Loner Type

Unforgotten: Tale of Memory and Decision
Why the hell does this school have so many stairs? Somebody could seriously get hurt walking all these stairs. They really should invest in some escalators or something…
I guess I wasn’t paying attention to how many steps were on the staircase because I must have missed a step or two and fell. Yes, I am naturally clumsy… shut up.
I braced for impact with the cold hard ground, but it never happened. “Are you okay?” I hear a soft voice ask.
I opened my eyes and I see Sungjong looking down at me. “This isn’t the first time something like this has happened… so I’m okay”
“How do you survive in this school if this has happened to you more than once?” Sungjong looked at me like I was a crazy person.
I shrugged as he helped me stand, “Who knows… luck of the draw maybe?”
“You seem to be pretty lucky then” Sungjong smiled a little.
There’s something about that smile… I can’t really pinpoint it right now. I just noticed something, “It’s odd seeing an Infinite member by himself”
Sungjong sheepishly smiled, “It’s just my house is in the opposite direction as the other Infinite members”
That makes sense. “Where do you live?”
“Towards the east of town” Sungjong answered.
Hmm, I live on the east side of town as well. “I live in that direction as well. Want to walk together?” I offered.
“Sure” he smiled as we left the school grounds together.
The walk was a little silent at first, but it was actually a comfortable silence. We walked a few blocks until I heard Sungjong speak up.
“Sorry about Infinite annoying you during lunch” he said.
“You guys weren’t annoying me” I immediately replied. “It was just unexpected”
“Okay, I still feel a little bad for bugging you” Sungjong suddenly looked sad.
Crap, he’s making me feel bad now. “You weren’t bugging me at all. In fact, it was actually kind of nice since I’m always alone during lunch”
Oops… didn’t mean to let that slip. Now he’s going to take pity on me. “You do seem like the loner type” Sungjong pondered.
That softened the blow… “Gee, thanks I’ve always wanted to hear that” I sarcastically said.
Sungjong just chuckled at my sarcasm. Suddenly, I don’t know how, we arrived at my house. I stopped and stared at my house for a few moments. “You okay?” Sungjong asked.
I nodded, “Yeah, this is me actually… didn’t think we’d have to part so quickly”
“Oh, I’ll see you Monday?” Sungjong asked.
“You never know…” I shrugged as I walked up to the front door. I waved goodbye to him before entering my house.
“You’re late”
Not this again. “I don’t think there was anything about a preset time I had to be home from school, Queen ”
“My name is Hyemin, thank you very much” Hyemin, or Queen as I like to call her, replied.
“You think I don’t know that?” I smirked. Song Hyemin is the bane of my existence. I have no idea what the hell Sammy sees in her.
“I heard people talking” Speak of the devil, Sammy just walked in the living room.
“I’m home, oppa” I casually greeted as I took off my shoes and headed towards my room.
“How was your day?” Sammy beamed a smile.
“Interesting to say the least” I say before disappearing down the hallway.
This usually happens, Sammy wants to be a part of my life but he has a 41kg weight he has to lose to do that. I close the door to my room and change into sweatpants.
I crack open my laptop and check the usual. Just as I expect, nothing. Time to get lost into that part of Youtube. You know, when you mean to search for one thing but then you get sidetracked and end up watching something completely different.
Yeah, I do that often. As I was about to search for some dance videos, my phone went off. I checked the caller ID and saw an unfamiliar number.
“Yeoboseyo?” I answered not knowing that I would regret it five seconds later.
“Hey there cutie!” Woohyun’s voice rang like a siren in my ears.
“How the hell did you get my number?” I asked.
“Random chance?”
“Nice try, dip, how’d you really get my number?” I didn’t hesitate asking.
“While you were talking to the others, I grabbed your phone and punched your number into mine” Woohyun confidently said.
“Why did it have to be you?” I asked mainly to myself.
“Waeyo? Who’d you want it to be? Sunggyu? Dongwoo? Sungjongie?” Woohyun kept pestering me.
“Shut up and leave me the hell alone you shameless flirt!” I shouted and hung up on him.
I released a sigh and went back to my Youtube adventure. Why did it have to be today that I would meet Infinite?
~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~ ~*~*~
10:29am… I should not be awake, but I am unfortunately. I have to run some errands that Sammy ‘forgot’ to do yesterday. I need to return the books to the library and then go to the store.
I got the first thing on the list taken care of in ten minutes flat. It pays to live a block from the library. Now to go to the store…
“What’s Kang Tessa doing up so early in the morning?” I hear a sarcastic voice ask.
I sighed, “My forgetful brother didn’t run the usual errands yesterday, so he’s making me do them. Thanks for asking, Yongguk”
“No problem… want some ice cream?” Yougguk asked as he pointed to the selection from the ice cream cart.
“No thanks, I have to go to the store today” I replied.
For those who don’t know, Yongguk is a good friend of mine who happens to work at an ice cream shop. When the weather’s good, the boss will ask him to take the ice cream cart around the park in hopes to get some extra sales.
