Chapter 4

Stupid Secret Fiancé

Chapter 4

“I feel .” Pulling the hem of the dress to her knees and later pulling the top part of her one-piece dress, Jae Ri constantly writhed and whined as she faced the mirror for the nth time. “Can’t I change into something else?” She faced Hyun Ji, who was in front of a vanity mirror applying eyeliner. “It’s your fault you wanted to eat before anything else. So shut up.” She said nonchalantly.

The younger Ahn spent too much time escaping her sister when they were at the mall. This made Hyun Ji buy a dress for herself and Jae Ri without consulting her younger sister.

It was plain white long-sleeved polo chiffon top with a floral fitting skirt ending two inches above the knee for Hyun Ji with her pumps and a white strapless dress with floral prints on the hem paired with denim wedges for Jae Ri. Both wore their hair down but the older Ahn curled hers and was finishing up her makeup.

Besides, their mother said this was an important dinner. And Jae Ri shouldn’t mess up; especially by wearing her favorite sneakers.

“Ugh.” The younger groaned and fell face first on the bed when she realized no matter what she’d argue, it’s useless.

“You’ll ruin your makeup.” Hyun Ji warned as she checked her curls one last time. “Let’s go. Mom said to go ahead she’ll meet us there.”

The only reply she got was a groan.


The restaurant they made reservations at was classy. It was a French restaurant with wooden chairs elegantly carved and intricately designed. The seats were covered with a cloth Jae Ri forgot the name, but remembered was expensive. The ceiling was high and had paintings. A soothing piano played at the distance, set at a stage. Having dinner here meant her mother’s guests are not ordinary people.

The receptionist directed them to their seats. The Ahn siblings were the first to arrive and sat at the right side of the table. It was prepared to accommodate 6 people. The table was carved similarly to the chairs and laid out on top of it was an assortment of spoons and forks and knives. Luckily, Jae Ri remembered which is which.

All she has to do is to keep doing this, whatever this is, to make her mom happy. It’s the least she could do for not being good enough

“I have to take this.” Hyun Ji excused herself from her sister and answered her phone as soon as she saw the caller ID. The younger Ahn understood the responsibilities her sister started to shoulder immediately as she came of age. The consistent phone calls from school and after school reminding her of the duties she still has to fulfill.

 Hyun Ji. her sister is the one carrying out the family name and soon will be heading the business. And Jae Ri causes trouble. She feels guilty doing nothing for her sister and just being another headache.

I’ll behave tonight. I promise.  She stared at her sister’s retreating back as she went outside to take the call.


Jae Ri began reviewing her previous lessons on etiquette; trying to recall which fork and knife to use. Determination in her eyes as she focused all her attention on the utensils in front of her. “Excuse me.” The young Ahn snapped from thoughts, looked up and saw her mother with a woman around the same age. Jae Ri cautiously stood up and greeted both of them. The woman merely smiled in response “My, what a beautiful lady. Is this her?” her attention back to her companion.

Mrs. Ahn nodded and chuckled. They seem to be friends from what Jae Ri observed.

Both women sat. Jae Ri and her mother sat on the right while their guest was on the left.

“Jae Ri, this is Mrs. Jung.” Her mother filled in her clueless daughter, smiling. “And here comes my eldest.” Hyun Ji gracefully made her way to them after taking the call, greeting both women who just arrived.

“You have very beautiful daughters Sumin.”

Mrs. Ahn chuckled at the compliment. “I think you have better genes since your boy looks handsome as well.”

Jae Ri grew uncomfortable with the constant praises from both parties. She never liked receiving compliments. She felt it was out of respect and not sincere to casually throw out kind words. Having decided to play her part for the night, Jae Ri politely smiled and resisted to say what she wants. Answering only practiced lines her etiquette class taught her.

