Chapter 2

Sleepless Life



"How are you today Minho?" Onew asked as I sat behind my desk.

"The usual. Another night, another woman," I sighed opening my MacBook and quickly typing into my accounts.

"You ever think you will settle down?"

"What's the point?" I looked at him for a moment making eye contact before burying my face back in my computer. Onew had no idea of my situation being married to Jae Hwa with two kids. He always asked me such questions. I assumed he wanted to be the best man at my wedding or some . Then again, he probably wants me to stop being so ing miserable.

"Well here's the list of people we have lined up. There's one male who got my attention. A Kim Jonghyun."

"What has he done?" I asked, not really paying attention as I aimlessly flicked through lists of emails, most of which were spam.

"He goes around killing women from the ages of twenty to thirty-five about. Mostly women he lures from the club, restaurants, and anywhere else he can get a girl. He promises her a good night and basically kills her after he has with her."

"That's hot," I whispered under my breath. I looked up, interest buzzy about at the thought of another man using women as pawns.

"What?" Onew asked quizzically.

"Nothing. Erm can I see the files?"

"Sure." Onew handed over the files and I briefly leafed through them, but I was still very interested in this Jonghyun guy. It said he frequented a lot of places down south. I would have to track him for a bit to acquire the right time to attack. I browsed through some more emails, briefly filing some other profiles. I stretched and jotted down some personal notes before scooping the Kim Jonghyun file up in my arm and heading for the door. I nodded at Onew before I left and went to try to spot this Jonghyun guy.


I took the highway down south and parked my car in a crowded strip mall he frequented. There were so many people laughing together and so many couples snuggling up on each other as they walked and shopped, my stomach began to churn. If I didn't know better, this man was stalking me and knew I hated this sort of . I got out of my car, pulling some aviators out of my knapsack and putting them over my eyes. I walked towards the sidewalk and began my blending in process. I passed so many shops selling so many clothes, shoes, and random needless I lost count of how many there were. I finally stumbled across the small tea shop provided in the list of places he visits. I entered the small shop, pushing my sunglasses up on top of my head and bought myself some green tea.

With a magazine in hand and a steamy tea coverup I began to act as if I were just some slum bag who sat in a tea shop all day reading. A few moments had passed when the door opened followed by the pitter patter of feet. I looked up over the magazine to only be disappointed it was a tall blonde. I looked back down and waited for the next person to come in…and the next…and the next. Nothing. Just some tall broads with nice asses. This was the top hit of where he was seen. Why wasn't he here? I briefly eyed my phone to see no messages. Lovely. I went back to reading my magazine and a lot more people entered the shop failing to be my man. I was about to give up and hit the next hot spot when a short, sandy haired man walked in. His dark almond eyes scanned the room before he proceeded to fully enter the building. He walked over and sat in a large leather chair in the corner opposite my own position. Next to him in another leather chair was a plastic blonde with overly thick lips and enough makeup on for a clown. He eyed her with a bit of flirtation. I cursed under my breath at the thought of sleeping with her. Even I wouldn't stoop so low, but then again he's probably not going to sleep with her in his eternal resting place in the afterlife. At least not yet. They chatted for quite some time before he got up and started to walk out without her. I counted to three before I gathered my things and got up to follow him.

He was easy to spot at first, but he began to weave in and out of the crowds as if he was hiding from something. Keeping a safe distance, I followed him into a men's suit shop, hiding my face in a bunch of ties one might buy. As I leafed through the ties, I noticed Jonghyun was just here for a pick up. Jeez this man moves around a lot, I thought to myself as he began to head for the door. I grabbed a skinny white tie to bring it to the counter, briefly passing him, exchanging eye contact. In that moment I saw all of his ego in his eyes like he knew. I stared coldly into his eyes getting lost into the brown sea of cockiness. Just standing there we both stared at eachother hard, the tension building.

"Do you have a problem?" he asked stilling eyeing me. He puffed his chest out to make himself appear larger, but he was considerably shorter than me.

"Not at all. Seems you have a bite with me," I said, stepping closer to tower over him.

"Not at all," he growled, turning for the door and exiting.

I smiled to myself as I walked up to the counter and paid for my tie. I would say today was a successful day in the life as a serial serial killer considering I've acquired my target so easily.

Usually it takes weeks or months to track someone down, but this guy wants to be found. It's almost as if he is begging for it. It is almost as if I’m dreaming. There is no way that guy kills women for a living. He literally is as harmful as a fly. He looks like a ing puppy for christ's sake!

I walked out of the shop with my tie in my knapsack looking around. The strip mall wasn't as crowded as earlier and I was able to relax a bit as I walked towards my car. I jumped into the drivers side of my car, digging through my knapsack for keys. In it I found a note saying: ‘I know who you are and let me tell you one thing dear. You. Can't. Stop. Me.’ My face dropped as I read the note. He knew. Already, but how?! I began to drive back to the office keeping an eye on all the cars that were behind me, my breath quickening. He couldn't know. It must have been meant for someone else. I quickly pulled up to the small office building and hurried inside.

"Onew," I whispered nervously. He looked up from the computer. "We have a big problem," I whispered sliding the note to him.

He read it briefly before understanding the same thing I did. Our operation was ed.

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Chapter 19: This story is quite interesting. Is there any possibility for us to find out whether Jonghyun managed to kill Moriaty or not? And will he join Minho in the afterlife?
Just started reading this. Nice fic :)
Chapter 18: Thanks for this update! I needed it. Especially after all the teaser pics yesterday. I needed some Jongho. ;;; This fic is just so amazing.
Chapter 14: seeing how jinki described the depth of their friendship is somehow heart warming.. O_O it feels like they had such a strong connection and it's something I didn't sense as much from minho's povs maybe because his closest friend didn't apparently die lol.

jinki on bass, minho on drums! that's kinda cool.
Chapter 12: I don't see how he could've survived a jump from the seventh floor (?) and he apparently did jump...

Unless you're turning this into some supernatural stuff or he's just so damn lucky and fell on something that broke the fall along the way or he goes into a coma..

but, how come jinki didn't mention the blood but the shattered coffee cup, if that like deliberate to symbolize the fall or maybe he didn't hit the ground or I'm just stupid and not everyone that jumps gets a puddle of blood?
Chapter 11: He did not just jump off that goddamn building, did he?
I mean... he did some crazy stuff (actually, he was about to murder someone.. again) but come on... I'll just expect him to suddenly start flying or something...
Chapter 11: !! did he just... jump off a building?!!!
what.. he's not really gonna die right?
Chapter 9: Loving this turn~
I'm such a JongHo Lover and these two are absolutely adorable! Amazing.. Especially loving this lovey-dovey atmosphere (:
But I was kind of surprised that they suddenly grew that close (again?) since it hasn't been that obvious in the previous chapters. Like it though ^_^
Chapter 7: when he said the love left him, does he mean dead or just left him?
And is jonghyun that person by any chance or will jonghyun be the new someone who'd be able to give him comfort..?
So many questions~ anticipating your next update :)
king-jongin #10