“Well, have fun” Yongguk waved as I walked off.
He may seem scary at first, but he’s a good guy. I think a lot of people are like that. I must have been deep in thought because I didn’t notice a volleyball flying my way.
Thank goodness for cat-like reflexes… not. The ball only hit me on my left arm and not my head, luckily. “Yo! What was that all about?!” I yelled to try and find the goons.
“Way to go Niel! You hit a pedestrian!!” I heard L.joe’s voice shout.
“Isn’t that 500 points?” another voice replied, pretty sure that was Niel.
“That wasn’t just a pedestrian, that was Kang Tessa!” Changjo, I think, added.
Okay, I’m a little pissed now. I grabbed the volleyball and walked over towards Teen Top. “You’re lucky you didn’t hit my head” I somewhat angrily told them as I hurled the volleyball back at Niel.
I nailed him right in the stomach, just like I planned. The others started laughing and Ricky quietly approached me. “So what brings you to this part of the park?”
“I was actually on my way to the store” I replied. He seems like the nicest out of the six of them.
“You know what…” Ricky looked at the other guys and found that they weren’t paying attention, “I’ll go with you”
I glanced at the other guys, “You don’t have to but I guess you can come along”
Ricky nodded and started walking alongside me. “It’s great to get away from them every now and then”
I glanced at him, “At least you have some friends to cope with”
“You do seem like the loner type” Ricky noted.
Why does everyone keep saying that? I’m not that much of a loner… am I? I started pouting at the constant thought and I guess Ricky noticed it as he began to panic.
“I’m sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to be so insensitive!!” he complained.
Okay, I found his minor panic attack kind of cute. I giggled a little, “I’m okay, don’t worry about it”
His expression was just like a lost puppy. “If you say so… I was worried for a little bit” he said as we arrived at the store.
I guess it’s a good thing Ricky tagged along, the list Sammy gave me is unbelievable. “Does he really expect me to get every single thing on the list?”
“What’s on that list?” Ricky asked with curiosity filling his voice.
You don’t want to know.  I inwardly thought as I began my search for the miraculous items on the grocery list.
The first thing on the list was cake and candles. My birthday isn’t until four months… Could it be Hyemin’s? Possibly, her birthday is in March. Speaking of birthdays, I turned to Ricky and asked, “When’s your birthday?”
He seemed kind of surprised by my sudden, somewhat off-topic question. “February 27”
“So yours already happened then” I nodded to myself.
He nodded as well, “What day is it anyway?”
“March 23” I swiftly answered as I looked at the different cake mixes.
“Was cake one of the things on the list?” Ricky asked.
“Yep… but it’s for my brother’s girlfriend” I replied.
“When’s her birthday?” Ricky asked. He’s full of questions, but I don’t mind.
“March… 24” I replied and chuckled at Sammy’s forgetfulness.
“Is your brother forgetful?” Ricky chuckled.
“Always” I started to laugh along. I looked at the other things at the list and made a face. “What the hell is he trying to do, poison her?”
Ricky looked over my shoulder at the list, “I take it your brother isn’t a good cook”
He probably just wrote down random things on the list. Oh well… I wonder if he finally read my mind.


Looks like we get to learn a little bit about Tessa! It's only the second chapter... we're still introducing characters.
Tessa seems to get a long well with Sungjong and Ricky... for now. What does that mean? I don't know. Both Sungjong and Ricky realize Tessa's the loner type. What can they do to fix it? What will they do to fix it?
Find out as the story goes on!
Currently listening to: Missing You - Teen Top
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rachel123 #1
Chapter 20: I wish it was ricky she going with.but nice story keep the good work .upload more pls hoping to see the ending
LilT55 #2
Chapter 18: it's AWSOMEEEE!!!!!^^ i can't wait to see who she's gonna end up with (i'm hoping ricky 3:D) :3 hahahhahaah
Celinko #3
Chapter 16: i like all of Super junior songs xD HAHAHA
Tarantulax #4
Chapter 12: LOL I would be happy to be kidnapped by Teenfinite ;)
Update soon!!!!!
Celinko #6
Chapter 12: LOL haha update soon ^__^
b2utifulexotic #7
Chapter 11: Aww, I was really surprised that Sungjong, Dongjun, and Dongho didnt win, but Oh Well. That seemed like a great competition.
I bet that Hyemin viciously attacked Tessa or damaged her somewhat severely....
Either way, I don't like her.
b2utifulexotic #8
Chapter 10: Honestly, I think that Ricky will deny it and try to find a way out of it.us :)
I am still on Team Sungjong and hope that there will be more TessaxSungjong moments in the next few chapters. :D
b2utifulexotic #9
Chapter 9: Haha I know what those three are planning to do for the talent show. Love that idea. <3 Fantastic update. <3 I can't wait for the next one.
b2utifulexotic #10
Chapter 7: Why do I have the worst feeling that the voice belongs to Hyemin?
I am a night owl, like you. Loool I dont sleep til 4-5 in the morning and dont wake up til about noon-ish...
Great update. I can't wait for the next one.