
Why so serious?

Taemin sighs as he scans the aged pages of the ancient  volume he is using to revise folklore for his English studies. He is sat at a deep red Mahogany table which is situated under one of the high arching, stain glassed windows of the medieval library. Due to it's stone structure and lack of heating, Taemin is adorning extra layers under his school uniformed woollen pullover. After hours of going through each text and making notes on each superstiion and faerytale Taemin is displeased to find that one of the most impoertant chapters is missing, the chapter on Alice in wonderland or at least a version of it. He slams the book shut in frustration and leans his head back 'well thats certainly helpful'. With a sigh he rises from his seat and makes his way over to the book shelves at the back of the library, searching for a book that can aid him in revising the missing tale. However after sacnning almost every book within reach he is empty handed "well if the blasted tale isn't here how am I supposed to revise it?" He looks around, exasperated and about ready to give up when he hears hushed whispers resounding from deeper on into the shadows of the library's lesser explored regions. Moving with caustion, Taemin follows the sound forgetting about the book and it's missing chapters. As he edges himself along the bookshelves, keeping close to prevent being seen easily from around corners, getting closer and closer he was able to catch parts of the heated conversation: "....How can you be sure that he will save us?" A short pause before the second participant answeres "The Gryffin gave him the key, surely he is destined to carry out the proficy" The first scoffed, evidently not buying his partner's statement "Anyone can fall into a pond! You need to think more deeply about this, you could be making a mistake!". Taemin's eyes widen at hearing this 'I fell into a pond yesterday! Could they be talking about me?'.The second sighs before retorting "The mad hatter has watched him from a babe, he is certain that he is the one from the proficies" There is a rustling before an answer comes:"The Hatter could be wrong" The speaker gives a tired laugh before continuing "Okay, but what I don't understand is...a boy? How can you know this is Alice returning when our supossed savour is a boy. He doesn't even resemble Alice". 'Alice? Who is Alice?' Taemin moves slightly closer, straining to hear the last "Don't worry Hare, the Hatter has faith and so do I. I suggest you should to, he is never wrong" After a longer pause than before the one known as Hare responds dejectedly but not beaten "Fine, but I hope you and the Hatter know what your talking about, many lives depond on this" With that, there is the sound of footsteps retreating and the library falls silent once again, leaving Taemin to think about what he just heard 'That was an alarming conversation, if they were talking about me what did they mean by proficies? And how do they know me because I'm almost certain I didn't recognise them, who are these men?' But what frightens him most about the strange conversation is the Mad Hatter that was mentioned, if Taemin really was the one that those two men were dicussing...then does that that this Mad Hatter person has been and is still watching him? He shivers and shakes his head 'no, thats obsured!'  Wanting to check if both men were gone, Taemin rounds the corner to be met with a black iron fence, dressed from top to bottom in Ivy. "Why hello there, what secrets do you hold?" In an attempt to see into the room beyond Taemin pushes aside the Ivy to peer inbetween the railings of the gate. The room is dimly lit and filled with shelves of books, he can't see how far the room goes back but from appearances he can tell that this room is older than the rest of the library. "My, don't you look interesting?" Wanting to explore the room further Taemin tries the gate to see if he can enter the secret room and isn't  too surprised to find that it is locked but pouts none the less "Not letting me in then?". He is tempted to try and force his way through the gate but it would create too much noise and draw attention to it, which is not what he wants. He steps back deliberating before deciding to come back after hours when there will be less authority around to stop him. With that decided Taemin heads back to his table, uncaring of the missing chapter he had been searching for previously due to the excitment of his nightime plans to concentrate on such trivial matters.

