
What is Love?





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Do you believe in destiny?

I think so, I think it’s destiny that you and I meet each other.


Running Man Café, Itaewon


The line of people kept on increasing. Everybody was antsy and vexed towards one guy that was holding the line.


“Does caramel macchiato taste like caramel?” The annoying guy asked.


“Yeah. The buttery caramel drizzle will melt your taste bud away.”


“Err… how about the Americano? Does the coffee beans used is from America?” For heaven’s sake, just order something mister! You are holding the line! Fuh! Chill Taeyeon! Keep calm and smile. He’s a customer and a customer is always right. Remember that!


“Ani… America. No. Americano. Get it?” I faked a smile. “It’s a joke.”


“Hurm… Just give me one latte. Make sure no foam okay. I don’t want any foam. AT ALL.” The guy emphasized.


“Okay. One latte with no foam.” I keyed in his order. Finally! After 10 minutes of holding up the line with some ridiculous, absurd questions, this guy finally ordered something. “Taeminnie, one latte, no foam please. And Daesung, please open a new counter.”


“Alright, Tae noona. Coming right up.” Taemin, the barista shouted.


“Okay chingu. Miss, please come to this counter.” Daesung ushered the customers that were waiting with irritation level almost reaching to the max to his counter.


“Anything else sir?”


“One running man blueberry cupcake.”


“All right. Is that all sir?”




“That would be $12.50, sir.”


“Ah… by the way is the cupcake fresh?”


“Obviously sir. It’s fresh from the oven. Please wait for a while sir.” I went to the back and took the latte from Taemin. “Here you go. Latte and running man blueberry cupcake.”


The man took his wallet out. His forehead creased. Oh my~ What now?! “Err… do you take any credit card?”


“We sure do sir. But if only the total price is above $30.”


“Hurm…. Errr…. I guess I want to cancel the order.” What?! After wasting 10 minutes of my time, he wants to cancel the order? Gosh! I mentally smacked myself. Deep breathe Taeyeon. Deep breathe. Customer is always right. Again, I chanted the magic words.


And suddenly, a guy who I can consider as one of the loyal customers of Running Man Café came.


“It’s okay. I’ll pay for him. $13 right?”


“$12.50 sir.” I smiled. Thank god that this guy is here. If not, I might as well fire this guy with ammos for making my other customers waited to get their orders.


The annoying guy without even saying thank you to the loyal customer immediately took his order and walked away. Geez! Rude much mister! Aigooo…


“Wowwwww!” The loyal customer said with his face plastered with amusement because of the annoying guy’s rude attitude.


“So… the usual?” The usual for this guy in front of me is Caffe Mocha. Since day one I saw him at Running Man Café, he never order any other drinks except for that one.


“Yes, please.” He paused for a while. “Hurm… and one Running Man blueberry cupcake.”


“Yes…” Eh… Wait a minute. Running Man blueberry cupcake? “Err… the last one…” I pointed my fingers outside the window. “The guy from before, he bought the last one.”


“Huh?” The guy’s face was written with shock. “You mean…” I nodded.


“You mean… the guy…” Again, I nodded. “Oh… man…” He smacked his forehead before running outside to find the rude guy.







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The jerk store called.

They’re running out of YOU, Ji!


“Bro… Bro… Bro!” I said in a frantic kind of tone. The rude guy turned around with his hand holding the cupcake close to his mouth, on the verge of taking a bite of that cupcake.


“Bro, can I buy the cupcake?”


The rude guy stared at his cupcake. “Nope.”


“Please… I’ll pay for it.”


Again, he looked at his cupcake. “$20.”


What??!! $20 for a freaking cupcake?! Geez!


“$20? Yah! I was the one who paid for it just now.” Chill Ji! You need that cupcake for Tabi hyung. “How about $10?”


“Then I’ll eat it.” The guy threatened me as he tried to take a bite of the cupcake.


“Hey… wait! Wait! Stopppp!!!” I finally gave in. For Tabi hyung, Ji! For Tabi hyung! “Here.” I shoved him the money.


He gave me the cupcake with a wide grin curved on his face, much to my annoyance.


