

Bom collapsed onto the floor of the practice room, her legs going out in different directions as she lay her aching body down on the cold wood. She blew at her fringe, feeling the coolness of her breathe against her damp skin but the hair continued to stick to her skin forcing her to raise an arm to push it up. Minzy started giggling from across the room and Bom pushed herself into a sitting position, her hands splayed on the floor between her legs. Minzy was staring at her, covering with one hand trying not to let the laughter escape but failing miserably.
    "What?" Bom asked forcefully, her chin jutting out with her words; a silent act of authority over the younger girl.
    "Your hair..." Chaerin answered for the giggling Minzy, smiling brightly as she gestured with her hand to her forehead.
    Bom looked over at the floor to ceiling mirrors and saw what had Minzy in a fit of laughter. Her bangs sprang from her forehead at all angles, some standing straight up and some extending straight out while still others hung out from her head at odd angles. Bom reached up and ran her fingers through them several times trying to get them to hang naturally over her forehead. After a few attempts she sighed in defeat, it seemed her bangs only had two settings at the moment: crazy anime hair and plastered to her skin. She reached down and pulled a sneaker off her foot to throw in the general direction of the giggling girl, now sprawled on the bench silently convulsing in her laughter. It bounced off the wall above Minzy and fell to land on her shoulder.
    "I am so done." Bom cried as she fell back onto the floor being careful to tip her head to the side to avoid doing similiar damage to her ponytail as had been done to her bangs.  "Are we done now?"
    "It's not right," Chaerin was unscrewing the lid off a bottle of water. "If we can't get it right we'll look ridiculous with all our dancers. You know how this goes, unnie. We practice till we get it right; we're going live in three days."
    "Look on the bright side," Dara's voice could be heard from the sound equipment where she was sitting playing with her phone. "At least you're in flats this time around."
    "I like heels." Even to herself, Bom's voice sounded a little whiny. They had been practicing for hours and her pre-comeback diet was making her extra cranky as it was. "My legs look better when I wear heels."
    "Oh, shut up!" Chaerin's voice was teasing, as usual. "Your legs always look amazing!"
    Sounds of agreement were echoed from Dara's corner and even from the now calm Minzy laying on her back holding Bom's shoe. Bom made a noise in to protest the compliment. She pushed herself onto her side; now that the sweat was cooling on her body she was starting to get cold laying on the floor. Slowly, she pushed herself back into a sitting position and wrapped her arms around herself. She rubbed her arms wishing she was wearing a sweater like Minzy and Chaerin were. Bom always got so hot when they practiced that she tended to dress to stay cool even though their practice room was really cold. The white, transparent long sleeved shirt over her black tank top and a pair of her cut-offs seemed a poor wardrobe choice now that she was shivering on the floor.

