Last night went by too fast.

[One Shot] The First Morning


Last night went by too fast

Jay thought as sunrise touched his eyes and brought himself back to reality. He opened his eyes and tried to move but realized, he wasn’t alone in his bed. Someone was warmly cuddling beside him in bed, lying on his chest. He smiled and placed an arm around her.

Last night really did happen then. He thought and glanced at the lovely woman beside him. It was the first time seeing her sleep, and how she slept like an angel. Somehow, he liked the feeling of waking up next to her, because it felt right. Like it was meant to be.

He discreetly slipped out of bed and sat by the foot of the bed. He watched her smile and cuddle up to the pillow beside her. He carefully reached out and tucked loose strands of her hair behind her ear. He just had to kiss her lightly just to make sure that it was all real. Jay sat up from the bed and went to the kitchen counter to make himself some coffee. As he reached the kitchen, he saw the flowers from last night. He smiled to himself, reminded of the unforgettable memory.

He had dressed so formally that night, his best American tux, wore some perfume, styled his hair to his liking and wore his best shoes. He took the flowers he bought before getting dressed and made sure his clothes didn’t wrinkle as he sat inside the car.

Jay had to arrive early in the restaurant to prepare for his reservations and his surprise. He gave very particular instructions to the waiters that were going to serve them that night. All he had to do now is wait.

Shinae arrived at the restaurant 20 minutes after Jay did, which was ample time for him to be prepared. She was led to their table and she sat there with a frown on her face because Jay wasn’t there yet. “He’s late again.” She whispered to herself and sighed heavily.

She tapped her foot rhythmically to the piano playing as she waited for her boyfriend to arrive. He was always late, she was very used to it by now. It was nothing new to the couple. As Shinae moved her hand to stifle her yawn, she was surprised to hear a familiar voice speaking.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the voice said which made Shinae look for where it was coming from. “tonight is a very special night for me and for my girlfriend. And so, I would like to dedicate this next song to her.” The voice said. Shinae found him sitting behind the grand piano, with a smile on his face and his eyes, only on her.

She had wanted to melt right then and there. Jay had done so many sweet things and surprises for her, but so far this was the most special and memorable one. 

She couldn’t explain it, but tears gathered in her eyes as Jay started playing The Last Time by Eric Benet on the piano. All the people in the restaurant had their eyes on Jay and on her. On usual circumstances, she would be shy and hide her face, but today was different. She felt it was.

The tears finally escaped her eyes and tumbled down to her cheeks as Jay started to serenade her with the song. Jay kept his eyes on her the whole time he was singing and playing the piano. Though he would have wanted to get up from his seat and wipe her tears away, he knew that those tears are from the inexpressible joy she was feeling right at that moment. 

After the song, people stood up and clapped for the moment and the beautiful performance that he did. He smiled as he made his way towards their table. He gave her a peck on the cheek and sat down in front of her. “Thank you,” was all she could say. 

Jay was always certain of what he would do and say, but tonight was a very different circumstance. He could only hold her hand on the table and smile at her. And, on cue, a waiter approached them and served them with their food. As soon as he removed the cover, Shinae was surprised to see that there wasn’t any food.

It contained roses and a velvet box.

She looked at him, surprised and with a questioned look. He laughed a little, “open it.” He told her simply. Her hands were shaking as she took the box and opened it. “I know its cliché but I couldn’t think of any other way to do it.” He said simply. 

“Jay.” She said, the first word she had uttered to him the whole night. There was far too much emotion for words.

He simply waited for a little more reaction, but couldn’t wait any longer. “Its been officially 2 years, 7 months and 12 days since we started going out. And every little moment we have is special to me. And you said it yourself, it seems as if I don’t have any choice now but be stuck with you.” He took out the ring and wore it to her.

Shinae laughed at his words, unconscious of the tears flowing freely from her eyes. “So, should I marry you then?” he asked her with a smile on his face.

He grinned all by himself as he stood beside that kitchen counter with his coffee cup in hand. I did a good job, he told himself and decided to go back to the room to check up on her. She was still sleeping with that wonderful smile on her face which brought comfort to Jay.

This definitely feels right.
Because this love, was destiny.
And this first morning is the start of one lifetime.

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plain and simple.
rappeating #2
thank nami <3
nami5589 #3
As expected ^^ a very beautiful story<br />
ur stories always gives this special feeling, it's pure and poetic<br />
thanks dear <3<br />
I want to wake up next to Jay every morning *dream*