If You Want


"If you want to know the truth, I think about you"

Or in which Minho plays the hero and gets more than he bargained for.


Minho watched with disinterest as the six boys crowded one stall, laughing their leather clad asses off. Right when he was about to turn around and continue on his business, one of the boys moved to reveal a younger student on his knees, head stuck in the toilet bowl and handle being pushed repeatedly.

In a sudden, unexplainable fit of anger Minho called out to the boys before grabbing the closest one by the back of his shirt and shoving him against the nearest flat surface. Minho's fists balled into the other's shirt, slamming him back once more.

"What's your name, huh?" Minho seethed, hoping to intimidate the other into submission. The boy just looked to his group of friends, who shrugged at him. "K-Kim Jongin" the boy whimpered, avoiding eye contact with Minho.

"Well, Jongin, why don't you just take your little friends here and scram, alright?" Minho said, finally releasing the other, not before giving him one last extra shove to prove a point.

Jongin and his gang scrambled out of the bathroom, and only then did Minho turn his attention to the underclass man that started this ordeal. The boy was tall and lanky, but not in an awkward way, Minho would lean more towards endearing when describing the boy. His wet hair was plastered to his forehead and his cheeks where tinted pink from embarrasement.

Minho walked to where the boy stood, and upon closer inspection recognized him as Lee Taemin, freshman shy guy and book worm. Minho smiled to himself as he picked Taemin's glasses from the floor and placed them Taemin's face, poking his nose for good effort. The younger let out an indignant squeak, flushing an even darker shade of red and rushing out of the bathroom.


Minho was left alone in the school bathroom, wondering just what he had gotten himself into.


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Chapter 1: Cute cute cute !!!!!! Can't wait for update :)
Chapter 1: Dude, that's freaking cute. FREAKING cute. Oh my gosh just, no, just, update soon. Ok? Ok. Ok. OK. This is just too cute, Meghan! CONTINUE ON. I SHALL CONTINUE READING YOUR UPDATES AND STORIES.