
Danger Zone

~Shori POV~

Remember the teacher I texted you about before, Towaki sensei? He's back and also my art teacher. Btw, I want you to find out the background of all the girls that went missing.

I look at the text Harumi sent me. My mouth was slightly open. I'm sure I look pretty retarded right now, my mouth and eyes wide open, staring downwards. What should I do now? Harumi's so focused on the mission and gathering so many information and I'm here focused on something else. I turn my head a bit and stared at Kana. Kana turned her head and looked at me, all of a sudden, she surprises me with a wide smile.

Ba thump

What was that? It felt like my heart skipped a beat. Nande Nande?? What is this feeling? I usually get attached to a girl's physical beauty but that was it. Honestly ,Kana surprises me everytime. Doue?

"Oii, Sato," a voice called out. Ehhh nande? I turn around and see sensei in front of my face. "The board is up there, don't stare at her, stare at me. It breaks my heart." sensei did this weird heartbroken hand gesture.

"EHHH! That's just disgusting sensei!" I bursted out.

The whole class started to laugh.

"Alright alright back to the lesson."

~Me POV~

I finished my Mona Lisa painting as Towaki-sensei instructed us all to. I let out a big breath of relief as this painting took a lot of effort.

"Hmmm Kuno-san," a voice came from behind. "You're really indeed talented."

I quickly turned my head around and saw Towaki-sensei, nodding in satisfaction. Thats good, I have to get him to like a student. Not anyone just spills out info to a stranger. "Yamada-san, yours look really good as well." sensei continued.

"Arigatou Towaki-sensei," replied Yamada with a big smile. Yamada stood up to look at my painting. "Sugoiii Kuno-san! Yours look amazing! Mine is nothing compared to yours."

I smiled. "I think you're over exaggerating."

"I think you should both join the arts and literature club," said sensei with his hands on both me and Yamada's backs.

"Arts and literature club? What's that?" I already knew what it was but acting dumb would make him suspect me less.

"Its a club where you'll experience and learn fun painting and amazing techniques. Learn more about famous artists. You know...all that stuff," Towaki-sensei replied.

This should be a good chance. I must take it. "Sure, sounds fun."

Yamada at me and smiled. "I'll join too."

Yamada too? Damn, I just hope he wouldn't be a distraction for me. Wait. What about Shori? Should he join as well? No, he should be working on the missing girl's backgrounds. Alright so-

"Hontou?!" Towaki's exclaiming voice interrupted my thoughts. "That's great! The club meeting is after school. Yamada-san will show you where it is."

"Hai, wakatta," I say.

"Kuno-san, I'm really happy that we're going to be in the same club together," says Yamada. "I'll meet you at your last period class, ok?"

I smiled at him. Kuno-san sure smiles a lot, especially towards me. Chotto-could it be that she likes me? Or is it just because she's kind? UGHHH why should I care?  Yamada thought.

I walked to my third period class as lunch was already over. Kana-chan really is clumsy today, spilling her orange juice all over Shori.

Flashback to lunch


Chinen, Yamada and I eyed at Kana as she spilled her orange juice all over Shori.

"Gomensai!" Kana freaked as she grabbed her hankerchief and started to wipe at Shori's uniform blazer.

"Daijobou Kana-chan! You didn't mean it." Shori said as he poked her cheek. Kana still continued to wipe his blazer while everyone's mouth dropped open. Shori smiled slightly looking away blushing. That retard, I hope he isn't having any ridiculous thoughts. This feels like a girlfriend and boyfriend moment when the girl is clumsy and the boy teasing her, thought Shori.

"Kana-chan, you're really clumsy," said Chinen laughing.

I furrowed my brows but a smile is forming on my lips.

Flashback from lunch ends

"Kuno-san? I heard Towaki-sensei is back, is that true?" a familiar voice said.

"Yes he is, Chinen-san," I replied.


We both hurried to our class.

Alright! Its the end of class. I should get to the club. Yamada was suppose to take me...but where is he? Maybe I should call him, I take out my phone but... I realized I don't even have his number. Great, just great. I sigh in frustation.

"Who are you waiting for?"

I turn around. "Chinen-san. I'm suppose to wait for Yamada-san."

"Ryosuke? Doue?" he asked.

"He's suppose to take me to the arts and literature club," I said.

"The arts and literature club?" Chinen smiled at me. "I"m going there too! Let's go there together!"

"Demo..." he grabbed my hand and took me to a clubroom with paintings all over. Towaki-sensei sat by the window, paintin something. Two other students were at the other end of the room, one reading a book, one drawing something.

"By the way, can I have your number?" Chinen asked.

 I nod and we exchanged numbers. "Arigatou ne~" Chinen said.

"Towaki-sensei?" sensei looked up from his painting and placed his brush and palette down. He stood up and walked over to us. The two students didn't even bother taking a glance at us.

"Thank you for coming," Towaki said. He looked over us and down the hall. "Hm? where's Yamada-san?"

"He's not here yet," Chinen replied.

"Eh~ I see, let's get started without him,"

I sat down on a stool with Chinen next to me, the student boy sat next to my other side. Sensei beside him, and the girl beside Chinen. One empty spot was left for Yamada.

"Let's start with self introduc-" 


The door slid open and everyone nearly jumped out of their seats. Yamada was panting and looked exausted. He scanned the room and ran over to me as soon as he saw me. "Daijobou?" he whispered. I was quickly pulled into his embrace.

"Eh?" Chotto, what's going on here?

"DAIJOBOU?!?" he repearted, starting to raise his voice.

"Oii Ryosuke," Chinen butted in.

