Something More?

Just The Boys In The Flat Above

Ga Yun POV:

Why did I feel like I have nothing to wear? I had  ten minuites. Ten minuites to prepare for a 'date'. A date. I had a date.

9 minuites to go when Hyori burst in.

"HE LIKES YOU!!!" She beamed.

"What? Ricky, I've only just met him. He's so dreamy and so nice though. I feel like I have known him for ages and he..." She cut me off with a stupid look on her face.

"Who the hell is Ricky? I'm talking about the cute flower boy" She explained.

Oh. Changjo. No. No, Hyori. What is going on in your head.

8 minuites to go, LeeNa peeks her head round the door.

"I'm going up to see C.A.P in a bit" She blushed "I won't be long. Oh, by the way Ga Yun, that boy was pretty gutted that he had to leave so soon."

"I know, but I'm going out with Ricky in 8 minutites and I need to change."

Why are they both in here? I'm trying to get ready.

7 minuites to go Minhee skips in.


"He seemed nice." She smiled.

Here we go again.

"Changjo?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, L.Joe." She blushed

"Gosh Ga Yun. It's not all about you and your many boyfriends." Hyori scowled.

6 minuites to go.

"Get out." I said calmly putting my hand to my forehead.

LeeNa and Minhee smiled and wished me good luck on my 'date' hate calling it that.

"Nope." Hyori smiled mockingly.

She can be so fustrating, I took a deep breath in.

"Don't be irritating and just go." I stated and just got a stuck out tounge and her crossing her arms.

5 minuites to go.

"And what are you going to do if i dont?" She laughed so I threw my pillow at her and stormed out.

I took down my hair and threw on a jacket slamming the door behind me, trying to straighten out my wrinkled boring oversized t-shirt that nearly covered my striped denim shorts.
As i walked up the stairs, Niel walked past me, he looked upset or something.

"If youre going to see Hyori. I'm warning you she is in a really annoying mood." I glared.

"Oh, Shall I call later?" He sighed.

"Yeah, or I can tell her you wanted her and she will probably come running because she hasn't has any attention from her 'best friend'" I rushed, putting air quotes around the last words.
He just looked confused, shrugged it off and we walked back to his appartment. He cheered me up by telling me all the annoying things Hyori and his hyungs do when they are with him. They are a lot worse and I dont even know how he is still friends with them. She is so childish, its unreal.

We entered the flat and Niel yelled,

"CHANGJO! Your special friend is here!"

"Oh no, I'm not here for him. Its Ricky.." I slowed down as Changjo sprinted in the room and Niel's eyes widened.

"Hey Ga Yun," Changjo blushed flashing me one of his eye smiles.

I turned to Niel who mouthed, 'Sorry'

He leaned closer and whispered in my ear,

"I just thaught, well, you know because of the flowers and the..."

"Yeah.." I stopped him and turned to a bright faced Changjo. "I'm sorry to bother you but is Ricky in?" His face dropped and I could see that he was hurt. Gosh Ga Yun why are you so forward?

"Sure, I'll go get him" He sighed, faking a smile.

I felt bad until Ricky walked in and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go beautiful." He smiled.

"Bye everyone. See you later Changjo!" I yelled, feeling bad for what had just happened,

"Where are we going," I asked Ricky and just got a wink in return.

"Wait and see" he mumbled.

After a lot of walking I stopped, taking a look at the hill he was expecting me to climb.

"I can't walk much further." I complained.

"Its not far," He said while taking hold of my hand and pulling me in the direction he wanted to go.

He still had a firm grasp on my hand when we stopped at the top of a hill.

"Here we are." He smiled. Aw he is so adorable.

"Ricky, What is the point in this?" I questioned.

"GA YUN!" He shouted, while squeezing my hand a little.
"SHE HAS A BEAUTIFUL SMILE!" He screamed and I heard it echo in the valley.

"Bwoh?" I was confused.

"SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO TRY TO MAKE ME SMILE!" He yelled again, this time turning to smile in my direction.

"Give it a go," He said and pointed into the distance.


That felt better.


"IT. ISN'T. FAIR." I yelled, I could have listed pleanty more things.

"I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT DO GA YUN!" Ricky shouted and took hold of my other hand. As he smiled, his eyes sparkled and I looked up at him.

He lent in and I felt his lips press against mine, making my insides turn to spagetti and my head spin. I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

As he pulled away he bit his bottom lip,

"How's that for attention?" He smirked,

"OH AND SHE IS A GREAT KISSER!" He yelled again, making me blush.

I managed to drag myself half way home until Ricky pulled me onto his back and gave me a piggy back ride the rest of the way.

