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Conflict of Love

Here's CHANWOO!!!!


When Wooyoung opens the door to his newly rented room that night, he's not surprised to see Chansung there. For some reason, the big guy manages to squeeze through the nosy eyes of his new neighbours and eventually slip into his apartment without any obstacles. He's surprised that Chansung could even figure out which unit belongs to him. He only remembers telling the younger boy where the new place is. 


"Channie." Wooyoung acknowledges the younger boy tiredly as he steps in, before setting his trench coat, keys and bag aside. Chansung remains where he stood, however, still as a log, and this is even more surprising to Wooyoung. If he has to put a note on it, he thinks that this quiet side of Chansung means something big had just happened and there is no where else the big guy could turn to.


He automatically extends his arms without another word, and beckons the younger boy to fall into his embrace. Chansung's face suddenly scrunches up into the most pitiful-looking expression he could ever conjure and rushes into Wooyoung's arms within seconds, sobbing bitterly against Wooyoung's shoulder, wetting his shirt with tears.


The older boy instintively rubs his dongsaeng's back and hums soothingly into Chansung's ear. They remain this way until Wooyoung's legs become sore and he could also hear Chansung's stomach protesting in an orchestra of growls. "Let me fix dinner." Wooyoung announces, setting his dongsaeng down onto an old couch he picked up from somewhere.


His day had been one hell of a ride: after breaking off all possible communication with Nichkhun a few days back, dramatically fainting in the middle of nowhere and suddenly meeting Taecyeon during a heart-stopping hide-and-seek game! He wonders if he should tell Chansung all this. Looking over at the couch, his dongsaeng is just sitting there with such a sad look on his face that Wooyoung couldn't bring himself to dump all his problems on the younger boy. He'll have to wait until the time is right.


Right now, he needs to deal with an emotional giant. And most probably find his missing sickly lover. Ah.....such is Wooyoung's life right then. He doesn't even have the balls to confront Nickhun again, but really, after putting much thought into it, Nickhkhun would never want to cause him so much trouble. The poor guy probably just wants to live a normal life. After all, getting engaged to some princess from some far away land at such a young age would definitely scare Wooyoung too. That means the amount of responsibility would be twice as worst, and he doesn't even know the first thing about being a prince.


I ought to apologize to him. He wonders if Nickhun is still living in Cluster Hotel, or did they find him already? His mind now traces back to his extraordinary encounter with Taecyeon. How long has it been? 18 years? Gosh, that's long. And yet the big guy acted as if they've been seeing each other on a daily basis, even calling him aegi. How much weirder can the night get?


"Woodong ah..." Chansung suddenly calls out, snapping Wooyoung back to reality. The younger boy is standing just three feet away from him and he wonders how deep he was in his thought for Chansung to approach him so closely without a sound.


"The rice is cooked. I bought some kimchi from the supermarket earlier and I guess I can make ddeukbeogi. I hope it's enough."


He is about to set the table for dinner when a pair of large and strong arms is suddenly wrapped around his waist. "C-Chansung ah." Wooyoung stutters in surprise, wedging him against the dining table. "What in the world----"


Chansung lowers his head until his mouth is just inches away from Wooyoung's ear and he whispers, "It's starting all over again...."


The older boy doesn't know what this means. Chansung only told him tidbits of his life before he came to Korea and Junho was good at keeping secrets. Wooyoung is absolutely clueless about his dongsaeng's past, but for some reason, those words seem to have a lot of weight on them. He decides to ask, for the sake of ending this quick, "What is starting again?"


"Junho's....lies. I know he's lying, but I don't know why he can't, won't, tell me about it. It's killing me inside, Youngie ah. I can't take it anymore. I miss every single moment I share with him. I don't want to lose him like I did four years back. I just want things to go back to the way we were so many years ago, but why is it that everytime our life finally fell into place, it falls apart again?" Wooyoung could hear the strain in his voice. He's holding back his tears.


Wooyoung shuts his voice and tries to think of a smart answer. "I....think...he just needs time before he could tell what is truly bothering him. But I'm sure it's a valid reason. Don't go assuming things you don't know yet."