"Does it look like I'm ok?" I said, getting annoyed.

Yamada loosened his embrace and looked at me. He finally let out a breath of relief.

"You really scared me you know," he said quietly. Scared him how? "Your phone, you dropped it."

I quickly checked my pockets for my phone but it was not there. Yamada dropped it onto my lap. I picked it up and looked up at him.

"I thought you were kidnapped or something..." he whispered, avoiding my eyes. He looked really cute but also really worried.

Ba thump...

Heh? What was that?

Towaki cleared his throat. Yamada and I looked at him. "Yamada-san get to your seat over there."

"By the way, I added my number," he winked at me. He sat down onto his sit. Winking? That's a first. What's going on?

"ANYYYWAYY...let's get started," Towaki sensei said looking really annoyed.

"Tadaima," I said as I entered the house, no one answered. I heard a giggling coming from the living room.

I walked towards our kitchen. "Oka-san?" Someone was sitting with my entire family.

"Shori! What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Oi Haru welcome back," my Okasan greeted me.

"Hey little sis! We invited Shori over," Taku-nee said. Shori whispered something to my bro and Taku-nee punched him on the arm.

"No violence!" Otousan shouted and then turned to look at me. "Actually we invited him to sleepover. Its been awhile since you had one anyway and besides, tomorrow's the weekend."

"Ahhh souka..." I guess we can discuss about our mission. "Come on," I grabbed Shori's arm and dragged him to my room.

"Don't do anything dirty!" Taku-nee yelled from downstairs and then I heard laughing.

"Dinner will be ready soon!" Okasan shouted.

I shut the door and jumped onto my bed. I trust Shori. He's not the type who would do anything inappropriate or dirty. Shori dropped himself onto the floor.

"Your family will never change..."

"I know they won't," I answered. There was some silence.

Oh right! The mission!

"By the way, have you collected any info on the missing girls?" I asked.

"I'm working on it don't worry," Shori started to fiddle with my stuffed animals. "How about any news on that Towaki?"

"He seems quite normal but when I asked him about the missing student, Koichi Subaya since she was also part of the club. He hesitatated and said that he didn't have any relation with her besides teacher and student. I didn't even ask about his relationship with her."

"Suspicious..." Shori said quietly. "He's definately hiding something"

Ring Ring... RIng Ring...

I heard my phone ring and grabbed it from my bag. I looked at the screen, Yamada Ryosuke. Yamada?

"Moshi Moshi?"

"Kuno-san? It's me Yamada." the voice said from the other end.


"About before," he started. "Hontou gomenesai."

Is talking about what happened at the art club?

"Daijobou, It's my fault for dropping my phone."

Shori looked up trying to eavesdrop.

"And for suddenly hugging you..."

"Didn't I say it was ok?"

"By the way, I wanted to ask if  you wanted to go with me to a carnival tomorrow, I have two tickets?" Yamada asked sounded nervous.

"Carnival? Tomorrow?" I repeated.

Shori's head shot back up and quickly sat down next to me, his ear next to my phone. I pushed him away.

"Well...I'm not sure..."

"Pleaseeeee?" he started to whine.

"Fine I'll go," I said finally. A break and a little fun won't hurt would it?

"Yosh! It's settled. Meet me at Shibuya station tomorrow at 10:30," said Yamada. "Bye, see you tomorrow."

"See ya." I hung up.

~Yamada POV~

"Fine I'll go,"

"Yosh! Its settled. Meet me at Shibuya station tomorrow at 10:30," I said. "Bye!"

"See  ya," and she hung up.

I did it. I finally asked her on a DATE! She should feel special that the one and only Yamada Ryosuke asked her on a date. I'm not being arrogant, am I?

~Shori POV~

"Oii Harumi, what was that? Did Yamada ask you out on a date!?" I asked. She blushed.

"Oh my lord he did!!!"

"Urusai!" She threw a pillow at me. "This is just a break for me from my mission. After that, I'm going to be back on track."

"Whatever you say~" I said adding a bit of tone to it.

"Shori." Harumi said. "You didn't fall for Kana, did you?"

WHAT? WHAT DID SHE JUST ASK? I don't like Kana...? Wait, do I? This is too sudden. 

"Ughhh...I don't know," I started slowly. "Whenever she smiles at me, my heart starts to race. I don't know what to call this feeling..."

Harumi threw another pillow at me. "I'll tell you what it is Shori," she said quietly.

"ITS LOVE!!! YOU'RE IN LOVE! YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN LOVE! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN LOVE! DIDN'T I WARN YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE NOT TO FALL IN LOVE! YOU WERE NEVER LIKE THAT BEFORE! YOU WERE SO PROFESSIONAL BACK THEN!" Harumi shouted. She threw another pillow at me, no wait 2 pillows, 3 pillows. She's constantly throwing pillows at me! How many does she even have!? She might as well just throw me out the window.

"Gomensai!!!" I bowed down in front of her. It's like master and slave. That's totally wrong. I'm wrong. "I couldn't help it."

She sighed and slumped back onto her bed. "I guess it isn't entirely your IS,"

This is seriously starting to get troublesome. My date with Yamada and Shori falling for Kana is seriously...UGGHHHHHHH!


((this is the 4th chapter, hoped you guys enjoyed it. NOTE: this was not proofread


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Whoops. Sorry. I'm planning on putting this story on a hold since I want to focus on my other stories. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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arashiakb48 #1
Chapter 4: Omg update soon cause I know u can write another great chap for this story
Chapter 1: Interesting! Look forward to it XD ganbatte ne! Pls update, anytime you can ^^