A new face for someone unexpected

Just The Boys In The Flat Above

L.Joe POV:


Me, Niel, Ricky, Chunji and Changjo had spent the past 3 hours tidying the appartment. C.A.P spends every minute that we aren't practicing sleeping. Well, unless its time for a meal.
Changjo was complaing that he shouldn't have to help because he had a headache. The athmosphere between him and one of the others was strange because cute boy Ricky seemed to think that Changjo was in a mood with him but it didn't exactly seem like he was. It was something to do with a pretty girl that was here last night.
Ricky told me the story but I think Changjo was too drunk to remember.
His personality changes sooo much when he had had a few drinks. He is usually cheery, careful and kind when sober but the opposite if he's had alcohol.


I was quite relaxed because I met a girl last night that I can't get out of my head.


knock knock,


I opened the door and a cheery face appeared. She was smiling and had baked us a welcome cake and baught a card.

"Hi I'm LeeNa from downstairs, I live with my friends and we... Well Minhee made you this, the icing is strawberry, it's really nice to meet you. The others would of come up but Ga Yun and Minhee have gone to print something off at the corner shop. Oh and Hyori went back to bed because she feels ill. Sorry ...I'm rambling..." She bowed and blushed.


"Haha the names Lee ByungHun but my friends call me L.Joe" I smiled.


I heard footsteps behind me and Chunji and Niel appeared,


"Who's ill?!" They both said simultaneously and then turned to look at eachother.


"Oh, Anneyong  Niel and... erm... friend." LeeNa said.


"I'm Chanhee" Chunji said with a straight face.


Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Why did she looked so shocked?


She blinked a few times and then managed to say something but she was giggling at the same time.


"Just Hyori, I'm sure she'd be happy to see you Niel if you want to go down."


Chunji didn't look impressed when Niel thanked LeeNa and ran off.



"I better get going," She bowed and handed me the gift.


"Thank you" I said to her when she turned to walk away, "It was nice to meet you"


Aw, she seemed friendly.


The second I closed the door C.A.P ran in while fastening the button on his polo shirt.


"Who was that?" He panted.


"Just the neighbours"


"Oh," He sighed


"Were you expecting someone?" I said narrowing my eyes.


"What? No, why would you say that?!" He stammered quickly and then disappeared back to his room.



That was weird, I thaught to myself.

As I was previously saying... I was in a good mood until the arguments started.
Well, to put it simply. There was a lot of shouting and then Changjo pushed Ricky into my piano.

"What do you think youre doing?!" I shouted while approching him.


"Sorry..." He stammered. I knew I could be scary when I'm angry.


I grabbed him by the collar and glared into his eyes. Then chunji yelled from across the room.

"YAH! L.Joe!! It was an accident and you're overreacting." He pushed me off the younger boy and he let a deep breath out.

I daggered my eyes at him and stormed out, slamming the door behind me. I don't care if he didn't break it. That piano means a lot to me and I cant stand it when people come close to damage it. I was rushing down the stairs and swung open the front door and the handle hit the wall.

Everything was happening so quickly and I wasn't thinking straight or concentrating.
 As I turned the corner I walked straight into someone and I knew it must of hurt because she took a sharp breath in and it must of been strong because she fell straight to the floor, dropping all the papers she had.

"Watch where you're going!" I yelled and she looked up with fear in her eyes.
 She was so beautiful. How could I be so selfish?!


"I'm so sorry. I guess I wasnt concentrating." She stumbled over her words.

"No." I quickly said and she looked confused. "Its my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going"

I got on the floor and started to help her pick up all her things.
 Once they had all been picked up, I got up and held out my hand to help her and our eyes met, she had wide blue eyes and they were staring straight into mine. Snap out of it. She would never go for someone that just yelled in her face for something that wasn't even her fault. I felt my face go red and had to look away.

"I'm Minhee" She said while reaching out with her free hand, sugesting me to shake it. And I did, her hands were warm and soft. I couldn't break the stare of our eyes.
 Say something... Anything... It doesn't have to be smart just some words would be nice.

"Lee ByungHun" I stated but she just looked like she felt awkward. Dammit. "Thats my name," I added. "You can call me L.Joe or oppa..." Stop talking L.joe you're making a fool of yourself.

"Erm..." She stuttered and I realised I still had a firm grasp on her hand so I quickly pulled away and looked straight at the ground and felt really emarrased.

"Well it was nice meeting you" She said... And started to turn. I didn't want her to go but I couldn't seem to find any words and I found myself making no sense. And she disapeared into the flat building. Just like that.


Hyori POV:

Being ill was not the bees knees, well that is if you don't have a super sweet bestfriend to take care of you.


-knock knock-


'go away' I thought to myself as the knocking continued.

I knew that I was too lazy to get up from my bed so chose to ignore it and closed my eyes again.


"Hyori!" Someone yelled, but being the suborn girl I am, I didn't respond.


"Come on, I know you're in there. It's me... open up."


Who was this familiar voice. I kept my eyes tight shut.




Niel?! My eyes shot open but I stayed where I was.

Not long after I heard the door click and a thud. This time I jolted up but was to comfy to get up. Maybe if I stay here he wont find me and he will leave. It wasn't that I didn't want to see him but I looked a mess. My hair was all over, I was a terrible colour but my cheeks were bright red, also I wasn't expecting to see anyone so I hadn't put on any make up. Not that I cared because it was only Niel... He rushed to my room and swung open the door.


