Jongup coming home

Jongup coming home

                This had to be the longest 8 hours of my life.  I sat staring at my phone waiting for him to call telling me that he made it back safe and for me to head over to the dorms.  They had just finished the last show of their tour and were heading home for a short “break” before having to practice and get ready for their next comeback.

            I jumped as my Skype message told me that someone was trying to take me away from my staring contest with my phone.  I sighed heavily, my phone had won this round, but I know the next time victory will be in my hands.  I picked up my phone and walked sluggishly over to my computer, not really wanting to talk to whoever pulled me away from my seat on the couch.  Yongguk’s name was showing as the person that took me from my seat.  I gazed at my screen, why would Yongguk do this to me?  He had my number and could have well just called me to say that Jongup’s phone die or something.  Why would he Skype me?

            I clicked open his chat and read the lines the he wrote. Going to be later then what was planned.  There was a delay and couldn’t get a hold of you.  Jongup says he loves you and that he will call when we get in.  Go get some sleep noona, we won’t be home tonight. I slumped down in my office chair and read what Yongguk had just written.  My 8 hours of pain was going to be a total of 16 at this rate.  I rubbed my eyes, I could feel the sleep coming on but I wanted to fight it.  I didn’t want to sleep; I just wanted to hear my boyfriend before I went to bed. However, that wasn’t going to happen seeing that they had just boarded the airplane and would be in the air right about now. 

            I looked back at the screen, Yongguk was still online, and that was good.  I typed back. Ok, I’ll get some sleep.  Tell Jongup that I love him and to have him call me when you get in. I’ll have my phone ringer on so I’ll hear it.  Talk to you later. I hit enter, and the message popped up so I know he would see it.  I clicked the start button and picked the shut down option.  I got up and took my phone with me.  This was going to be a long night, and it was only when I couldn’t hear Jongup’s voice that drove me crazy. 

I made my way into my room and Flipped on the lights, and set my phone on my nightstand at the side of the bed.  I took off my shirt and pants and trough them in the laundry basket. I sighed as I picked up my pj’s and slipped them on.  I flopped down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling.  My mind was racing, now that I was lying in my bed, sleep didn’t want to come to me.  I turned my head to look at the spot that Jongup would sleep on when he was over.  I reached out to touch the pillow, he would have been here if they came home tonight, but I was alone for one more night.  I sighed heavily and got up to flip the lights off.  As I flipped the lights out, I could almost see the outline of Jongup lying on the bed.  I shook my head and walked back to flop back down on the bed to daydream some more.

I let my eyes close remembering the conversation that we had the night before.  He was soft spoken, and the guys picking on him in the back ground.  Even though we had been dating for a half a year, he is still a little awkward around me.  Two shy people in a relationship have its downfalls sometimes.  However, for the most part he always worried about me and how I was handling him gone for so long.  He would make it up by spending his time off with me to watch Pokémon, or to watch a movie. 

Sleep must have wrapped it’s arms around me, because what seemed like lying in bed for a few minutes turned to me waking up with someone lying next to me with their arms around me. The light touch of his lips told who it was a sigh escaped me.  “I called, but you didn’t answer,” he said softly.  “I didn’t want to keep calling so I came over right after we landed.”

He drew me in closer; I could tell that he was shirtless, because I could feel each of the lines of his abs along my back.  I found his hands and intertwined my fingers with his.  I was happy that he was home, and here with me. The month that he was away was driving me crazy, and now he was mine again, or for the time being.  “How was your trip?” I asked him sleepily.

“It was fun, just wished that you were there to enjoy it with me.  I missed you,” he said before kissing my neck softly again.

I smiled and giggled lightly and said, “and I missed you too Moon Jong Up.”

His fingers left mine and I felt him start to roll me over so that we were face to face.  I forgot how his eyes looked after I would use his full name. His eyes danced in the soft glow of the sunlight that was coming in through the curtains. His lips brushed mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he wrapped an arm around my waist. When his lips left mine, a strain of his red hair fell in front of his face.  I slowly brushed the hair back into place and smiled.  “Did I tell you how much I love your new red hair?” I asked him.

He smiled and nodded, “every day after I got it done.  You couldn’t keep your hands out of it, if I recall correctly.”

His bright smile made me giggle softly, “um, Oppa, I still can’t keep my hands out of it.” I slowly started to run my fingers slowly through his hair.  Every now and then my fingers would find the side of his head where it was still shaven.  

He laughed softly as he kissed me again, and pulling me in closer so that we were chest to chest.  I looked into his eyes and smiled, I could feel the warmth in my cheeks. No matter how much I am around him, I still find myself blushing at all of the cute things that he does.  I watched as he slowly moved his head forward so that his forehead was on mine.  “You don’t know how much I missed you.  The phone calls didn’t work for me.  I wanted you next to me,” he told me.

I looked up to see his eyes closed, and a small tear in his eyes.  I let the strains of hair that was in my hand fall and brushed the tears away.  “Oppa,” I said softly.  I moved my head and kissed the top of his nose.  His eyes opened and look at me.  The glimmer of water was still in his eyes.  I kissed his lips softly; I know that with him being an idol was hard.  Most of his free time was spent here to get away from the everyday life in the dorms.

He laid his head back where it was before I moved. He pulled me in more and held onto me tighter. I slowly rubbed his ; his skin was soft, but also mostly muscles because of him dancing. I closed my eyes, “Jongup, I love you,” I whispered.  He held me closer with those words.  He knew I spoke the truth; I never would lie to him about something like this.  He meant the world to me, just like I know I meant the world to him. “Maybe next time I can go along with you.  I really do want to take a trip with you and the guys.  I think it would be fun, but I couldn’t get time off of work to go,” I told him.  It was true, work was busy and I tried getting time off a month before hand and was told I couldn’t.

His head left mine and I could feel his soft lips back on mine. “I know, I was really hoping that you would go with us.  I got you something though,” he said.  His arm left my waist, and I opened my eyes. He paused and looked back at me, “you need to keep your eyes closed though.  I don’t want you to see it yet.”

I sighed and closed my eyes again, my arm slipped from around his neck.  My bed moaned as he moved around.  The of my bed stopped after a few seconds and something cold was slipped onto a finger of the hand that fell to the bed when he moved.  My heart was racing at this point in time, and my mind was going into over drive.  “Ok, you can open your eyes now,” he said softly as his arm went back around my waist.

I opened them to see a silver ring with each of their colored birth stones as the members.  His was in the middle of the ring.  “They all wanted you to have something.  So we thought this would be the best gift for you.  You’re part of their family too now, and not just a part of mine,” he said.

My vision was starting to blur with the tears that were forming in my eyes.  I did become a big part of each of their lives with just being with Jongup.  I was always at the dorm, I would cook for them when I was over, and there was times were I would go over there out of the blue and do some cleaning for them.  Each one would always want to spend the day with me just to get to know me more, but Jongup would always come up with something just to take me away from them.

“Don’t cry,” he whispered. He drew me in closer and kissed me softly.

“I’m just happy that you all got me this,” I managed to get out.  “You didn’t have to get me anything though.”

“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t get you anything?” he asked.

“You would still be the best oppa in my book,” I told him as I kissed him.

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Chapter 1: All your Jongup stories are making me drown in feels <3