“My son isn’t usually late. He’s just busy with school and after class activities.” Mrs. Jung apologized after fondly mentioning her son. They kept the topic limited to their children, as far as Jae Ri could tell. She didn’t really listen to their conversation. Her attention was on a guy outside the glass wall of the restaurant. He doing something with his ear. Probably removing a piercing Jae Ri deduced.

He was dressed up but was hurriedly changing his appearance. From casual street clothes Jae Ri wanted for herself, to a semi-formal type of casual her mother would approve. He even brushed his hair up a little, putting the bangs back a bit.

He is good-looking though. Jae Ri felt it was weird if she kept on staring so she diverted her attention back on the appetizers laid by the waiter, erasing the suspicious person from her head.

“Hi Mom.” Greeted a male voice. Jae Ri, uncomfortable with the set-up parents and opposite gender children having dinner, looked up and saw the exact person whom she was staring at earlier. What dafuq just happened?

She failed to notice was slightly opened and her brows knitted together in question. Hyun Ji didn’t want Jae Ri to be in trouble, so she cleared and spoke up. “I guess we’re all here then?” she smiled while elbowing her younger sister, a signal to remain poised and not react.

Formal introductions were made. This made everything clear to Jae Ri. I knew it I knew it I knew it! Everything was planned and prepared and the younger Ahn heiress has nowhere to run.

This was another arranged marriage deal. She thought the first time her mother asked was a joke and so she laughing replied with ‘sure go ahead’, not thinking it through. And now it was made into reality with a guy she saw changing outside a restaurant. Yey me. She mentally scolded herself for taking everything lightly. Although her mother and his mother never said this dinner was marriage related, she has a gut feeling it is.

They kept on talking and laughing but Jae Ri just stared at the guy seated in front of her absorbing the possibility of him becoming her husband. Dafuq.

He noticed her blank stare at him and called her attention. “Jae Ri?”

Dude, we are not close don’t talk to me.

 “Yes?” she returned the same polite charming smile he gave her.

I can play your game Mr. Two face. “You don’t look well.”

Jae Ri kept the smile on her lips, despite the urge to kick him. “I’m fine, just a mild headache.” She lied. One tactic of hers that always worked whenever she wants to evade a question; pretend to be sick. Enough to excuse herself but not to cause too much worry. It has a 100% effective rate.

“Why don’t you be a gentleman and drive them both home. It’s been a long day I suppose.” Mrs. Jung smiled “Sumin and I would stay a while longer.” Both mothers insisted for the three to leave, a sign Jae Ri took as ‘Yes you’re going to be engaged. Time to meet him closer.’

She still kept the poised and refined façade until they were on their way. Jae Ri seated at the back with Hyun Ji next to Two face who was driving.

The air was awkwardly silent until a rustling was heard at the back.

“Jae Ri what are you doing?”

Both persons upfront were staring at the girl changing her heels into a pair of black converse, most of her dress covered with a jacket Hyun Ji was seeing for the first time and she tied her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. It was disturbing.

“Just drop me off wherever, I can find my way.” She adjusted her bag strap and leaned in the space at the middle eyeing the road.

“I’m sorry but it’s – it’s not possible.” He chuckled, clearly dumbfounded by this girl’s actions and ridiculous request. They just met yet she’s asking to be left anywhere, not at all following their mother’s instructions. People like them are supposed to follow through their parent’s word or the worst is to come. She either is bat- crazy or is openly rebelling not a care about the consequences.

Jae Ri leaned back in her seat and clenched her teeth. “Fine. I’ll do it myself.”

She opened the car door without warning.

Different cars reacted at the same time.

Horns blasted and tires screeched.

Headlights temporarily blinding Hyun Ji and her companion up front.

The two people were startled but the guy had quick reflexes. He immediately pressed on the breaks before the younger Ahn could hurt herself.

“.” He hissed. Hyun Ji who quickly recovered from the extreme stunt pulled by her sister, followed her out the car. “Ahn Jae Ri what do you think you’re doing?” She started yelling. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed!”

The younger determined to leave, ran as soon as she heard the yelling.

