I Found You at Last

Conflict of Love

Present Time


As they make their way to the hospital, Wooyoung falls in and out of consciousness a few times. He could hear someone talking ahead of him, but he couldn't recognize the voices. There are two men. Two unfamiliar strangers. And they are taking him somewhere. He wants to be scared but he just doesn't have the energy to fight back. So instead, he eavesdrops into their conversation.


"Kwon said they found the prince." says one man with a daegu accent.


"Where is he?" The other asks. This one has a thick voice, with a thick English accent mixed into his Korean.


"Cluster Hotel." replies the first one.


Prince....Cluster Hotel....why are those two things so familiar to me? Could it be Nichkhun? Fear begins to grow inside the pit of his stomach. Is Nichkhun in danger?


"Who'll be reprimanding him?" The English-Korean guy asks back.


"Since we're the only ones nearby, I told him we'd be going."


"After we send Wooyoung to the hospital first."


How does he know my name?


Wooyoung begins to panic then. Oh no, they knew I was with Nichkhun. And now they've caught me. . I have to get out of here. His head is still muddled as he tries to get up. But there is no way he could escape a moving car anyway. And then something caught his eyes and there it is. His ticket to escape. A hundred metres away, a traffic light is just about to turn red. All he has to do is unlock the door and run out before the guys realize what was going on.


He starts to mentally count down the time as the car draws nearer to a stop. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...go.


And then in a flash, he unlocks the back door, kicks it open and runs out like a madman. Taecyeon and Minjun are caught by surprise. But the person who runs out after Wooyoung is Taecyeon. He knows the black-haired boy would not get far. Wooyoung was never the athletic one during their childhood. Off he goes, trailing behind the younger boy. How long could he last? Taecyeon wonders.


Minjun, on the other hand, stays behind in the car, cursing at their bad timing. Really, just when he thought the case is finally coming to an end, this happened. Such bad luck. Awful timing. He whips out his phone and calls JoKwon.


"Yah, keep an eye on the prince, but don't let him escape." He orders, still a little furious. "It'll be a while before I could get there."


Wooyoung has never felt so scared. He just keeps on running until he could feel a searing pain in his chest. Ignoring the pain, he looks back and is surprised to find a big guy chasing after him. Adrenaline pumps into his body. And he dashes forward a little faster. It's time to find a place to hide.


"The bushes." Just in time as he manages to get out from Taecyeon's sight, a tall line of shrubs nearby give him an opportunity to hide. He dashes for it and keeps himself still. Taecyeon bends around the corner and is disappointed to find Wooyoung gone. But hope is not lost. Wooyoung is also the type who is good at hide-and-seek games.


He chants out the sentence they used to say before their hide-and-seek game starts. It's like a warning, as if to say, 'Ready or not, here I come.'


"Kitty kitty, where are you? Kitty kitty, are you there? Chickens go pak pak and kitties go meow. Youngie Youngie, here I come!"


Wooyoung thought it's odd for someone to suddenly chant out a weird song in the middle of the city. But the song sounds familiar. It's like he knows the next line.


As his memory slowly recovers itself, he mentally sings out the word, as Taecyeon continues with his chant.


Fee fi foe fum, the giant says he bit his thumb...


"Fee fi foe fum, the giant says he bit his thumb...."


One, two, three, four, here you are and here's your bum!


"One, two, three, four, here you are and here's your bum!" As if on cue, Taecyeon's face suddenly appears into view, surprising Wooyoung. The younger boy falls back on his bum, still wide eyed and scared. He doesn't know who this big guy is, but how does he know the chant to his childhood song?


"Youngie ah...did you forget my promise already?" Taecyeon says with a soft expression on his face. He reaches out a hand but Wooyoung refuses to accept him. Instead, Wooyoung simply stares at the big guy's face, puzzled.


"Do you remember the promise I made? 18 years ago, I think there's supposed to be a note in front of your house. I put it there before I left. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you myself. I didn't have a choice you know. It all happened so fast."


Realization begins to dawn on Wooyoung. The note!


"I promised I would find you. And I finally did. Would you still accept me, aegi?"


"A-aegi?" Wooyoung stammers, stunned.


"Ah, sorry. I guess it's a little awkward for you, because it's been a long time. How about Youngie first? We'll get to the endearments later."


"I-is that really you, Taec?" This is just so....unbelievable. For them to meet under such odd circumstances is like...Wooyoung could have sworn he was under arrest just a moment ago.


"Yes, it's me." Taecyeon reaches forward and wraps his arms around Wooyoung's body, a little annoyed at his oversized coat. But that's okay. He finally finds the boy he's been searching for years. Nothing would make him happier.

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Chapter 24: Its been 4 years
ainto87 #2
Chapter 24: junhooooo :'(((((((( please dont kill him SOBS
Chapter 24: Poor Junho :(
I really do hope he will be ok and that he won't die!!

TaecWoo reunited once again! :D
mwslee #4
Chapter 23: I just find your story and already finished it! I just love it :)!! The way everybody is envolved with each other! The couple i love the most is Khunwoo offcourse! I really hope Woo can forgive him and can be together.. I know he had a past with taec but let's stay in the past. He can have a future with Minjun! And how about Chansung.. I totally love him, the way he cares for others.. I mean who would take just a stranger in.. I hope everything will work out between him and Junho.. Let him find Junho and help him through the cancer!

Thnx again for this story and i hope you will be updating this again! I will be looking forward to it!!
Just started this and all I can say is: TaecWoo > everything :p
Chapter 23: Yes! And the truth is out. Thank you Wooyoung for being who you are. You made this situation easier. And Chansung go on this search and find you man. Junho take the night off 'cuz God know you'll need it and thank you, thank you, thank you Junsu for taking the poor man in for the night. Even if he did try something your a trained officer and know how to protect yourself though I doubt that will happen. Please don't let Chansung find him hung over at Junho's place and misinterpret that. Well.. Anywho, can't wait for your next chapter to see what unfolds. :3
STupiem #7
Chapter 23: Chansung be strong ~<333
Chapter 23: Oh gosh, I hope Junho won't do anything he can regret later T.T update soon~ thanks~ chu~
hobuttlover #9
Chapter 23: yes, let's find nuneo!!!
Chapter 22: Seriously ... this is the most amazing complicated fiction I've read

From the very start it was awesome ★_★ how you put different stories and personalities for each one ★_★

and the best thing is that they all met through realistic way

I mean .. sometimes the author wants to connect the characters but finds a hard time to convince the reader .. especially if the characters are in different places

But you're amazing cuz they all met in a convenient way

I loved Minjun's character
It's absolutely amazing and he is soooo manly and work with the hottest man on earth ♥_♥
Khun is sooooo pure >< he is new to this world and suddenly meets the most beautiful poor man ever ♡♡♡♡♡
Junho is in love with the most sensitive guy Chansung ♡♡♡

I have to say ... I loved the action when Minjun and Taec were taking Wooyoung to the hospital and he then ran away
That was awesome

WooHo friendship is there ♥♥♥♥ which I love very much
I'm a WooHo shipper .. so as long as they appear together either lovers or friends I just love it

About the last chapter , Junbros meeting wasn't expectable !!!
I really didn't see that coming
Junho is in Munjun's ???
I'm sooooo existed to know what will happen ><

I can't wait for the update

And thank you thank you thank you for this fiction