
Fabulous Boys Band


“It’s good that all of u here..I want to tell u guys for your debut stage actually..Maybe we can make discussion right now? Lets sit everyone”, said CEO



Donghyun pov

“I have a lot of idea for your debut stage...but I don’t think we can do it with one go...So, firstly, I want u guys filming music video for your debut song. And second, I want to make members solo teaser one day before your debut stage...second, we didn’t has a lot of time since your debut stage is just around the corner, so we need to start filming the mv from today. I hope u guys can give your hard work and sacrifice your free time for your debut, director for music video will discuss about the shooting...we will meet back this Thursday”, I heard CEO said to us...did he just kidding us..To push our self so much in the beginning of our career...I hate this CEO...he makes decision without even tell us...if I didn’t have any reason to be singer, I will never be the one...


(Music video discussion)


Youngmin pov

I can’t pay attention with what CEO said since I’m dying to hear explanation from manager lee. Manager Lee keep avoid my eyes contact...he’s lie to me...I shouldn’t believe him even it’s for kwangmin...kwangmin r, I never mad at u but why u put me in this situation..?When I’m still with my inner talking, I heard someone mention kwangmin name...what did the director said??Kwangmin going to be main lead for the mv? Means I’m going to be the main lead? Did I’m said our mv? Since when I’m admit myself as this band mate...aish...


Jeongmin pov

I just heard the director said kwangmin going to be main actor in our music video...I can’t against this decision...even minwoo can’t against about this since he really good looking, so with that, our mv going to get a lot of viewers..chutta..But why he seems doesn’t like it? Did he nervous or what should be friendly with him since he didn’t know anyone here...and donghyun hyung seems doesn’t like him...I bet he didn’t comfortable with donghyun hyung attitude...poor that boy...


Minwoo pov

That boy got to be main lead for our mv...geez...Before he come, I’m the most good looking here...but now, because of him, I didn’t get chance to be main lead in this mv..I hate this guy..


Youngmin pov

The mv is about the guy who starts the relationship with lie...he lie to his girl that he rich and study abroad in the symbol of his intelligence...but just then his cover got blow when the girl see him work as deliver boy. The girl leave the boy not because he didn’t like the poor boy but because of the guy didn’t honest and she thought the feeling of his boy also a lie...hmm...What a sad story...why don’t he just honest who he is...oh chakaman...i don’t think I have the right to mad at that guy since im also lie...waa..Just thinking about this make me want to shed tears...I didn’t want to lie if it’s not for kwangmin...I hope no one know about this...

“We can move right now to the shooting set since u guys need to put some make up and move move”, I heard the director said


(In shooting set)


I pulled manager lee with me...”why u lies to me? U said I’m just need to sign the contract...I’m going to leave...I don’t think I can do this,”

“Youngmin,’s for kwangmin...u just need to sing and act only...just for a while till kwangmin back”, said manager lee

“I have my own about my study? How I’m going to explain to my family?”

“U can pause your study for a while...u can send a letter to ask for leaving for one semester...I will make the letter...I’m begging u...I’m going to be fired if they know about this since I’m the one who suggest kwangmin to CEO,”said the manager while kneeling down

“Yah...Why u kneeling...stand up...dont put me in this situation...i really…” my words stuck in my throat when I heard manager lee said he needs to feed his sibling...if he got fired,who gonna give money to his sibling..I’m almost shedding tears listen to his not-so-happy story...appa going to mad if he knows about this...kwangmin,u better back as soon as possible.

“arasso arasso...I will be kwangmin till him not gonna commit suicide if bad thing happen to your u can stand up now manager lee”, I give him a smile...then he hug me...aigoo...i don’t know other people has difficult time than me...hmm...

(Skip shooting and still in youngmin pov)


Everything is going smoothly without any bad thing happen...but since it’s already midnight, we need to stop shooting...tomorrow we going to continue the shooting...I really heading back to dorm..?Dorm? Did I need to move with them didn’t even prepare for this...


(Not more than 10minutes in van, youngmin fall sleep)


Hyunseong pov

 I bet this kid so tired...We even didn’t greeting and introduce ourselves properly...I feel something heavy on my shoulder...buji? I look to my side and see blonde’s head...aish this kid...when I’m about to move his head to ‘original’ place, I feel hands wrap around my waist...WTH?? This kid hug me...did he think I’m a pillow or what??When I’m about to move his hand, he just tighten the grip around my waist...why I feel so…why I’m feeling like this...maybe I’m tired..I should take a nap


Donghyun pov

I look on mirror; I see kwangmin hug hyunseong with his head lean on to hyunseong’s shoulder...WTH they doing??Since when they close enough to have that so much skin ship...this kid really dangerous...taking advantage to other people with his innocent look.wait,why I’m so mad??aish...This all that kid’s fault...i need to avoid him.


In the morning...


Youngmin pov

I feel something warm around me..oh wait! I think I’m in the van before...then...what happen? I opened my eyes...the first view I see is hyunseong laying beside me with my hand wrap around him...what im doing??andwei..Where I am actually turn to my right side and I see Shorty boy...I think his name jeongmin...wait,where I am?why im sleeping with them?im tried to stand up and leaving the room when im trips on something.or someone..Then I fall on top of something that I can consider...a body? I opened my eyes to see that my face with donghyun is just a few cm...And he opened his eye big stare at me...I feel like the world just stop a moment…till…


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blame this missing feeling.. :p hihi..i will update tomorrow..sorry..ppyong!


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youngkwanghyunjo #1
Chapter 14: it's hyunseong. right? please update soon.
Chapter 14: I think it's Minwoo for some reason xD but its probably Hyunseong :3 Oh I want more moments between Youngmin and Kwangmin <3
yeojachingu04 #3
Chapter 14: hyunseong maybe.. ;))
kuma_aniya #4
Chapter 14: it must be hyunseong!!! maybe....??
Chapter 12: waaaa....don't separate them....please put both of them in the group....pretty's really sad if youngmin have to go from the group.