Chansung goes quiet for a moment, and then very softly, he mutters, "I think...I do know. I'm not that stupid, ok. I notice things about him. The way he constantly wheezes, how tired he is after walking from one room to another, the pale morning look on his face, the sleepless nights and the way.....he clutches his chest when he thinks I'm not looking. Woodong ah....please don't lie to me....just please don't....ok? Just tell me the Junho....sick?"


It's like a stab to the heart. Wooyoung feels so sorry for his lovable dongsaeng that enough is enough. Junho has no right to treat Chansung like this. The big guy had been anything but cruel to that boy, and Wooyoung swore to protect Chansung once upon a time. He doesn't know if emotional confessions could be regarded as protection, but after seeing how lost and upset Chansung is, he couldn't bring himself to lie anymore.


He turns around to meet his dongsaeng's eyes, and very seriously, he mutters, "Yes, Channie...he's sick. He has lung cancer. But it's still in the first stage and he could extend his life if he goes through therapies and stuff. Don't give up on him yet, Channie."


The giant is quiet for a moment, just staring at Wooyoung with his eyes wide open. He has so many questions forming on his lips, but he couldn't utter a single word. The shock of finding this just too....overwhelming. And he needs to find Junho. Fast.


"Hyung...we have to find him."


Wooyoung notes the sudden use of 'hyung' and decides that this is a very serious matter indeed. He simply nods his head in return and turns off the rice cooker. All the side dishes he'd set is pushed under a large green cover. They each don their trench coat and scarf around their neck. And Wooyoung grabs his keys and bag before locking the door to his unit. 


There's still a lot of things he has to deal with. Junho first.


And Nickhun will be second.





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Chapter 24: Its been 4 years
ainto87 #2
Chapter 24: junhooooo :'(((((((( please dont kill him SOBS
Chapter 24: Poor Junho :(
I really do hope he will be ok and that he won't die!!

TaecWoo reunited once again! :D
mwslee #4
Chapter 23: I just find your story and already finished it! I just love it :)!! The way everybody is envolved with each other! The couple i love the most is Khunwoo offcourse! I really hope Woo can forgive him and can be together.. I know he had a past with taec but let's stay in the past. He can have a future with Minjun! And how about Chansung.. I totally love him, the way he cares for others.. I mean who would take just a stranger in.. I hope everything will work out between him and Junho.. Let him find Junho and help him through the cancer!

Thnx again for this story and i hope you will be updating this again! I will be looking forward to it!!
Just started this and all I can say is: TaecWoo > everything :p
Chapter 23: Yes! And the truth is out. Thank you Wooyoung for being who you are. You made this situation easier. And Chansung go on this search and find you man. Junho take the night off 'cuz God know you'll need it and thank you, thank you, thank you Junsu for taking the poor man in for the night. Even if he did try something your a trained officer and know how to protect yourself though I doubt that will happen. Please don't let Chansung find him hung over at Junho's place and misinterpret that. Well.. Anywho, can't wait for your next chapter to see what unfolds. :3
STupiem #7
Chapter 23: Chansung be strong ~<333
Chapter 23: Oh gosh, I hope Junho won't do anything he can regret later T.T update soon~ thanks~ chu~
hobuttlover #9
Chapter 23: yes, let's find nuneo!!!
Chapter 22: Seriously ... this is the most amazing complicated fiction I've read

From the very start it was awesome ★_★ how you put different stories and personalities for each one ★_★

and the best thing is that they all met through realistic way

I mean .. sometimes the author wants to connect the characters but finds a hard time to convince the reader .. especially if the characters are in different places

But you're amazing cuz they all met in a convenient way

I loved Minjun's character
It's absolutely amazing and he is soooo manly and work with the hottest man on earth ♥_♥
Khun is sooooo pure >< he is new to this world and suddenly meets the most beautiful poor man ever ♡♡♡♡♡
Junho is in love with the most sensitive guy Chansung ♡♡♡

I have to say ... I loved the action when Minjun and Taec were taking Wooyoung to the hospital and he then ran away
That was awesome

WooHo friendship is there ♥♥♥♥ which I love very much
I'm a WooHo shipper .. so as long as they appear together either lovers or friends I just love it

About the last chapter , Junbros meeting wasn't expectable !!!
I really didn't see that coming
Junho is in Munjun's ???
I'm sooooo existed to know what will happen ><

I can't wait for the update

And thank you thank you thank you for this fiction