I swung open the door with a huge smile on my face, no one came to see me.

"Yes. I had a great time, thankyou for asking!" I said sarcastically

"Shutup Ga Yun, I'm the only one here." I heard Hyori mutter from the lounge so I skipped in.

"Are you okay my little cabbage?" I beamed.

"Oh god, someone is in a good mood." She rolled her eyes, "Did you have fun?"

"Yes, well it was quite good..."

"Whoa! He kissed you didn't he!"

How did she know? I just smiled and hugged her.


Hyori POV:

Okay this is starting to get wierd. Ga Yun never hugs people volenterally.

I spent 20 minuites listening to her blabber on  about how adorable Ricky is.  I was glad that she was happy and that she obviously took an interest in this boy.

"and..and he has the cutest smile and he is really strong," she went on and I started to get bored, " oh and Niel wants to talk to you."

"WHAT?" I sat up.

"I said he is really strong." She smiled.

"No not that." I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh, Niel, I saw Niel this morning and he wants to talk to you."

"Yep thats the one." I jumped up, forgetting my shoes. Hoping he wasn't still in a mood for whatever reason.

I skipped up the stairs and knocked on the door but no one answered.

"NIEL!" I yelled,

"I know youre in there." I folded my arms and pressed my ear against the door.

"I know you looove me and you can't ignore meeee," not realising how much pressure I was leaning on the door.

The handle moved, the door swung open and I fell straight to the floor,

"Ouch." I looked up to see a familiar face.

"Chunji..." I stuttered and he laughed, holding out his hand to help me up.

"Hi" He smiled, omo I forgot how perfect he was.

"I heard you got the..." We both said until realising that if we both spoke at the same time, it's pretty impossibe to make conversation,

"You first," he blushed.

"I heard you got the part in the drama," I congratulated him.

"I was just going to say that" He laughed, making my insides melt.

"Hyori?" He said my name. Not just any name but my name. I'm so clumsy when I comes to questions. Say something.

"Mhmmm" I nodded.

"How come you never called?" He cut to the point.

"I did, but you never answered." I sighed and he took hold of my hand, there were so many things running round my head and seriosly, I struggled to keep them in.

"I'm sorry" He smiled, "I really forgot how beautiful you are."

Hyori no. Don't you dare, if you say something stupid he will probably personally shove you out the the door. Oh his hair, his eyes, his smile. I think I may faint.

"Ermm. Thanks, I like your... your... shoes.." Please kill me. What an idiot. I am ready to be pushed down the stais.

"I'll just go before I say anything else stupid " I started to walk away but he grabbed hold of my wrist, just like the first time we met.

"Don't go, how about we go get a coffee?" I blushed and laughed but he looked confused as to why I found this amusing.

"Oh you were being serious?" My eyes widened. It's okay, I will throw myself down the stairs. Why do I do this?

"Neh," He laughed. "You are adorable."

I will just hope he isn't being sarcastic.

"Thankyou oppa" I bowed. Seriously? Stop Hyori.

I had to run in to grab my shoes and LeeNa appeared.

"I'm going out" I told her and she spotted Chanhee and tried to stop herself from giggling.


We got to the coffee shop and went to order, I obviously had my usual.

"Can I have a gingerbread latte..." I was cut off by chunji who finished my sentance,

"with extra cream"

I turned to him with a shocked look on my face,

"And make it two please" He winked at me and I was still surprised.
I don't know anyone else who likes it. With extra cream aswell. I just stared at him. He was so perfect.

As we drank our drinks he was telling me stories of his hyungs and how they met ect, and I couldn't do anything but laugh because I didn't know what to say without making a complete fool of myself.

He walked me to my door and I said bye,

"Thankyou Chanhee, I had a really nice time." I smiled

"Me too, we should do this again sometime. I know it's soon but what you doing tomorrow?" He said while taking hold of my hand.

Ahhhh! I swear if I say something stupid I will die, AGAIN. Dammit, me and the girls are having a movie night tomorrow. I explained that to him.

"Oh, it's okay. Maybe another time."

"Yeah , I'd like that"  Yes, Nailed it. Wow, real words. That actally made sense.


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choiyadjo #1
Chapter 16: I want changjo to save me from the water!!!! I loved it! Update soon!
Chapter 12: awwwww changjo...! ^.~
Chapter 6: my god. UPDATE NOW!! I must read more about changjo >.<
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snap.
bubble-tae-and-jams #7
Chapter 3: IJFNRNGURGFGTU started with Chunji feelz then ended with Niel feelz. ><