  “Who started it this time?”

            I couldn’t answer that.  I didn’t know the answer for it.  Both of them pointed the finger at the other person, and I was left clueless on who was the victim and who was the criminal behind this madness. I shrugged, and muttered “I don’t know…they were pointing their fingers at one another…I just don’t know…make it stop…”

            His arms tightened around me more, and I cried harder.  His lips pressed on top of my head as he rubbed my back softly.  I felt him lean back, taking me down along.  I laid on top of his chest as he laid on his back holding me close.  My phone rang again, this time it was Zelo calling in.  I felt one of Jongup’s arms release from me to pick up my phone.

            He didn’t say anything; I could hear Zelo talking for a few seconds he knew that Jongup had picked up the phone and not me.  After Zelo was done talking, Jongup answered, “I’ll call you when I decide to go home.  Tell the hyung’s I might not be coming home tonight.  I want to make sure noona will be ok.”

            Zelo replied back, and the click of the phone told me that was the end of it.  Jongup dropped the phone back on the bed and placed his arm back around me.  My crying died down a little, but I knew that if one of them called again the water works would be back on.  I lifted my head lightly off of his chest to rub my eyes.  I knew they had to be blood shot, and puffy.  As I slowly lifted my head I felt one of his arms move and cup my chin.  I wanted to cry, but I didn’t have any more tears to cry. I didn’t want him to see me like this, and I didn’t want to see what expression he would have on his face seeing me like this.  I closed my eyes tightly and tried to put my head back down. 

            My attempted to put my head down failed.  Jongup was too strong for me to put my head down, “Noona, look at me please,” he plead with me.  I slowly opened my eyes and sniffled.  His face had worried written all over it.  My vision started to blur a little as the new batch of tears formed in my eyes.  I didn’t like him worrying over me, and here he was doing just that. 

            My phone started calling for our attention once more, the ringtone stating it was my friend again.  I made the first move for my phone this time.  However, I didn’t answer it; I hit the power button and turned it off.  It any one needed me, they would just have to go through Jongup at this point in time.  Plus, the only people that I would want to deal with me were the other band members.  I threw my phone back down on the bed now that the stupid thing would be silent the rest of the night.

            He smiled brightly as he kissed me softly, “feel better now, noona?” he asked.

            I nodded, it was better that the stupid thing was off and I could have time with my oppa.  “Sorry, I made you come out all this way,” I told him.  His smile faded softly, and a stern look replaced the smile that I loved so much.

            “There should be nothing to be sorry about.  I want to be there for you and take care of you, this counts as my duty as your oppa,” he said.  He planted another kiss on my lips.

            I sniffled again and was able to lay my head back down on his chest.  He had one hand run through my hair and the other rub my back slowly.  I started to let the day’s events wash away from the here and now.  I was in the arms of the man that I loved, and I didn’t want anything to take this away from me.

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Chapter 1: Kyeoptaaa~~