The House On The Hillside

Forever & Always
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   forever&always  the house on the hillside - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   ________________________________________   You've been waiting for a while now.   The tapping on the table announces the anxiety growing inside of you as the minutes pass by. Where is he? He should've being here long ago! you thought. You couldn't take it anymore. You stand up and walk from the kitchen to your living room. You look out the window and check the driveway but his car isn't there. You decide to get out of the house just in case he is just around the corner. You look at the highway. This city life sometimes was the cause of you getting so nervous, especially when it came to him being late. You couldn't wait to get out of here and live in your dream home. Someone called your name. "How are you?" it was a friend of yours that lives about five miles away from you in a luxurious condo. She always jogs around this hour. "Hey..." you force a smile. "Hey,something wrong?" "No, nothing. By the way, did you perhaps see a black Audi R8 Spyder coming this direction?" "You mean, if I saw Siwon? Hmm, not really. I wasn't really paying attention to the cars, to be honest." "Of course. How dumb of me!" you laugh silly, mentally face palming yourself. "Has he called?" she asks. "No..." "Weird..." Now you were really getting worried "Anyways, I'll catch you later! Don't worry too much! There's a lot of traffic. Apparently there was a car accident and maybe he is stuck between all the chaos. See ya!" "Mm'kay. Bye!" you smiled and went back inside. You sat on the sofa and waited a few more minutes, then stand up again and look out the window. Suddenly, the phone rings. Finally! It's was about time you called! you shook your head smiling as you answer the phone. "Sweetie! It was about time you call me! I've being wo--" "Hello? Are you Mr. Choi's fiancée?" "...Yes? Who is this?" "Miss, I'm afraid we have some bad news..."   It was December. Your favorite month of the year. Not only because of Christmas; your favorite holiday, but also it was your birthday. So every 25th of December was a great day to look forward to. Your boyfriend of four years had a surprise for you. He have reserved an entire restaurant so you two could have a romantic dinner, just the two of you. Yes. He was a rich daddy. But he was as humble as any human being that knew what it was like to work their butts off. And he sure knew how that felt. Of course, he would pamper himself every now and then like any sane person would. "Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked you with a big grin on his face. His gorgeous dimples showing up, the one on his left cheek showing itself more than the one on his right one. "Mmm..." you smiled since you had a piece of that delicious steak in your mouth. "I'm glad you are...happy birthday." "Thank you." "Hey..." he called at you. You looked up from your plate. "...I love you..." he whispered. You felt your heart melt right then and there. Not caring that the server was about to walk toward your table, you reached for his face across the table and kissed him sweetly. "I love you too..." The server who was smiling by being the witness of such sweet act, stood beside you with a tray in her hands. Suddenly, Siwon stood up and walked to the server. "You love me too? Then, I guess this will be a bit easier for me to ask..." he took the lid out and inside the tray stood a small velvet box. He took it in his hands and bend on his knees. You gaped in surprise as you watch him open the small box, showing the most gorgeous diamond ring you have ever seen as he said:     "I want you forever Forever and always Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together Forever and always."         "Apparently there was a car accident and maybe he is stuck between all the chaos."   Your friend had no idea how right she was. You run to the entrance of the hospital and walks right to the front desk. "Excuse me, could you please tell me in which room you have Mr. Choi?" "Yes. Hold on a sec." the nurse checked on the list. "Are you a family member?" "I'm his fianceé." "Alright, right this way." you followed the nurse, praying for the better. She led you to what seemed like a million halls, a maze that's neverending. Suddenly, she stopped in front of a door that said the numbers "1012". Before she could go inside, two doctors came out from the room. "Ah! Are you Mr. Choi's fianceé?" one of the doctors inmediately asked. You slowly nodded. "Come this way, please." he led you to an office that was right in front of said room. Both you and that doctor entered the office. "Sit, please." he gestured to a seat in front of his desk as he sat. "Doctor...please tell me everything...and please...don't lie to he gonna be okay?" you said quietly. The doctor sighed. "Mr. Choi was one of the victims of a car accident. Out of the three victims, he was the only one with severe injuries. He has a few broken bones...and...his legs...they are not responding the way they should...I'm afraid he won't be able to walk anymore...he also have a kidney that also isn't responding well...Miss, we are doing everything in our hands to save him...but I must be honest with you, the level of hopes are...low...I'm terribly sorry..." you stood there with a pokerface as you let every piece of information
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Chapter 1: DONT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!! SCARED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh! This brought me to tears... :')
Happy tears in the end though...good job authornim! :)
It was so good :D
And the song, definitely complimented this story <3
Thank you for this amazing story ^^
Chapter 1: Omg!! I thought wrong and i'm sorry and happy because i was to a glimp to cry. But i love the story. It's really beautiful. Thanks for the fic and fighting with the end!!! ^_^
rion_01 #5
Chapter 1: Yes! A Siwon story~ *hugs you tightly* Hmm, I thought he's going to pass on at the hospital before but yay, I was very wrong. xP And she did the right thing by holding on to him. Being with each other through thick and thin, that's what true love is all about~ ^^
Thanks for the oneshot and for a happy ending as well^^ <3
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet ;) i luv it :D
Cnt w8 2 read
I'm in!!!! Fighting with the fic!!! ^_^