    "Bom-unnie, you should go eat something. You always get cranky like this when you are trying to diet." Minzy was laying on her side, Bom's shoe cuddled to her stomach. Her new hair cut was in disarray due to their hours of dancing. Minzy looked so much better with her new hair. Bom had hated the purple bowl cut they had done at the end of the prior year; Minzy had looked like a young boy with it. Bom smiled slyly at the girl.
    "Should I?" She bit her lip gently and raised her eyebrows, not bothering to look at Chaerin roll her eyes or turn her head at Dara's snort. Minzy nodded her head with a small smile. Bom bounded onto her feet with renewed energy as she smiled brightly at Minzy before making her way to the door, not bothering to retrieve her other shoe.
    "I'll be right back!" She called out as she rushed out the door, rushing into the poorly lit hallway before Chaerin could make any remarks about Bom going to get a snack. She hurried down the hall to the elevator, her hips rolling awkwardly as she walked do to the missing footware. She stopped in front of the elevators and began jabbing the down button repeatedly in her impatience to go down to retrieve her snack.
    She glanced around the hall, her eyes drawn to her own reflections staring back at her from various surfaces. She could just barely hear noise coming from somewhere in the building. Her stomach rumbled loudly and she was thankful she was standing alone in the hallway. Dara or Chaerin would have definatley about it. Worrying about what she ate was the thing Bom hated the most about being an idol. That and the lack of a social life, but that could change. She had a feeling that she would always have to worry about what she ate as long as she stayed in the public spotlight.
    The sound of the elevator doors opening made her turn quickly and then pause just as suddenly.
    "JiYoung-ah," She breathed in surprise. "SeungHyun-ah."
    The two men in front of her were as different as night and day to her. JiYoung, with his blonde, stressed locks and the perpetual smirk on his lips smiled brightly as he saw her. A pair of sunglasses sat perched on his head and a bag full of delicious smelling food in his hand, he nodded at her obviously glad to see her. SeungHyun's reaction was different; his smile seemed forced and his own sunglasses were firmly in place masking any expression his eyes might have held. He nodded slightly at her before making to walk past her.
    "Is everyone practicing still?" It was JiYoung who asked the question, barely having stepped off the elevator to stand before her. SeungHyun moved past her on the opposite side; she felt her hand brush the edge of his coat and the smell of his cologne filled her nose. She took a deep breath to steady herself and turned her full attention to JiYoung, at least as much of her attention as she could give him.
    "Yeah, Chaerin-ah won't let us stop until it's perfect." She let out an inward sigh of relief as her voice sounded completley normal to her ears. "So we should be done... what time does M!Countdown end?" She asked the question rhetorically, a huge smile lighting her face as JiYoung laughed gently at her joke. She could hear SeungHyun's footsteps fade as he walked farther from her.
    "Anyways, I should let you go. If I'm gone too long, Chaerin-ah will send out the search parties for me." She smiled again and stepped into the waiting elevator, pressing her floor as she turned. JiYoung turned to watch her go and raised a hand in goodbye as the door slid shut.
    Bom's smile slid from her face slowly until her reflection resembled a mask. The smell of SeungHyun's cologne still lingered in the air around her. She took a deep breath, hating that the smell could bring back memories so vivid it was as if they happened yesterday and not three years ago. His hair had been different then, longish and white instead of short and black as it was right now. He had worn the same cologne, though.
    Did he even remember, she mused quietly to herself. Of course he remembered, if he didn't remember he won't act so coldly to her all the time. She sighed and laid her head back against against the cold metal of the elevator walls. It wasn't that; SeungHyun didn't act particularly different now than he had three years prior it was simply that she had expected things to change. That moment had been pivotal for her, it had changed the way she had viewed the world. When those moments come you never forget them, one moment everything is the same as it's always been and then boom! It's like the day you first realize the Earth is spinning; spinning like a top as it circles the sun, falling endlessly through space. It changes your perspective of everything.
    For a moment, just a brief moment, she was spinning. Pressed against the wall like that, her almost indecent skirt had ceased being a skirt as she had wrapped her legs around his lean hips. His lips and tongue felt like fire on her skin, his smell filling her nostrils  and the sound of his breathing filling her ears until her entire world began and ended with him. Her mind spun, a thousand questions filling her thoughts but not a one making it to her conscious mind that consisted of nothing but him. Her fingers tangled in the mess of hair products that was his hair, her nails dragging against the shorter hair at the back of his neck before her hands slid beneath his jacket to feel her way across his damp shirt. He tasted of champagne and smelled of his cologne, and male; his hands on her pulling her in tightly to him so that she could feel him through the thin material of her .
    The elevator came to a stop and she stepped off. She tripped a little, having forgotten that she was one shoe short. With a sigh, she bent down and pulled the other shoe off and stared at it for a moment. She placed it on the windowsill and leaned against the window, cold against her skin. She felt the familiar burn of tears behind her eyes and she closed them tightly, refusing to shed another tear over that man. She pushed herself up and headed down to the cafeteria for her snack, no longer particularly hungry.
    It was then the anger filled her, almost calming in the heat it brought to her limbs and her face. She stared at the food laid out before her and contemplated a can of corn, even though it had been expressly forbidden by HwangSsabu. She shook her head, feeling the strands of her hair flick her shoulders. She would not let him affect her like this. With a low noise somewhat resembling a growl, she reached over and pulled down an apple and a bottle of water and spun on her heel back towards the elevator.

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Silenttears04 #1
Please update!! This ff is a worthy read..makes me wonder why you have few subs when everything is so well written..
Subscribed! This is too good! I found myself addicted to your story ^^ update soon juseyo~
swttwnkl #3
Chapter 5: I love this story. please update, I really want to know why seunghyn is acting the way he is
gjie2cute #4
Chapter 5: Oh btw i think it would be better if u add in another tag to ur story: topbom it will be easier for readers to find ur story :)
gjie2cute #5
Chapter 5: Wahhhhhhhhhh /explodes
angelin #6
Chapter 5: love it ^_^ hope to see more topbom moments
Hello! I just want to say this was a great first attempt - thank you for this! I like your writing style and the fact you chose this idea/genre (I'm a huge er for real life believeable stuff for this couple). I'm look forward to your next update ^__^