Annoyance x10

Unforgotten: Tale of Memory and Decision
Thursday: the day of the week that seems hopeless. Why? It’s not the middle like Wednesday and it’s not the exciting start to the weekend like Friday.
Another reason why Thursday is now one of my least favorite days: Niel + Woohyun + Extravaganza.
All week those two have been bugging me about the Extravaganza. Oh, Sammy too… but that’s a different story. I was spicing up a drawing when I spotted my worst nightmares of the week.
“So… you going?” Woohyun smiled.
I glared at him, “No… but you’ll probably see me there on account of my brother who’s on the same bandwagon as you”
“Is that a ‘yes’?” Niel asked with a creepy grin.
I said nothing as I kept working on my drawing. Both of them cheered and ran off like little girls. “I think they took my silence as a ‘yes’” I mumbled to myself.
“They take anyone’s silence as a yes”
I looked over my shoulder and found Ricky sitting next to me. When the hell did he get there? “That seems like the type of hyperactive children they are”
Ricky laughed at poor excuse for a joke. “So you’re going to the Extravaganza tomorrow night?”
“It’s all thanks to my brother…” I sighed. I really don’t want to go but knowing my brother…
“Don’t look so down, you’ll have fun” he smiled.
Somehow, his smile made me feel at ease. “Thanks… but it’s really not in my interest to attend”
“Don’t worry about it” Ricky calmly said as he drank from the juice box he had in his hands.
Great words… but damn, I want a juice box too.
~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~
Dear History, I hate you. Love, Kang Tessa.
History is my worst subject and my least favorite. It’s a miracle I’m even passing the class! Although today is a free day since Mr. Park needs to ‘catch up on grades’ as he says is… but we all know he’s just playing poker on his computer.
I just realized our school has the crappiest teachers. Oh well…
I decided to work on my sketchbook for the class period today. As I was working, for some reason, the girl sitting next to me decided to talk to me.
“Hey, do you have the notes from Tuesday?” she asked me.
I looked up and suddenly recognized her face. “Yeah I do” I replied as I dug through my backpack for my notebook. I flipped it open to the notes from Tuesday and handed it to her, “It ends at the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910”
“Okay, thank you” she smiled as she copied my notes to her notebook.
“Dasom, right?” I asked just to save myself from embarrassment if I was wrong.
“Yes, and you’re Tessa I’m pretty sure” Dasom smiled.
Wow, she seems genuine… that’s a shock. I nodded in reply to her as I kept drawing in my sketchbook. Then I realized something, “Wait… aren’t you a part of Sistar?”
“Yeah, but Hyorin’s the only y one out of the four of us” Dasom casually replied.
“I know… she’s the one that constantly bullies me” I pouted.
Dasom chuckled a little, “She’s like that to a lot of girls… the only reason we’re friends is because our parents are friends”
“That makes a lot of sense” I said mainly to myself.
“So I hear you’re going to Infinite’s Extravaganza” Dasom asked with an evil undertone in her voice.
“Against my will… yes, I’m going” I replied cautiously.
“What are you going to wear?” Dasom asked as she handed my notebook back to me.
“A dress” I bluntly replied. Even though I’m not the type to wear dresses, Sammy’s making me wear one to this Extravaganza.
I could tell she was glaring at me for my sarcastic remark, “Good one…” she replied in an equally sarcastic tone.
“I don’t suppose you’re going to ‘help me get dolled up’ because I’ve heard that one a million times” I half-said-half-ranted.
“I wouldn’t call it ‘getting dolled up’… I would call it making you beautiful” Dasom smiled.
I don’t like the look of that smile…
~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~
I love the feeling of walking into the video game store. It gives me a strange sense of hope and I don’t know how. There’s not really a game that I want at the current moment, but if I find a game I like I’ll get it.
Oh but why do I get the feeling someone is behind me? I slyly looked over my shoulder and found Dongwoo and Hoya skeptically looking through games.
Probably spying on me for the Extravaganza… time to put a last minute plan into action. I kept scanning games until I was right next to them. “What game are you looking for? ‘The great kidnapping of Kang Tessa’?”
The way they reacted… priceless. “Tessa? I totally didn’t see you there” Dongwoo nervously chuckled.
“Dude… she caught us red-handed” Hoya smacked his arm.
“Mind telling me why you’re stalking me?” I eyed their expressions carefully.
“It definitely does not have to do with the Extravaganza tomorrow” Dongwoo said practically in one breath.
