
Solution to X


Jonghyun kicked little pebbles as he walked, and wondered why it was so unfair that he and his family had to suffer poverty, while in another place of the world, a person would be thinking on what the heck he can use all his money on. Jonghyun was still in deep thought when he rounded the corner.

Jonghyun kicked a can, and followed the direction it rolled in, only to see it stop at a pair of shiny black boots. Jonghyun looked up, to meet with the face of a masked man, all dressed in black. He swallowed, hard. What could this guy possibly want? He was poor enough! His fingers curled even tighter on his four coins.

“Hey kid. C’mere,” the man in black commanded in a raspy voice. Jonghyun hesitated.

“Go on, or you’ll be regretting it the rest of your next life,” another voice husked out, and Jonghyun turned his head to see a group of people dressed in the same fashion.

Jonghyun was scared, who wouldn’t be? He found it hard to move his feet, and he didn’t want to die.

“Stupid kid doesn’t listen,” the first man growled. He walked to Jonghyun, and gave him a good punch right in the stomach. “Bag him,” he ordered.

Before Jonghyun had even taken time to take in the punch and realize what had just happened, he was drugged, and out.



Jonghyun’s eyes felt like they were krazy-glued together. That’s funny. He didn’t own Krazy Glu. Jonghyun forced his eyes opened and looked around him. There was only a tan-ish colored leather held up, like a tent. Where the could was he? Suddenly, a flood of memories rushed at him, and he remembered being surrounded by a group of…masked thieves? It suddenly dawned on him that he had to be kidnapped.

Jonghyun rushed out through the opening of the tent, and looked around him. Everyone was dressed in black, and turned to look at him.

“He’s awake,” a man growled. Jonghyun recognized his voice. It was the man that had attacked him. “Get back into the tent. Now,” he ordered in a menacing way.

A scared Jonghyun scampered back into the tent, and waited for someone to explain what ery was going on.

“Your new roommate’s awake, Onew! Get to him already,” Jonghyun heard a yell from the outside of the tent. Onew? He had a roommate? Jonghyun looked around and saw another mattress and pillow near his. Oh.

Suddenly, a happy looking guy barged into the tent. Jonghyun squinted, not sure what to make out of him. Was he Onew?

“Hi! I’m Onew, real name, Jinki, your new roommate, I like chicken and I’ve been here for 3 years, and I’m also 21 years old,” the man blabbered out.

“Oh. I’m Jonghyun,” Jonghyun introduced himself, not knowing what to say about this… energetic guy. He was surely different from other…thieves.

“Hiiiiii!” Onew said again in a singsong voice.

Jonghyun sat there waiting for him to explain. When Onew didn’t, he spoke up.

“What the hell am I taken here for?” Jonghyun asked his roommate.

Onew sighed. “You know, we’re called the Unknowns, right?” Jonghyun shook his head. “Well, we’re called Unknowns because we don’t even know who the heck our leader is. We never saw his face before. The thing is, only the first person he ‘captured’ saw his face. This ‘captured’ one was named Yesung. He was kinda weird, actually, obsessed with turtles and all, but he was the one that recruits all the new members, and they recruit more. We meet the leader, sooner or later, but we never see his face – he’s always in the dark, with his back turned to us. He’ll tell you why it’s impossible to escape from here, but he won’t tell you the details. I’ll tell them to you. If a person is able to get our leader, we call him x, to reveal his face, he’ll let us go. At least that’s what Yesung said before he passed on. He died in a fight. Some of us will die sooner or later, or you’re stuck in here forever. Until you die.”

Jonghyun just sad there. He processed what Onew had just told him. Captured? Recruit new members?  How minding.

“You guys are insane.” Jonghyun concluded.

“Jonghyun don’t even think about---,” Onew started.

“I’m leaving!”

“You’ll get bombed.”

Jonghyun just stared at Onew with a shocked look on his face.


“It sort of is…” Onew said quietly.

“So I’m never seeing my family ever again?” Jonghyun said, a huge pit forming in his stomach. His mother and brother were still waiting for him. To return with the food. He almost broke down when Onew shoke his head.

“Unless one of us gets the leader to reveal his face.”

Jonghyun groaned and fell back into the mattress and sighed again. It was so unfair, why him? Why the hell was he the one that had to suffer from all this, it just wasn’t fair. Just as he was thinking, another man barged into the little tent.

“Leader is looking for you,” he said, and headed out.

“You better go. The leader has a reputation of wanting to kill people who’re late,” Onew advised.

Jonghyun appreciated it.

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lol. what is this.
Locket4ever0923 #2
Hi hi !! You still there babe ~? UPDATE LA~~
Locket4ever0923 #3
OOOH I LIKE IT!!! Wonder who the leader is LOLZ ;)