Beautiful Present

Imprisoned By Your Love

[[ A/N: So I decided to go back to the present day in this chapter~ I hope it isn't too confusing~ Thanks for all your support once again ^^ ]]

"Back to your cells!" Ren, after coming back from many treacherous hours of garbage picking, rolled his eyes at the guards always shouting out orders at them. Though he was well aware that the decisions he had made were making his life pure hell, he didn't regret a single thing. No, he didn't regret the multiple deaths that he caused, and he didn't regret being in prison for the majority of the remainder of his life. Ren slowly walked back to his cell with a sigh, his feet heavy. On the bright side, Ren had his own cell; no annoying roommate to deal with. Ren preferred being alone these days, he didn't want to get attached to anyone ever again. Attachments always lead to a liking, which lead to a loving, which lead to relationships, which almost always ended in heartbreak one way or another. This was Ren's philosophy.

Heading straight towards his bunk beds, Ren sighed and immediately plopped down onto the mattress that he thought would be rather comforting. But, instead of being greeted by the cheap soft mattress, he was welcomed by movement. Yes, movement of someone, or something, trying to wriggle their way out from under him.

"What the hell...?" Ren muttered, quickly moving to the side. 

"Yah! What's with you?" the other boy said, running a hand through his dark brown hair. He seemed cocky, so Ren shot him a strong glare.

"No, the question is, what's with you? Who the hell do you think you are, just showing up like that?" Ren crossed his arms, sitting up in the bed to look at his new roommate. "This has always been just my cell."

"Well, it's our cell now." he said, trying to offer a small smile, slightly taken aback by Ren's glares. "I'm Jonghyun." Jonghyun knew it wasn't a bright situation... After all, they were in jail. But the least that this guy could do was be thankful that he at least had some company.

"Whatever." Ren rolled his eyes and pointed upwards. "Sleep on the top bunk. The bottom one's mine. Now move." The boy proclaiming himself as Jonghyun let out a small laugh and looked Ren straight in the eye.

"You think you can order me around, pretty boy?" Jonghyun tried to contain his laughter by covering his perfectly shaped mouth. "Think again."

"Excuse me?" Ren leaned forward to Jonghyun, his face full of evident distaste. "Why don't you call me that again?"

"Well I mean, you are beautiful and all with that hair of yours.."

"Shut the up and move your up to the top bunk." Despite Ren's harsh tone of voice, if the lighting in the room was a tad bit brighter, Jonghyun would have definitely seen the blush pooling in his cheeks. As if Jonghyun would move after Ren had talk to him like that.

"Nah, I'm just gonna stay here." he winked at Ren before clearly laying himself out over the bed, rolling and making himself comfortable. "I mean, two people could fit on the bottom, but I don't know if you work that way.." Jonghyun snickered as Ren blushed even more. "You are pretty cute."

Ren said nothing more but stumbled up to the top bunk, sighing to himself. What was it that got him so hung up on this guy? It felt as though someone had put him in his place, even though he didn't like it much. Jonghyun chuckled to himself and rolled over in his bed. Works every time... He thought to himself. On the top bunk, a very unhappy Ren rolled to and fro in his sheets, wondering how he could have gotten so soft. After what seemed like hours, the two finally fell asleep, despite how happy.. Or unhappy, they were.


The small rays of sunlight crept their way into the small prison cell window, causing both of the boys to start to wake up. Another glorious day in prison was ahead of them. And who would want to miss that?

"Get up!" Ren yelled at Jonghyun, hitting him over the head with the pillow multiple times. He forgot that it must have been Jonghyun's first or second day here. He definitely needed shaping up before he went out and faced the world of prisoners before them.

"Hmm..? I'm getting up..." Jonghyun mumbled sleepily, rolling over to hit the stone cold floor with a groan. It was early for him. 

"Well hurry up! The officer will be coming and making his rounds in about.." Ren quickly glanced at the old clock placed in their cell. "3 minutes. And if you aren't up, he won't hesitate hitting you over the head with the barrel of his gun." Ren scoffed, standing towards the front of the cell. It was odd how nice Ren was being to him, he was never nice to anyone, period. Jonghyun let out a small laugh and rolled his eyes.

"The officer can kiss my ." 

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Kim Jonghyun, prisoner number 502." the officer, quite young to be an officer in fact, stepped next to the bars of the cell and leaned on it with a smirk. "First impressions are everything..." Jonghyun quickly turned around from his mirror and bowed to the man next to their cell.

"A-ah, Officer..."

"Minhyun. Officer Hwang Minhyun."

"Officer Hwang." Jonghyun bowed deeply and offered what he believed was an appropriate smile. Minhyun just simply laughed.

"You think a bow and a smile will get me to like you, after I know all of your permanent records?" the officer chuckled, waving his manila folder that seemed to be full of records. "You're a funny one, Kim Jonghyun. Or should I say, JR?" he said with a smirk, filing through papers.

"Don't mention that." Jonghyun looked at the ground, his face suddenly falling. Minhyun stepped closer to the cell that seemed to resemble a cage with every step. 

"Oh what was that? Don't mention... JR?" Minhyun said with a snicker. Ren seemed to shrink in size at the sight of this new officer. Minhyun laughed lightly before walking away. "Ah, those new ones.. Always getting into trouble..."


"How did the rounds go today?" a prison guard leaned back in his rather fancy chair, his arms placed above his head as he looked at Minhyun gently. "I know they can be a tad tough--"

"They were actually fine, hyung." Minhyun blinked, sitting at the desk across from the other guard's. "You'll be making the rounds tomorrow, correct? Every other day?" he questioned, looking over files set on his desk.

"Ah, yes, I will." he nodded, also taking a glance at a file or two on his desk. What he was running through was mostly prisoner profiles and their permanent records; endless accounts of drug abuse or distribution, some rare cases of ion (as this was, after all, a male prison), and the small amount of first degree murders. "Minhyun-ah, what's our deal with this guy.." he said, looking over the profile of a rather feminine-looking young boy, accused of mass 1st degree murders, who seemed.. Oddly familiar.

"Choi Min Ki?" Minhyun asked nonchalantly, still absorbed in his work. "Yeah, strange guy... He's known for being a mass murderer. It's odd how he always only targeted the police though. Something to do with his past maybe?" he shrugged and looked back at his papers. "What makes you so interested in him?"

But before Minhyun could even finish his sentence, the other guard was already out the door. 


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kim_daeun #1
Chapter 8: Pleasee update it.
sanjana3 #2
Chapter 8: OOOOHHH the suspense is killing me! please complete this fabulous story :'D
Chapter 8: Perfect chapter *wipes away tears*
Chapter 8: I love you ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: You're awesome. The story is awesome. But please update ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: Hey Jagiya !
Surprised to see me here ? e u e
You're doing great, okay ?
Stop complaining about this, it's going smoothly.
See how many people like it ?
Calm down, take a deep breath, and you're good. <3
Love you, boo. <3
Chapter 7: Deep voice? Is it Minhyun?? :)
I think I've already expressed to you how much I love this story <3 I don't know what else to comment ~
taniapop #8
Chapter 6: this story is very interesting, I like how you write, I can imagine it very well, jren time, I want another chapter, but will wait
very sweet and sad the jren
Chapter 6: aww so sweet, and so well written. You have become one of my favorite authors because of how awesomely this is written and how good the story is and how much potential it has. I can't wait for more! Please don't make us wait as long as last time! <3
Chapter 5: I want to know how Aron went from being a prisoner to an officer. I want to see JRen develop too~ I don't know, but really if you continue how you were doing before, I would enjoy anything. fighting!