“The plastic bag?”


“$20.” What???!! Eyebrows jerked. This guy is seriously getting on my nerve.


“Urgh! No need then.” And the guy rode his bicycle away. “Damn! That kind of person should be thrown into a lion den!” I muttered to myself.



Choi Seunghyun’s Clinic, Itaewon.


“Oh my gosh! This smells nice!” Choi Seunghyun aka Tabi hyung took a sniff of his favorite Running Man blueberry cupcake.


“Argh! Heaven on earth! Come to papa, cupcake!” I giggled, bewildered by his action.


“Yah! Is this a bribe?” Seunghyun asked as he stopped halfway from indulging himself with the cupcake.


“Hahaha… if only you know Tabi hyung. If only you know what I need to do just to get your favorite cupcake.” A smile brightened up my face.


Seunghyun creased his forehead.


“Hehhh… I bet you want something from me. Spill, Ji. I know you well enough bro.”


“What? Since when it’s a crime to buy my best friend a cupcake?”


“It’s not a crime, but for you, it’s a different case. Tell me. What’s your emergency? What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into this time?”


“Okay… okay. You caught me. Red-handed.” No use of hiding things from him. I’m an open book when I am in front of Tabi hyung.


“But it’s true. I do have an emergency.”


“Huh? Emergency you head! If it’s an emergency, how come you can go to my favorite café and bought me this cupcake?” Weeeeee!! Tabi’s nagging session has officially begun.


“You and your drama queen act! You know what; I should be going out with Fany for our lunch date. But because of YOU, I have to cancel on my own wife. MY OWN WIFE!”


I scoffed. “Hyung, you practically live in the same house, sleep in the same room with Tiffany. Heck, you even share a bed together. So, it’s not like you can’t meet her tonight.”


“Yah! Easy for you to say! She’s busy tonight. Oncall. And here I thought your so called emergency is about your father.”


“If it’s about my father, of course you’ll be the first to know. Geez!” My face was drawn with annoyance. Honestly, I hate it when the topic about my dad was brought into light.


“So, what’s your emergency?”


I stood up from the chair.


“I… I….”


“What’s with the I thingy?”


“Hey… hyung…”




“Is that a new nurse?” My orbs glued to beautiful, y nurse that was standing outside Tabi hyung’s room.


“Yah! Yah! Hands off dude! That one is married. She even has two children.” Seunghyun was spooked when he saw me eyeing one of his workers.


“You better sit down, Kwon Jiyong. And stop checking out my nurse! Sit, mister!”


“Hehhhh, like I would believe you. Her figure is so yyyy!” Still my eyes rooted towards the nurse.


“Kwon Jiyong! You better sit down now!”


“Damn, she’s hot!”


“Dude! You better tell me what your emergency is now, before I myself kick you out of my clinic!” Seunghyun changed the topic, purposely done to prevent me from drooling over his nurse any further.


“Relax hyung. I was just fooling around.”


“You know what?”


Eyebrows jerked. “What?”


“The jerk store called. They’re running out of YOU, Ji!”


I burst out laughing. “Okay. Okay. I get the sarcasm.”


“Good. Now tell me what your emergency is.” He took a bite of the cupcake.


“Well… let’s just say I need your perspective.”


“What kind of perspective?”


“You know Im Yoona? The rich girl that I’ve told you before?” Seunghyun nodded. “Well, she asked me to marry her.”


Uhuk! Uhuk! Uhuk!


“What?!” Jaws dropped, mouth opened slightly.


“Yeah. Shocking right? This is the first time a girl asked me to marry her. So, I freaked out and spilled the beans. I told her the truth that I don’t have cancer. It was all an act to fool her. And then, guilt began to tug my heart but after 10 minutes, I felt nothing. I was happy once again and back to being a jerk.” I leaned against the wall.


“So there you have it hyung. I felt like I’m being abnormal.”


Seunghyun roared hysterically.


“Abnormal?! That’s an understatement Ji. More like exceptionally oddball. Tell me something, Ji. Look at yourself. You’re 26 years old but you act like you’re 18. And each time you see a smoking hot girl, it’s always the same trick.” He paused, trying to compose his words.