Not looking back.

Not giving an explanation.

She needs time to take in everything that happened. Ahn Jae Ri wasn’t supposed to be married off. She doesn’t even fit in with the elite so why get buried deeper into all this business? She isn’t worthy to carry a prestigious surname. To be born into it.

What more to marry into one bearing a title better than her family’s?

Jung. That’s one name she knew was all too familiar. Growing up, she heard a lot about them. They were family friends after all. How could she not seen this sooner? Mrs. Jung had been a frequent visitor to their home. Sometimes, during weekends her mother would go out to meet up with Mrs. Jung for brunch. Jae Ri wasn’t good at keeping track of people she met, but if memory serves her right, then Mrs. Jung is not only a business partner, but also a close friend of her mom.

She stopped in front of a convenience store, heavily breathing. It’s sign the only source of light in an otherwise dark street. There were a few people inside so she decided to come in.

Jae Ri knew she made a mistake. She thought about it while stirring her noodles. It was stupid to run away like that. It was stupid-er to try to jump out of a moving car. She still has to thank the two-faced guy who has great reflexes. If he didn’t act in time, she might’ve end up bloodied on the street.

Then there’s her sister. I just wanted to be alone for a while. Give me time to think. Why can’t you understand that? She wanted to reply just before she ran but decided against it. Jae Ri loves Hyun Ji even if sometimes she’s being a bossy . She was just concerned why Jae Ri was acting that way but she brushed her older sister aside. She also knew what she did hurt her sister and her mother. And most probably mom’s friend and her son.

She was losing rationality the moment everything looked suspicious. It was totally gone by the time she was being pushed by both mothers to head home accompanied by Ms. Jung’s son. It probably just looked like a marriage set-up dinner and she jumped into conclusions. Jae Ri threw her head back and groaned in frustration. If only she was a bit level-headed then she wouldn’t have ruined the dinner.

Her noodles became cold but she ate them nonetheless. The spiciness of the ramen comforting her.

Jae Ri quickly finished her snack and was heading home. The time she had was enough to see everything logically. She tried not react as much to the situation. Besides, she had no say in the matter.

As quietly as she could, she pulled out keys opening the entrance to a house that felt empty. It’s supposed to be inviting. She thought to herself, thinking the intricate designs were useless.

It boasted stone walls, vines and a rainbow of colorful flora surrounding it, a fountain in the middle of the driveway with its soft white light at the sides cascading on the dancing crystal being spouted by a stone carp. The windows, draped with cream cloth, were high and made with glass. A balcony on the second floor overlooking a vegetable garden on the right side of the house. But Jae Ri knew the truth. This house wasn’t home.

She knew she’s not part of the prestigious.

She knew she will never be good enough.

She knew that yet she still stays.


Jae Ri smiled bitterly. How idiotic must she be to have all that time to think but still come back here. She slowly made her way towards the staircase, but froze when she heard something awfully familiar.

“It’s your fault she became like that!”

This scene has happened a lot before. Jae Ri took a deep breath and walked upstairs, not cautiously but dejectedly.

The noise gradually faded as she retreated to her room, slamming it shut once she did. She wanted them to hear. She wanted them to realize she came home. No point in talking. They wouldn’t listen. They never did if they’re together.

Jae Ri took a backpack from her closet and filled it with clothes, her wallet and her phone. Taking out a pen and paper from her desk, she started scribbling.

She was firm on her decision earlier to apologize to her mom and sister for ditching the kind gesture Mrs. Jung and her son did. What changed was her mom didn’t back her up this time. She was supposed to be the pillar of strength Jae Ri needed especially when she has to become one of the elite. She was supposed to be by her side comforting her; telling her it’s fine to be scared and run away.

If there’s no reason for me to stay. Then so be it.

She grabbed her bag and headed out through the window.

Hyun Ji unnie, take care

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Zeal95 #1
Very curious :D
Omo! At last u finally made this story xD