Hoya facepalmed, “Tell me again why I’m friends with you”
I only chuckled at them, “Relax… I’m already being forced to go, so no need for extreme persuasion”
“Why do you look so down? You’ll enjoy it for sure!!” Dongwoo cheered.
“He’s right, you’ll have fun” Hoya added.
I guess… but you never know. I suddenly want to go home. So I left the store and started walking home… with Hoya and Dongwoo following me.
“Any particular reason you’re following me?” I asked.
“We’re taking notes!” Dongwoo smiled as he pulled out a notepad.
“Notes for what?” I asked as my tone was a mix of sarcasm and annoyance.
“Notes for Sungjongie–” Dongwoo cheered more but Hoya clasped a hand over his mouth.
What? What does Sungjong have to do with this? I still have my doubts about Dongwoo… Hoya not so much. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that” I calmly said to relief Hoya from Dongwoo’s carelessness.
“What’s your favorite color?” Dongwoo asked as soon as Hoya let go of his mouth.
I was a little taken aback by his sudden question, but I guess I’ll play along for now. “Purple”
“I like you” Hoya smiled widely as he slung his arm around my shoulder.
“I take it the man likes purple?” I looked towards Dongwoo.
“‘Like’ is an understatement” Dongwoo chuckled. “Dancing, singing, or rapping?”
“I like all three to be honest… but if I had to pick one, it’d be dancing for sure” I answered.
Dongwoo nodded and scribbled something in that notebook of his. “How many pairs of shoes do you own?”
What kind of question is that?! I counted the types of shoes I had in my head and replied, “At least six”
“Six?!” Both Dongwoo and Hoya recoiled in surprise.
“Is there anything wrong with that?” I asked.
Dongwoo shook his head, “Next question: How do you normally spend your Friday and Saturday nights?”
“Why do need to know that?” That’s sort of where I draw the line.
“Just answer the question” Hoya seemed calm despite me almost throwing a fit.
His calm attitude scared me, “I normally spend my weekends alone at my house"
“That’s sad” Dongwoo commented as he scribbled in his notebook.
Why must everyone point out that I’m a loner?
“Well, we’ll see you tomorrow!” Hoya smiled as he and Dongwoo walked off.
“What am I getting myself into?”


Yes Tessa, what are you getting yourself into?
So Tessa is going to the Extravaganza, against her will nonetheless. How is that going to turn out? She also officially meets Dasom and finds out she's not as bad as she thought. And how 'bout YaDong's interrogation? I don't know if I would feel honored or creeped out if they were asking me a bunch of questions.
Question of the day: How do you guys like thunderstorms? There's a huge one where I live right now and I'm just curious how you guys handle them. That's actually why this update is a little later than I anticipated, I had to breifely unplug my laptop because we had a wire spark outside our house. But everything's okay now.
Well... find out what happens at the Extravaganza next time!
Currently listening to: Rind Ding Dong - SHINee
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rachel123 #1
Chapter 20: I wish it was ricky she going with.but nice story keep the good work .upload more pls hoping to see the ending
LilT55 #2
Chapter 18: it's AWSOMEEEE!!!!!^^ i can't wait to see who she's gonna end up with (i'm hoping ricky 3:D) :3 hahahhahaah
Celinko #3
Chapter 16: i like all of Super junior songs xD HAHAHA
Tarantulax #4
Chapter 12: LOL I would be happy to be kidnapped by Teenfinite ;)
Update soon!!!!!
Celinko #6
Chapter 12: LOL haha update soon ^__^
b2utifulexotic #7
Chapter 11: Aww, I was really surprised that Sungjong, Dongjun, and Dongho didnt win, but Oh Well. That seemed like a great competition.
I bet that Hyemin viciously attacked Tessa or damaged her somewhat severely....
Either way, I don't like her.
b2utifulexotic #8
Chapter 10: Honestly, I think that Ricky will deny it and try to find a way out of :)
I am still on Team Sungjong and hope that there will be more TessaxSungjong moments in the next few chapters. :D
b2utifulexotic #9
Chapter 9: Haha I know what those three are planning to do for the talent show. Love that idea. <3 Fantastic update. <3 I can't wait for the next one.
b2utifulexotic #10
Chapter 7: Why do I have the worst feeling that the voice belongs to Hyemin?
I am a night owl, like you. Loool I dont sleep til 4-5 in the morning and dont wake up til about noon-ish...
Great update. I can't wait for the next one.