The Day I Met Him

My Mini Crush


It all started during the ‘before admission’ orientation in college. It was about looking through all the courses they offer and pick your choice. Well, I’ve picked my choice from the very beginning so I was there for the fun of it.

The orientation was boring.

I couldn’t make friends with the other freshmen since they had formed their own cliques in a mere day. Three days of orientation. The only friends I’ve made were the seniors who were leading our group but most of the time, they were busy bringing us everywhere and doing the cheers. The only time we get to talk was during the breaks or in the theatre for the show.

Day three.

There he was, facilitating as one of the leaders of the game of wind turbo. I was lucky enough having him to be my group’s facilitator. The moment I saw him, my heartbeat escalated. Was it love at first sight? I don’t really know.

We sat down as a group around the table. He was standing at the corner towards my left – his whole being viewable as I look up. He was telling us to write our names on the paper and was smiling all the way.

The other girls in my group were flirting with him and I felt a bit jealous. So, I tried to in and join the conversation. The whole idea was to have him to talk only with me. Yes, I know I’m selfish.

As we spoke, he didn’t leave his gaze off me. I felt my cheeks burning under his intensive eyes as I made a comeback to what he was saying.

“The camp’s really fun. I hope you would join it even without me there.” He said.

So I asked him why he wouldn’t be there and he was just giving an excuse of having something on that day.

“Oh, but why must you tell me that you wouldn’t be there?” I sneakily replied back. “So, you’re saying that the reason to join the camp will be because of you but then again, you wouldn’t be there so I don’t have a reason to go huh?”

He looked too cute with his surprised face. “Ah, no… Haha… Just join the camp okay?” He flashed me his cute smile. Oh how on earth can he make me feel all weird?

The mini game ended and it was time to say goodbye to him. He gave us sweets and I went up to him again to take some more. In actual fact, I wanted to see him again.

I hoped I didn’t make it sound so obvious that I was flirting with him while in the midst of the game to make the wind turbo with that could emit the highest bolt of energy wind.


I hope to see him again; my mini crush….


Lee Minhyuk.



Author's Note:

It's been a long time since I've actually came back to this site. woah...

Okay, I think this oneshot is the shortest I've ever known and I'd doubt anyone would be interested in this since the desciption and the foreword are bare. Haha.

ALSO. I'm sorry for mistakes in the words (if there're any).

Feel free to leave a review/comment. 

(Maybe the story is too boring, maybe i could have spiked it up or something... but hey, it's a true story but not with Minhyuk.)


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Chapter 1: i demand a sequel!! heheh
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Nice!! Haha ^^