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As night approaches the Acadamy soon falls under a ghostly silence, all of the students and staff having long ago retired to their dorms after a long shcedule packed day. However, Taemin is stalking the dark eerie corridors of the Acadamy's main building, which houses the huge library. At night the acadamy itself seems to have changed entirely: supernatural whispers scale the ceilings of each room and corridor, wheezing winds the acadamy's length giving the impretion that the very walls themselves are breathing within a deep slumber. Taemin looks around uneasily, feeling as though he is not alone despite the emptiness that surrounds him. A bat suddenly burts out from the rafters, it's high pitched screeches echoing far beyond, Taemin screams and ducks for cover "Leave me alone foul beast!!" The bat flies on ahead seemingly satisfied with making a fool out of Taemin. Standing and dusting himself off Teamin glances in the direction that the bat had flown in and nods, reassuring himself "Thats right! Be gone and don't come back" He stays there for a few moments, surveying his surroundings for more mignight horrors, before turning on his heel and continues towards the library. But after five or more steps there a loud creeking noise as one of the doors in the corridor is opened and light flood the darkness before Taemin. His heart beating fast Taemin stashes himself away in the safety of one of the deep crevicies beteen to of pillars which hold up the ceiling. He sits there, trying to hush his breathing as he listens for foortsteps or voices and is relieved to hear one set of footsteps walking away from him. Once he is sure the distance is large enough between he and whoever exited the now closed room Taemin stands once again and carefully heads forward, keeping himself alert to all sounds whilst trying to be soundless in his steps and breathing. He passes the room that was opened, no sign of any life inhabiting it, he pushes on with the slightest ounce more of confidence as he nears the Library never once encountering whoever it was that headed this way before him.

Upon reaching the Library he silently slips in  through the huge wooden doors and stands with his back against the library's entrance, scanning the vast space. Satisfied that there are no monsters lurking in the shadows, waiting to grab him as he passes by, he slowly makes his way down the centre aisle traveling past each table, his eyes roaming the bookshelves standing within the dark shadows beside and above him. He adavances slowly, feeling spooked by the otherwordliness of the library's nighttime transformation: it is almost completely silent. The only sounds audible are Taemin's soft exhales and the sound of the rain beating againt the large windows. Approaching the centre of the library Taemin is almost blinded by a sudden flash of lightning, he covers his eyes at it's brightness only removing his ands once he is submereged in darkness again. As soon as he can see he wishes he is blind, he stares ahead with wide fearful eyes at the blood chilling figure standing before him. A figure that is all too familiar to Taemin, a figure he sees almost every night in his dreams. A figure that is staring straight at him, it's red eyes shining clearly through the shadows. Yes, there was no denying that this figure infont of him is the rabbit from his dreams. Taemin is frozen to the spot with pure fear, he swallowes and clears his throat struggling to find the courage to speak. After a few minutes of acessing his situation, Tamin finally speaks "Wh-Who are you?" He thinks of the men with their heated whispers from that afternoon "Are the March Hare? Or were you the one speaking with him?" No answer. "What do you want with me?" No answer. "Why are you here?" Again no answer. "Why won't you answer me!" Still no answer, instead the rabbit turns and dissapears deeper into the library. Filled with confusion and determined to get answers Taemin runs after the rabbit submerging in the shadows at the back of the library "Hey! Wait up, you can't just run away when someone is talking to you, it's bad manners!" The rabbit is quick, only visible just asTaemin is turning corners, struggling to keep up and his hearts beating harder he continues to run after the ghoslt figure, the persute gaining speed the further in they run. 

Eventually, after chasing the rabbit to the same place he visited that day, Taemin finds himself standing alone infont of the Iron gates. He tries the gates to find that they are still locked. Confused he looks around trying to find where the rabbit had dissapeared to 'If the gate is locked then where did he go? Could he have simply vanished into thin air' Taemin begins searching the book selves looking for a secret exit when he fnds another note conveniently placed at eye level on one of the shelves 'Is this from the rabbit?' He takes the note and opens it, reading it's contents: "Many peculiar objects can be found in the depths of a boys pockets..." 'Peculiar objects? What is meants by that?' Hesitating slightly, Taemin reaches into his pocket to find the large brass key he had found in the pond "Thats right! I had forgotten about you...but why are you here?" His mouth makes a little "oh" shape as he finely understands the key's purpose, he turns and faces the gate. He shifts the Ivy out of the way to find a key hole, with his being discovered he inserts the key and turns it, relieved when the gate unlocks and he is able to open it. 

