Chapter 2

Stupid Secret Fiancé

Chapter 2

Hyun Ji’s eyes got wide once she set foot inside the mall. Boutiques filled with endless racks of dresses, countless shoes and a wide array of make-up greeted her. She is an avid fan of girly stuff, but she can also pull off a boyish style without a hassle. Our younger heir, of course, followed her sister around like a lost puppy.

“Ah…” Jae Ri groaned, she hates walking and walking endlessly without progress makes her tired.

I mean, who wouldn’t? How would you feel if you walked around a huge mall for the past half an hour without even buying anything?


I repeat.




“I’m tired…”


“I feel the pasta dissolving in my stomach acids.”


Jae Ri frowned when her sister just continued entering her favorite stores, and ignored the younger Ahn.

Today is sister bonding? You wish.

Jae Ri is Hyun Ji’s personal assistant when it comes to dressing up. She either agrees or disagrees with the wardrobe her sister chooses. They get along most of the time because of some overlapping common ground.

Today, however, she wants to be far far away from Hyun Ji. Miss Goody-two-shoes might reprimand her for buying clothes she couldn’t wear. Jeans are a no when it comes to meetings, business affairs, parties, etc.


Jae Ri’s reason, on the other hand, is that what if she decides to go out for a while and she decides to be normal for a change. Far from the fountains in the middle of the driveway, chandeliers, puffy dresses and camera flashes.

Of course the genius unnie lays out her logic and reasoning skills, making the younger of the Ahn sisters, lose in another argument.


Unknown to Hyun Ji, Jae Ri has been plotting to escape. And she knows she will win, this time.

If she’s that busy I can have enough time to –

“Oi! Don’t wander around, you’ll get lost” without turning, she reprimanded Jae Ri, who in return slumped her shoulders.

Although intelligent, Hyun Ji can get distracted at times. And that’s what Jae Ri is counting for. But if nothing can distract her… It’s going to be hard to escape.

The eldest of the Ahn sisters, went from store to store, boutique to boutique but none of the displays were good enough.

She has to look refined and lady-like, and Jae Ri should also look the same.

Every time the younger would show a jacket, shirt or sneakers, Hyun Ji would wave it away and explain why they should look more presentable. Their mother didn’t say anything about a business meeting, it was just dinner. So, Jae Ri was rolling her eyes every time she gets shot down.

Why do we have to buy new dresses if it’s just dinner?

Hyun Ji already has about 30 dresses and she could wear one of them and lend Jae Ri another. But she shrugged off the thought of dresses. The plan has to be executed immediately, that’s her priority. Who cares about another pointless family affair? Besides this isn’t her first formal dinner. She could pull off being an heiress just like Hyun Ji. All fancy and refined. Now just isn’t it. She would be a normal teenager now.

Finally after passing by various outlets, boutiques, shops…

“Wah~” Hyun Ji was awe-stricken when she entered a boutique that was quite new to her.  


It had carpeted floors, a chandelier, velvet chairs and couches. It was like she entered Barbie’s house. Princess-like pink enveloped the entire room. A cash register was at the far end of the store; beside it were a coffee table and two chairs. A giant mirror was plastered on the wall but it didn’t look creepy, instead it made the room appear larger. Racks were arranged and there hung unique dresses. There was not an identical one. Each was different.


On one side of the store was a white door and since it was open, Jae Ri took a peek. It was a walk-in closet. The left-side was shorts and graphic tees while the right side was jeans and blouses. It was a bit cramped but since they were the only two customers, it was fine. The narrow hallway actually led to a stage in the middle, surrounded by a more spacious path.  Above it, mannequins were standing and modeling the latest designs.

They don’t have any time for strolling around, so the eldest heir decided to choose already.

Hyun Ji then went back to the shoe rack and picked up a random shoe. “Doll House?” she raised a brow at the name plastered inside

“Yes Ma’am” A sales girl approached her and smiled genuinely.

She had features that fit the atmosphere of the store; a fair complexion, plump pink lips and eyes that look innocent.

“Doll House is a boutique under Etude Corp. My name is Sulli and I’ll be assisting you today.”

