♡ We Are Dating Season 2! ♡




After the success of the former season or the first season of We Are Dating. Ratings reached high after that.


We Are Dating or WAD for short is build for people how to really love. You know why couples in We Got Married or WGM divorce? Because they didn't date before getting married, they didn't loved each other before getting married.

Now, they are coming back! Just like the other season, two groups, boy and girls group, they will pick three in each and will determine first who suits for each other, some has to be automatically be a couple. They will date for 3 months. What will happen in 3 months? Will they realize love? Find out!






Author's note:

(23.03.13) herro~ this is my first ever story that exist today at may 23, 2013 (so long... orz) in AFF! hope you will support it gulls! i was inspired after watching ukiss and girl's day's we are dating. so, wish me luck! also, i'm still deciding which group to pair..... can you suggest? i need a group who has at least one year existence (dumb author! >.<)


(24.03.13) herro again~ i've just decided the groups that i will pair! yehey!!! so, i've picked the groups who i know much. so, b1a4 and kara~!!!! will tell who are the members to participate on chapter three! ^^ it's still working...





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