Glancing around one last time for any trace of the rabbit, Taemin steps inside the room and breathes in the stagnant air. The room is dark and dusty, the shelves holding books that look to be far older than the books in the rest of the Library. Taking in each detail of the room, Taemin makes his way further into the recesses of the newly discovered room, feeling like a child stumbling upon an attic full of treasures for the first time. Reaching the end of the path he is walking and turning the corner Taemin's  breathe catchees in his throat and his heart stops dead as he stares striaght into the red eyes of the rabbit. With only inches between them there is no way Taemin will be able to escape if the rabbit decides to attack, all he can do is to stand deathly still and awaits the rabbits next move. After what seems a century of the two staring each other out, the rabbit speaks, it's voice as cold as death "You don't belong here" Before dissapearing once again. A shiver travels down Taemin's spine upon hearing these menacing words "What is that supposed to mean?" Ignoring everything his fear is telling him about geting away from the dangerous creature Taemin runs after it, but fails at matching it's speed despite his best efforts too. The cold air whips his cheeks as he chases the rabbit through the mysterious room, eventualy coming to a stop at the centre of the maze of bookshelves, having lost all visual of the the elusive creature. He turns in a circle, frantically searching the room for the rabbit as a mischevious and disconcerting laugh filled his ears. His breath came faster and shallower as the room spins, it's contents blurring into one. Everything spins faster and faster and Taemin becomes more and more distressed, squeezing his eyes shut as fear strikes his body like a leathal weapon. Unable to regain controll of his body, Taemin is left spinning faster still untill suddenly the spinning stops.  Taemin slowly and unwillingly opens his eyes to that the rabbit is standing inches from him, every detail of it's secretive and almost expretionless face can be seen clearly and what he sees brings Taemin no comfort: a smile slowly graces it's empty face before an echoing and soul snatching voice emerges from it's throat "Tumbling down the rabbit hole, once again" Without warning the rabbit pushes Taemin and he is left helplessly falling, a spiralling and jumbled abyss swallowing him mercilessly. His last sight being the rabbits form dissolving into thin air, it's oddly placed smile imprinting itself within his mind...

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Taemin groans and slowly opens his eyes to something tickling his cheek,  he sits up to inspect it find himself in the middle of a meadow, with strange exotic flowers sprouting forth thier furry petals and spiraling stems swaying to an unheard melody. His eyes follow the meadow untill they reach it's end Taemin is left straing out at a different world entirely. Around him mountains and waterfalls and odd looking fortresses are floating when they should be fixed to the ground, mouth agape he stands to find that the grassy mound on which he had been laying was also floating, without the aid of any mechanical device he takes this in with bewildered amazment "How is this so?" The air tastes sweet and the sky is filled with strange piralling patterns which seem to portray a story that Taemin does not understand "Where am I?" speaking only to himslef he is not expecting to be answered and startled when he is and by someone who is known to him: "welcome to Pandior, Taemin" As soon as the voice is heard Taemin needs no introduction to who it belongs to, there is no mistaking it. He turns slowly to face he man behind him "Onew?" The handsome excentric smiles  warmly at Taemin, his hair and coat flowing in the winds currents. With his strange attire and impossibly perfect features it is no secret to Taemin that this strange world is home o this man and Taemin understands that ti is no accident that he is here thiugh the purpose of his arrival is unclear. Riddled with recent events and unsure of his place Taemin asks the only obvious question in such sercumstances "Why am I here, Onew?" Onew eyes show no surprise to Taemin's inquiry , of course expecting such a question from the latter "That, young one, is a question to ask a man with a hat" And with that Onew's hand amerges from his pocket and he blows a glittering dust into Taemin's face, wich makes his eyes grow heavy and his vision blur. A soft voice enters Taemin's mind 'Your safe for now. Close your eyes and sleep, when you wake up; I will be waiting for you' As a warm peacefulness encaes his mind and body, Temin complies with the voice allowing himself to sink into a undesterbed slumber....

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Can't wait, this sounds amazing <3