“Babe, oppa is dying. I have cancer. If you don’t believe me, go and ask my friend. His name is Doctor Choi. Choi Seunghyun.” Seunghyun reenacted the scene where I told the lies about me having cancer to every girl that caught my attention.


“Dude, that Doctor Choi Seunghyun is me. And I have to back up your lies each and every single time.”


I let out a chuckle. “Yah… It’s a brilliant idea okay. It was you who suggested that kind of lie. Not me.”


“Brilliant your head! That trick was to save your from the stalker girl. I don’t remember suggesting it as your wooing tactic!” Seunghyun was pissed off.


“Haish… If only you are not my friend. Haish… I swear… I swear to cut you open and take out all your internal organs and sell them to the black market! Haish… Chinchaaaa!”


“Hyung, chill! Don’t be mad.” I flashed my ‘I’m-sorry’ face to him.


“Then, what happened after that? You got splashed with hot water?”


I giggled. “Nope…Heee… Just warm water.” A smile curved on my lips.


“Luckily it was warm water. If later on she splashes you with sulphuric acid, then you’ll know what hell taste like.”


Suddenly, Seunghyun’s phone vibrated. He took out his iPhone from his pocket and read the message.


“Fany said that she’s free for tonight. She cancelled her oncall.” Another bite of cupcake by Seunghyun. “But she invited you to join us for dinner tonight.”


“Nahhh… I don’t want to. She’ll for sure nag till my eardrums split into half. Nope! Save me from that misery hyung. I don’t want to go.”


“No way Ji! You are the reason why Fany and I had to cancel our lunch date today. So, as punishment, you MUST come tonight. That’s final. End of story. Full-stop!”


I hissed. “Geez! Are you threatening me, hyung?”


“Whatever. I don’t care. All I know is, you are coming for dinner tonight!”


“Ara… Ara… Can I bring a date then?”


“Up to you. If you have no shame, then go on.”


“Hyung, is it true that the nurse is married?” I continued checking out the irresistible beauty outside his room.


Seunghyun put his cupcake on the table.


“Yah! Stop asking about my nurse and get the hell out of here! If I spent my time entertaining people like you every day, my clinic might as well declares bankruptcy.”


I burst out laughing.


“Enough! Run along Ji. And don’t EVER lay your hands on my nurse. If not, don’t tell me that I don’t warn you. I’ll ask Fany the pink monster to tear you apart!”



A/N: As usual, enjoy the chapter and your comments are appreciated.

Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting.

Sorry, if it's boring but GTae finally met each other despite them not knowing each other's name.

To strangeneko and meLOVEyou thanks for the upvote.

You made my day :D

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Dragon updated! Gary has finally came into this story. Enjoy! :)


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Mosseille #1
Chapter 4: The story is getting juicier~
Anding2810 #2
Chapter 4: Somehow I' m more focusing on Topfany interaction here.....#sorry my bad :)
Chapter 4: Update soon. Can wait to read other chapters. ;D
kpopsters #4
Chapter 4: ohh i love your works authorshi... your plot, grammar, medical terminologies & knowledge are daebak. update soon^^ thank you^^
gtaelovers #5
Chapter 4: After waiting too long, finally you updated it..After being lied to every women he dated, now he really got cancer..poor Ji..I wondering what will Yoona do to pay her grudge?
taeyeoppeo #6
Chapter 4: finally gtae interactioooon YAY!!!
Chapter 4: gosh Ji~ he finally got the karma but was he seriously had the blood cancer? because somehow someway i'm not believing TOP but /le sighs/ who knows.. and Jihyo is dying but Gary is so sweet to be there with her all the way through :")
BoAJump #8
Update PLS
ace123 #9
Chapter 1: im afraid to read this all and wait for your update next year or maybe never :(
lehoodies #10
Omg! I'm sure everyone will be pissed off *some might have the intention to shoot me* if I don't write a GTae moment for my next update!! Hahaha.. After I've finished my exam, I'll write a one long chapter for you guys. Fingers cross people! Hopefully I'll pass my exam with ease :)