Hyun Ji didn’t like employees following her around but she kind of liked Sulli. She wasn't one of those perky salesgirls, with the high pitched voices and bunch of make-up on the face.

Nodding, she asked “Do you have a size 7 wedge, with denim-like covering? Or anything that’s really similar to the color of jeans.”

“Yes Ma’am. It is actually denim covered” she answered before excusing herself and headed towards their stock room

“How about you –” She turned around and found out her ‘tail’ was gone. She sighed and fished her phone. This was typical for Jae Ri to suddenly disappear. So she wasn’t really shocked.

Where are you?



Just bought food. Chill :D

Be back and hurry

After sending the text, Hyun Ji roamed around the store. No point in searching for something that doesn’t want to be found.  


“Just bought food. Pfft.” Jae Ri smirked and dipped her hands into the pocket of her jacket. She doesn’t have a clue


“I might as well look for a new jacket. She’ll probably choose a sleeveless dress.” She strolled then rode an elevator to the second floor.

She has money and she made sure Hyun Ji won’t be able to track her down. Jae Ri isn’t stupid. When she found out Hyun Ji was coming along, she immediately grabbed some cash and planned on ditching her sister. It’s not like they are not on the best terms, but Hyun Ji can be a little bossy when it comes to ‘what to wear’ and ‘how to act’ in front of people. Jae Ri just wants to be herself for a short time.


And today is one of them.

The following night she has to act.

She has to be what they expect her to be.


“Nice…” She murmured, while strolling on the second floor. Jae Ri passed-by different boutiques. Slowly taking in the little time she stole in order to be alone. It’s not like she hates being cooped up at home, but sometimes it becomes annoying to be absolutely clueless about everything around her. Jae Ri wants to try new things but they wouldn’t let her. Partly because their family has an image to uphold and they think one day Jae Ri’s recklessness would lead to their undoing.


She’s still debating with herself whether she’ll really buy something to wear or buy food. The latter seemed better. It’s almost lunch.

Then again she does need a jacket if Hyun Ji bought revealing clothes

Immature is something that fits well with her description. She still finds vampires cool. Not the twilight type of vampire.


The heck with shiny people.


Vampires with pointy teeth, red blood lips, dark eyes and pale skin.


“Woah!” She stopped by a store that says ‘Eff(x)’ gray fancy writing over dark purple background. She pushed the door and stepped inside. Her eyes didn’t care much for the store itself, just the jacket. Yep. A jacket caught her attention whilst walking. It was a hooded jacket; the hood had wings above the ear part. Not bad at all. Although she can’t use it for the dinner, she can use it for outing purposes. Jae Ri grinned and dashed to the counter. It was weird but had a certain appeal to her.

“Excuse me?” Jae Ri quietly asked the girl manning the counter. “Miss how much is this?” She held up the article of clothing.

“Please check the tag inside.” The person she asked gave a small smile and Jae Ri did as told. She then hung the item on her left arm and pulled out a wallet from her varsity jacket. While looking for cash, she didn’t notice a figure cut in front of her. “Miss I’d like to buy this” a male voice stated.

Startled, Jae Ri lifted her head and saw a tall guy in front of the cashier where she was about to pay. The crazy and loud Ahn suddenly became quiet and unable to tell the rude guy off. She felt intimidated. He had this weird aura surrounding him. Jae Ri stared at her feet.

This is the same feeling she has when facing her parents’ business partners. They all exude power, making Jae Ri feel unworthy of bearing such a prestigious surname and interact with them. The Ahns are one of the most influential families in South Korea. Being born into this family means upholding the traditions, manners, and honor of an Ahn descendant. And well…Jae Ri doesn’t really fit with all those stuff. She fails to become one of the elite which makes things uncomfortable.

I hope this never happens again. When he left the counter, Jae Ri started to inspect the guy from head to toe. He looks rich and tall enough to be a model. Then she continued to stare at the stranger’s retreating back Whatever. Stupid tall person.


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Zeal95 #1
Very curious :D
Omo! At last u finally made this story xD