chapter 2

Be Here With Me

The writing in RED is them talking in English. :D


English. It was the first class of the day, I would totally ace it I speak fluent English, I lived in America for a while.


“Hey Eunmi.” Kikwang said running over to me.

I had known him for 3 years, everyone that knew use new we were hardly ever without one another. At school while girls played with other girls, and boys hung out with other boys, me and Kikwang were the only ones who played together girl and boy. For that we had got teased a lot, all the girls told me that boys have ‘cooties’ I never listened to them. Either did Kikwang when all the boys told him that girls have ‘germs’. Every time someone said something about it we just laughed. “Well, while I have cooties, you have germs guess were even.” Kikwang said poking my arm.

“Hey Kikwang.” I said trying to put a smile on my face, but I think I looked weird. I was hoping it looked normal, clearly not, Kikwang could see right through it.

“What’s wrong?” he asked concerned. I looked away I didn’t want to hurt him, I was already hurt myself.

“I’m moving to America.” I said, I looked over to him, I wish I didn’t, hurt was written all over his face I didn’t blame him. Tears started to fill my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

“When?” was all he asked.

“Tomorrow.” I said, a single tear fell, I quickly wiped it away.

End Flashback

Once I left I cried all the time, I missed my best friend, I didn’t make any friends because I couldn’t understand English, I didn’t want to make friends either, all I wanted was Kikwang he was the only friend I needed. We would call everyday, but it soon turned to every second day, then once a week, eventually once a month, sometimes not even that. It wasn’t because we were lazy, it got difficult, it cost a lot of money and we were busy. Eventually once I had learned some English, I did start making friends.

It wasn’t until I was 16 that I moved back to Korea. I had lost all contact with Kikwang I could barley remembered what he looked like. It had been 7 years that we had seen or spoken to each other.  I had no hope in finding Kikwang again, amazingly I did, I had run into him literally. I didn’t notice him at first, but he noticed me, how? I still had no clue, my looks had changed completely, well at least that’s what I thought.

It was really awkward, we had so much to catch up on, but it was like we never new each other, it was always the small talk. It wasn’t until I went back to school, that we started talking again, because I found out we went to the same school. Maybe it was fate! But who was I to question it.

I new no-one the first day at school and Kikwang still the same sweet guy as ever, let me hang around him and his friends. I had soon found out that he was an idol from Beast, I was shocked, surprised, and happy all at the same time. I could remember his dream of becoming a dancer and now he was one.

Beast had become my best friends, at first I didn’t think it was such a good idea to hang out with them, I mean all the girls chasing after them, all the glares from the girls I constantly got, I got a lot of crap from many people. I hated it, many times I tried to escape from it, we would always end up together again. I had learnt to ignore it all, but I still very much hate it.

The next year, I had meet Jihae we instantly became friends, I had introduced Jihae to them and before we new it, we were always together. Me, Kikwang, Dongwoon, Yoseob, Doojoon, Junhyung, Hyunseung and last Jihae.

“Is this right?” Jihae asked pulling me from my thoughts. “Hell-oh.”She said, I laughed at the frustrated Jihae.

“Now say it together, hello.” I said. I smiled I might ace English, but Jihae was a long way off.

Hell-oh, hell.... hello!” she said trying to say it.

Hello, hello, hello.” She repeated. “Oh my I finally got it look, hello.”

I clapped, happy for her. Teaching Jihae was very hard; she got distracted by a lot of things. “That’s good, now say Goodbye.” I was only going to teach her the basics for now.


After English, me and Jihae had to go our own way. I had math and she had science. I walked to class by myself, dodging everyone along the way.

“Eunmi!” Yoseob yelled out, signalling me to sit next to him. I walked over and pulled out the chair.

“Hello Buddy!” he said, once I placed my book on the table. I was early to the class and Yoseob was telling me jokes and funny stories and I was laughing so much.  I didn’t even notice the teacher walked in.

“Eunmi, I suggest you stop laughing or else you will be getting a detention.” I immediately stopped; I could see Yoseob grin from the corner of my eye. I glared at him; he looked over to me and grinned even more. Aish! I’ll get him.

I had nearly wrote down all the notes, when Yoseob looked over at me again.

“Eunmi, do you get this?” he whispered, I ignored him and kept writing, he pouted. Ha! That’s what he gets for getting me in trouble.

“Eunmi.” He whined. “I need help.” He said using his aeygo. ‘So cute no, he carn’t, he knows I will give in if he uses that, nope not this time. I used all my strength to not give in to his cuteness.

“Please.” He said dragging the ‘e’ He poked me in the side, I squirmed I was ticklish there, he poked me lightly again, I couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.

“Got your attention now.” He said smiling.

The door opened and a guy walked in, he handed a note to the teacher, at first I thought maybe he was knew, but he walked out the classroom. There goes that thought.

“Yoseob,” Mrs. Jang called out, people turned around to us, both our heads snapped up when we heard his name, he had stopped our poking war. “you have to leave.”

Yoseob stood up, grabbing his books. He turned around and looked at me. “Bye Eunnie.” Yoseob said smiling, I blushed embarrassed by the sudden nick name. I waved a small goodbye. Gils were glaring at me, they were jealous.

I copied the rest of the notes, when Yoseob left. I sighed if Yoseob left that means so did the rest of the boys, it was probably for there schedules. I smiled I still had Jihae.

The rest of the day had gone fast, thankfully for Jihae it wasn’t boring.


I SOOOO sorry for the short chapter,, i've been really busy and have been writing this instead of studying HEHE ^^ :D

Im also SORRY but i had to let use understand EunMi and Kikwangs friendship a little bit more. It shall get more intresting, next chapter i already have it planned out!!

Did use like?? love?? hate?? Oh and no she doesn't like any of the other boys, shes just besfriends!!! OR IS SHE?? im joking! :)


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innocent_panda #1
Key is so ............................................................................ bipolar................. and awkward..................... LOL
oh? key's random! hehe.. XD
innocent_panda #3
update!!!!!!!!!!! :>
Update soon!!~ :)
innocent_panda #5
the firts few chappies are cute and funny... good job!! I think you're even better than me..>< anyway, update soon!!! ^^
Awwww so cute^^ <br />
I love it :)
Aw this is cute ^^<br />
Update soon!
This looks really cute :)<br />
Update soon~
kpop_luvver #10