"Oh, it's you." I pretended I was surprised and pulled my covers back over my body to hide my pyjamas.


"What was the thud? Did you blow up the door?" I said with a straight face.


"No I fell through" He laughed to himself. "You don't look too good..." He said while placing his hand on my forehead.


"I don't feel too good" I added.



"Aw...poor baby" He said with a sympathetic smile on his face and leaning in to give me a hug. "Have you eaten?"



"No, didn't feel like it."



"Wow, you really are ill. Do you want anything?" He said, knowing of my greedy eating habits.


I just shook my head.



"Jagiya, you need to eat if you want to get better"



I looked in his eyes, pouted my bottom lip and crossed my arms.



"You don't have a choice" He laughed while pulling me out of my bead and carrying me to the kitchen on his back. I squealed and complained telling him that my legs weren't broken. He sat me on the kitchen counter and pulled out some rice from the cupboard. When he had cooked it he force fed me it with a fork because chopsticks and rice is just not a good idea.


He picked up the T.V remote and started flicking through the channels. We sat under a blanket and he kept checking if I was okay. I worried that someone would walk in and get the wrong idea and I was right.

Minhee walked in. Her face was a bright shade of pink and she was smiling like an idiot well, until she saw me practically sat on Niels knee and her eyes widened in shock.


"Is there something going on that I should know about?" She asked politely.



We laughed, a lot.



"What?" We both giggled and she looked confused.

"Between us?" Niel said and Minhee nodded.



"Well, I do love him." I said and now it was his turn to be confused, I was still laughing so it took me a while to finish what I was saying, "But like a brother..." I added.



"Oh, " He sighed in relief. "And I'll protect her..." He smiled, "But like a sister" He said while putting his arm round me and giving me a quick squeeze. I knew he was being sincere and honest because he was a bad liar and I would have known.



"Don't scare me like that?!" She quickly said while giving me a hit round the head.



"Ouch, don't hit a dying person." I overreacted, putting my hand to my head and they both laughed.



"Do you really feel that bad?" Niel asked.

"I'm going to run you a bath" He quickly said and I didn't have time to stop him as he jumped straight up and headed to the bathroom. Minhee flopped on the sofa next to me and I laughed.



"What?!" She said ad I carried on giggling.



"We all thought there was something going on between you two." She pulled a face.



"Haha no, sorry to disappoint." I said pulling my best 'not sorry' face.


My bath was full and I dragged myself into the bathroom where Niel was stood, checking the temperature.

"There" He said, presenting the full, bubbly, steamy bath.


"Thankyou" I said after coughing.


"It's okay. Shall I go make some dinner for the other three while you get in?"

He is so caring.


"If you want to, I'm sure they would appreciate it." I bowed.


"Okay, Come down when you've finished so I can say bye" He smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I would have gone all soppy and given him a hug back but I didn't want to spread my germs. He left the room and I locked the door. I was in the bath, actually relaxed for the first time in a while when I heard LeeNa scream my name.




At first I didn't care and just sighed but after some time it hit me... Who could this letter be from? No one ever sends me mail.





The audition! I sat up, got out, instantly dried myself and got back into my pyjamas. I ran through the flat and straight into the lounge where Leena, Minhee and Ga Yun sat eyeing my letter.

"Get off!" I managed to snap.

I felt slightly faint but still managed to stay on my feet.

I ripped off the envelope and reached out the papers. On the first page was a paragraph and that's all. I knew I wouldn't have got it.


My heart stopped as I read the lines:

Congratulations. We would like you to play the part of MinYoung in our new drama Sweet Love.





 I blinked a few times and flopped on the sofa where the girls were sat.

"Aw it's okay unnie"  Ga Yun said.

"There are more auditions you can go to" They tried to comfort me.

"I... I-I got it..." I was shocked and happy at the same time.

They looked shocked as well. I stumbled into Niel in the kitchen, my face was pale and I was still struggling for words when I held out the letter to him.

He pulled me in and held me in his arms.

"I am so proud of you" He smiled as he carried on reading.

"Wait..." His face dropped and he let go of me. He forced down the papers on the counter. I had never seen him like this before. I didn't know what he was feeling or why he acted like that.

"I need to go." He whispered, false smiled and walked out.

"Oh... alright. TEXT ME!" I yelled as I heard the door slam.

I picked up the papers and carried on reading...

'You will be along-side the character HyunKi, who will be played by Lee Chanhee.'


Writers note:

Thankyou for reading this if you are, I am on holiday this week so there is a chance that nothing will be uploaded.

Sorry, hope you are enjoying it. :]

Oh and Lee Chanhee is Chunji... Incase you didnt know ^^ 

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choiyadjo #1
Chapter 16: I want changjo to save me from the water!!!! I loved it! Update soon!
Chapter 12: awwwww changjo...! ^.~
Chapter 6: my god. UPDATE NOW!! I must read more about changjo >.<
Chapter 5: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snap.
bubble-tae-and-jams #7
Chapter 3: IJFNRNGURGFGTU started with Chunji feelz then ended with Niel feelz. ><